W artykule zawarto opis nowych misji pod flagą Unii Europejskiej, w ramach wspólnej polityki bezpieczeństwa i obrony. Skupiono się na trzech misjach. Pierwsza – w Południowym Sudanie ma na celu poprawę bezpieczeństwa portu lotniczego w Jubie. Druga – na terenach Rogu Afryki, ukierunkowana jest na budowanie regionalnych zdolności morskich. Trzecia – w rejonie geograficznym Sahelu skupia się na szkoleniu sił bezpieczeństwa Republiki Nigru. Scharakteryzowano aspekty planistyczne i finansowe tych misji, których cele strategiczne wpisują się w założenia Europejskiej Strategii Bezpieczeństwa – obronę kontynentu europejskiego przed czynnikami destabilizującymi.
The article deals with the new military missions under the European Union flag, as part of the Common Security and Defence Policy. This paper covers three missions. The first one being in South Sudan which aims to strengthen the security of the Juba International Airport. The second one is in the Horn of Africa, focusing on the regional maritime capabilities building. The third one is in the geographic region of Sahel, focusing on the training of the security forces of the Republic of Niger. The planning and financial aspects of these missions are described and the mission is stated as having strategic goals in line with the assumptions of the European Security Strategy, namely – the protection of the European continent against destabilising factors.
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In this article the Author tries to show how the Military Police works in the stabilization and peacekeeping missions. Also the aspects of ensuring security and public order in these operations are presented. The basic facts related to the participation of the MP in some operations in order to keep peace are shown. The Author explains also the evolution of the MP component from a small element of the Polish Military Contingent within the national and multinational structures to a separate Polish Military Contingent of the Military Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Moreover, the influence of the stabilization and peacekeeping operations on the MP role in the peacekeeping military units is analyzed and the main tasks of ensuring security and public order are presented.
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The change of threats appearing in the world shows a growing role of military police in solving crisis situations. The author, on the example of operation “Benga” conducted by EUFOR in the Democratic Republic of Congo features how Military Police (MP) played one of the most important roles in that operation. The description of actions of Military Police special forces on the background of the whole operation and social and political situation in Congo proves the possibility of independent military contingents’ organisation by Military Police. The evaluation and analysis of particular stages of the mission and threats appearing in the course of the operation as well as the specific character of tasks presented in the article makes the author draw a conclusion concerning further MP engagement in similar operations.
This article attempts to assess the experience of American and European consolidation of the defence industry and to identify the essential factors that may affect such consolidation in Poland. Against this background, a draft assessment of previous activities to consolidate the defence industry in our country is being presented with original preliminary assessments and recommendations concerning the desired direction of further restructuring of this sector. Concentrating on companies from the defence sector is often perceived as the right reaction to achieve changes in the security environment, technological progress and a country’s financial opportunities. The decision on the consolidation of the Polish defence industry, establishing control over the Polish Military Group by the State Treasury, is in line with the endeavours of NATO and European Union countries.
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Since formally established, the European Union (EU) is becoming more and more active on the international scene. Crisis Management Operations (CMOs) are important tools of enhancing the political position. Therefore the EU has elaborated autonomous capabilities of initiation and conduct of civilian and military CMOs, being a response to international crisis situations. The authors, basing on their professional experience, present elements of the newly created European External Action Service and its role in the planning and conduct of the CMOs. The article explains the EU complicated crisis management process and actions taken by different committees and institutions during its respective phases. The authors indicate selected problems encountered during planning and conduct of EU military operations, supported by practical real life examples, only to mention the lack of a permanent EU operation headquarters, ineffective force generation process or the issue of national caveats.
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