The main purpose of the paper was to investigate the properties of a particular type of price duration process, analysed on the field of modelling transaction data. We considered duration between changes in direction of trend for the price processes and consider the problem of stability of the relative explanatory power of a class of ACD models with respect to the seasonality adjustment. We report model ranking on the basis of information criteria and discuss its sensitivity with respect to the seasonality adjustment procedure elaborated on the basis of nonparametric Nadaraya and Watson regression.
Przedmiotem badań są dane o wysokiej częstotliwości opisujące kształtowanie się czasu trwania zmiany kierunku cen akcji. Do analizy odstępów czasu pomiędzy dwoma kolejnymi zdarzeniami transakcyjnymi, polegającymi na zmianie trendu cenowego akcji, wykorzystuje się modele warunkowego czasu trwania (ang. Autoregressive Conditional Duration, ACD). Jednym z celów niniejszej pracy jest zbudowanie rankingu modeli ACD ze względu na ich jakość dopasowania. W artykule zbadano wpływu procedury odsezonowania na zmianę pozycji modeli w rankingu. W celu uwzględnienia efektu wewnątrzdziennej sezonowości zastosowano nieparametryczną regresję Nadaraya i Watsona z funkcją jądrową normalną. Aby potwierdzić poprawność zbudowanych rankingów dla danych odsezonowanych i tych bez efektu cykliczności, przeprowadzono weryfikację statystyczną przy pomocy testów t-Studenta oraz testu ilorazu wiarygodności.
Procyclicality in banking may result in financial instability and therefore be destructive to economic growth. The sensitivity of different banking balance sheet and income statement variables to the business cycle is diversified and may be prone to increasing integration of financial markets. In this paper we address the problem of the influence of financial integration on the transmission of economic shocks from one country to another and consequently on the sensitivity of loan loss provisions to the business cycle. We also aim to find out whether earnings management hypotheses are supported throughout the whole business cycle. Application of the SURE approach to 13 OECD countries in 1995-2009 shows that the procyclicality of LLP is statistically significant almost in thewhole sample of countries. Independent of the econometric specification, the earnings management hypotheses are hardly supported.
We discuss the notion of the financial cycle indicating its novelty within the research project of analysing the cyclical nature of fluctuations of economic systems. We focus on the observed series of credit and make formal statistical inference about the properties of the cycles in case of five countries, namely Czech Republic, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland and USA. The non-standard subsampling procedure and discrete spectral characteristics of almost periodically correlated time series are applied to make formal statistical inference about the cycle. We extract the cyclical component and confront empirical properties of the financial cycle for small open economy with those established so far in case of developed economies. This research is based partially on the results from Lenart and Pipień (2013a) and Lenart and Pipień (2015).
Podjęte w opracowaniu zagadnienie cykliczności w systemie finansowym jest nową odsłoną klasycznych, bo rozważanych od ponad 160-ciu lat, badań nad cykliczną naturą zjawisk w ekonomii. Celem badań było wypracowanie metod wnioskowania statystycznego w celu określenia cech cyklu finansowego i w szczególności kredytowego. W pracy zaproponowano nieparametryczny test, umożliwiający wnioskowanie o statystycznie istotnych częstościach dyskretnego spektrum procesu opisującego cykliczne fluktuacje. Uzyskane rezultaty empiryczne pozwalają stwierdzić, że cechy cyklu kredytowego dla Polski mają charakter swoisty i znacznie różnią się od tych otrzymanych dla rozwiniętych gospodarek. Cykl kredytowy trwa w przypadku Polski około dekady i jest podobny do cyklu uzyskanego w przypadku Czech, trwającego 12 lat.
This paper aims to find out what the impact is of bank capital ratios on loan supply in the EU and what factors explain the potential diversity of this impact. Applying the Blundell and Bond (1998) two step GMM estimator, we show that, in the EU context, the role of capital ratio for loan growth is stronger than previous literature has found for other countries. Our study sheds some light on whether procyclicality of loan loss provisions and income smoothing with loan loss provisions contribute to procyclical impact of capital ratio on loan growth. We document that loan growth of banks that have more procyclical loan loss provisions and that engage less in income smoothing is more sensitive to capital ratios. This sensitivity is slightly increased in this sample of banks during contractions. Moreover, more restrictive regulations and more stringent official supervision reduce the magnitude of the effect of capital ratio on bank lending. Taken together, our results suggest that capital ratios are an important determinant of lending in large EU banks.
Using the two step system GMM Blundell and Bond estimator this paper documents a large cross-bank and cross-country variation in the relationship between loan loss provisions (LLP) and the business cycle and explores bank management specific, bank-activity specific and country specific (institutional and regulatory) features that explain this diversity in the European Union. Our results indicate that LLP in large, publicly traded and commercial banks, as well as in banks reporting consolidated statements, are more procyclical. Better investor protection and more restrictive bank capital regulations reduce the procyclicality of LLP. We do not find support for the view that better quality of market monitoring mitigates the sensitivity of LLP to business cycle. Our findings clearly indicate the empirical importance of income smoothing, capital management and credit risk management for decreased procyclicality of LLP.
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