The development of a knowledge-based economy necessitates the search for new methods and tools for enhancing organizational learning processes. In this context, many scholars point to the importance of mentoring as a tool to support individual and organizational learning. The paper is an attempt to answer the question: how mentoring helps to stimulate the process of organizational learning? Therefore, this paper discusses the concept of learning organization, concept of mentoring along with associated concepts, on the basis of which experience result from the process of implementing mentoring at university are pointed out. This objective will be achieved through presentation of the results of the literature study followed by case study on the implementation and realization of mentoring programme at one of the polish universities
Nowadays, attempts to promote innovative and entrepreneurial behaviours are more and more common in the public sector. In order to improve organisational procedures as well as to enhance financial management of health care units, especially in terms of effectiveness and economic efficiency, it is advisable for managers to be more entrepreneurial. In the era of constant changes and increasing competition, also in the health sector, attempts to implement and improve management tools are fully justified. In this paper, the authors refer to the new concept of competitiveness and entrepreneurial concept of competitiveness, as well as focus on its assessment and measurement within the entrepreneurial orientation in the public sector. The authors also discuss the research on the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on performance management, which also provides an introduction to the broader research in the field of public entrepreneurship.
W dobie nieustannych przemian i narastającej konkurencji, także w sektorze ochrony zdrowia, dbałość o wdrożenie i doskonalenie narzędzi usprawniających zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwie i wspomagające jego rozwój jest w pełni uzasadnione. W artykule autorzy, nawiązując do nowych koncepcji konkurencyjności, skupili się na wątku przedsiębiorczej koncepcji konkurencyjności, a zwłaszcza na próbie jej oceny i pomiaru w konwencji orientacji przedsiębiorczej w warunkach sektora publicznego. Autorzy omawiają także przeprowadzone badania sondażowe dotyczące wpływu orientacji przedsiębiorczej na efektywność zarządzania, które stanowią również wprowadzenie do szerszych badań w zakresie przedsiębiorczości publicznej.
Efficiency is one of key notions in the theory and practice of system and organization management and is also relevant to health care. There are many economic theories to explain appropriate distribution of health care in the society. Controversies about efficiency in health care refer to the extent to which market mechanisms can an should be modified by new instruments of health policy. Efficiency in health care consists of expected effects of action on several interlinked levels: a. system as a whole, b. Organization of health care and c. processes (primarily basic therapeutic processes). In view of the complexity of the problem, the work presents outlines of different health care efficiency concepts and measurement methods, points out to connections and relations in systems, organization and processes which result on the one hand - from the development in medicine and new technologies, and on the other - from management decisions whose importance grows in the times of systemic transformations .
The aim of this article is to address the issue of social capital and new media - concepts recently operating in the public and scientific discourse. Awareness of the importance of the existence of social capital is still low, and the impact of new media on our lives still requires research in this area. Compared to other countries, the level of trust and civic engagement in Poland is very low, so it is worth considering the possibilities to improve the situation, even with the help of new communication technologies. The purpose of this article is to determine whether the new media, especially the Internet are used to create social capital. The analysis will be subject to subjective assessment of the use of new media in the area of social capital.
Dla przetrwania i rozwoju organizacji w XXI w. podstawowe znaczenie zyskał proces organizacyjnego uczenia się. W literaturze przedmiotu coraz częściej wskazywana jest rola mentoringu jako narzędzia ZZL skutecznie wspierającego nie tylko indywidualne, lecz także organizacyjne uczenie się. W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: w jaki sposób mentoring przyczynia się do pobudzania procesu organizacyjnego uczenia się. Cel ten zostanie zrealizowany przez zaprezentowanie wyników przeprowadzonych studiów literaturowych oraz studium przypadku dotyczącego wdrożenia i realizacji programu mentoringu w jednej z polskich szkół wyższych.
Development of knowledge-based economy entails the necessity for seeking new methods and tools of organizational learning enhancement. In this context, many researchers indicate the impor¬tance of mentoring as a tool supporting individual and organizational learning. The paper is an at¬tempt to answer the following question: in what way does mentoring contribute to simulation of the organizational learning processes? This aim has been achieved by presenting results of the literature analysis and a case study concerning mentoring in one of Polish universities.
This article aims to present the impact of social networks on the formation on the flow of blood and its components in the civilian blood donation system in Poland. The civilian blood donation system in Poland consists of 21 independently-functioning supply chains of blood and its components (Szołtysek, Twaróg 2009, p. 15). Today, logistics plays a secondary role in the management of blood supply chains, and the integration of flow is performed randomly and intuitively. The rapidly growing recognition of social logistics (T. Takahasi 1988, pp. 245 - 251; Tenhunen 2008, pp. 515-534; Szołtysek 2010, pp. 2-6; Szołtysek 2011, pp.13-18) provides tools to improve the efficiency of the blood donation system in terms of both the existing blood supply chains, and the potential offered by network structures. An unexpected change in demand for blood and its components probably induces a bullwhip effect, and the organizations that form the chains have to deal with supplies unreasonable in terms of their size and structure. A major role in this process is played by social networks, as a source of general mobilization among potential blood donors. Finding a way to change the relationship between social networks and the system of blood donation may minimize the disruptions occurring in the flow of blood and its components in Poland.
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