Centralna część synklinorium kielecko-łagowskiego w Górach Świętokrzyskich jest rejonem występowania licznych udokumentowanych i perspektywicznych złóż wapieni i dolomitów środkowodewońskich. W celu określenia wpływu oddziaływania odwodnienia wyrobisk górniczych na warunki wodne wykonano model matematyczny rejonu z wykorzystaniem programu Visual Modflow. Obliczono na nim prognozy zasięgu oddziaływania planowanych odwodnień i ich wpływu na zasoby eksploatacyjne okolicznych ujęć wód podziemnych. Pozwolą one władzom samorządowym na poznanie skutków zmian warunków wodnych już na wstępnym etapie starań zakładów górniczych o pozyskanie koncesji na wydobycie kopaliny poniżej zwierciadła wód podziemnych.
The central part of the Kielce-Łagów Synclinorium in the Holy-Cross Mts. is famous of numerous, assessed and prospective deposits of Middle Devonian limestones and dolomites. In order to determine the impact of dewatering operations in quarries on aquatic environment, a regional mathematical model was generated using the Visual Modflow software. The modelling allowed the authors to predict the range of planned dewatering operations and their influence on admissible volumes of groundwater in the surrounding water intakes. This would allow the local authorities to learn about the effects of changes in groundwater conditions at the early stages of negotiations of the quarry owners concerning the mining concessions beneath the groundwater table.
The Holy Cross Mts. region is a very important mining district of industrial minerals used in the building industry, road construction and cement/lime manufacturing. Due to high demand for construction aggregates, the owners of mineral deposits apply to local authorities for permits to extract industrial minerals from beneath the groundwater table. However, some local authorities do not grant such permits in order to prevent the impact of mine drainage related to such extraction on admissible volumes of groundwater in local intakes. The paper presents the consecutive stages of administrative procedure, starting from the entry of mining operations (beneath the groundwater table) to the local zoning plan until the granting of the legal permit for specified use of inland waters (i.e. for mine drainage). Problems encountered during the granting procedure of the permit are presented as case studies of selected quarries from the Łagów region and of the "Celiny” limestone quarry.
This article presents the achievements of the employees of the Holy Cross Mts. Branch of the Polish Geological Institute in the field of applied geology: geological cartography, geology of natural resources and hydrogeology. The area of the Holy Cross Mts. is located in central Poland and for hundreds of years was the main source of metal ores and rock raw materials for the Polish state. Investigating the possibility of using these minerals and raw materials in the modern economy was the reason for establishing the Polish Geological Institute in Kielce. Shortly before World War II, a department of the Institute was established in Kielce for a detailed geological study of this interesting area, where the full profile of the Phanerozoic deposits is present, from the oldest Cambrian to Quaternary. The basic work performed by geologists in Kielce was the preparation of geological maps. During the 80 years of the Institute's activity in Kielce, geological maps on various scales were made, ranging from 1:300,000 to 1:50,000. Currently, detailed mapping at the 1:50,000 and 1: 25,000 scales are being prepared. The search for deposits of iron, copper and other metals, conducted by the Kielce Institute, did not lead unfortunately to discovery of economically useful deposits. On the other hand, large deposits of rock building materials have been identified and documented and are currently exploited mainly for road construction. The region of the Holy Cross Mountains and their vicinity is unique in comparison to other regions of Poland because the entire population and economy are supplied with water from underground sources. Taking care of resources and adequate water quality is the main goal of the hydrogeologists employed at the Holy Cross department of the Polish Geological Institute. They organized and supervise a network that controls the water level and its quality, the impact of quarry activities on the groundwater levels, and prepare various types of hydrogeological maps.
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