Jedną z istotnych metod kontrolowania przepływu aerodynamicznego przy powierzchni jest oddziaływanie na przepływ pulsującej plazmy. Dla rzeczywistych urządzeń wyładowczych, stosowanych w tego rodzaju zagadnieniach bardzo ważne jest zrozumienie jakie tryby zachowania plazmy z ciśnieniem atmosferycznym dają maksymalny efekt przy minimalnym zużyciu energii. Praktyczny aspekt pracy stanowią wyniki postępów w pracach nad skalowalnym wysokonapięciowym źródłem zasilania do wytwarzania wieloiskrowych wyładowań o dużej długości całkowitej. Podstawowy aspekt pracy stanowią rezultaty badań właściwości emisji plazmy dla quasi-stacjonarnych wioeloiskrowych wyładowań w ciśnieniu atmosferycznym.
One of the important ways of controlling aerodynamic flow near the surface there is an impact to the flow of pulsating plasma. For a real discharge devices used in such problems it is very important to understand what modes maintain plasma of atmospheric pressure give maximum effect with minimum energy consumption. In the applied aspect of this work presents the results of the development of a scalable high-voltage power source to generate a multi-spark discharge with large total length. A fundamental aspect of this work presents the results of research of the plasma emission properties of quasi-stationary multi-spark discharge in atmospheric pressure.
Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP-FTIR) can be used for monitoring of atmospheric environment. The open path technique is based on the measurement of the absorption along the atmosphere path between radiation source and spectrometer. Measurement paths used in this method have a considerable length – from tens of meters to several kilometers. The main advantage of OP-FTIR spectrometry is the possibility of continuously and simultaneously measuring concentrations of multiple compounds. Unfortunately, quantitative analysis of the spectra of such measurements is a difficult issue due to the changing atmospheric conditions and overlapping of the absorption spectra of various components. Numerous algorithms used for the interpretation of the measured spectra have been proposed. They can be classified into methods using classical chemometric calibration and iterative algorithms. Classical Least Square CLS and Partial Least Square PLS are the most commonly used methods of OP-FTIR spectrometry. Iterative methods are based on comparing measured data with synthetic spectra, that is computational models of investigated optical path transmission. For this purpose, databases such as HITRAN are used. Transmission model must take into account not only the spectral characteristics of gases, but also the measuring instrument influence on the measured spectrum. As an example of modeling the spectra of NH3 and HCl gas are used. Modeling of gas spectra with different resolution is shown. Classical methods of building a chemometric calibration model require appropriate reference samples. This is usually associated with considerable cost and time-consuming calibration process. In addition, correct calibration requires maintaining the same conditions during the calibration, as in practical measurements. This is possible only in the case of laboratory measurements. In particular, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature and pressure of examined substances. It is connected with changes in width and intensity of gas rotational lines. In classical spectroscopy, changing environmental conditions require new calibration measurements. In the open path spectroscopy, changes in conditions occur naturally along with the changes in the examined environment (object, process). If the measurement conditions in the environment differ from those in calibration measurements, significant errors in determining the content of the ingredients may appear. Greater changes in conditions may occur in a variety of chemical or physical processes. Sometimes it is not possible to perform measurements in conditions similar to those occurring in a particular industrial facility. In such cases, synthetic spectra may be used in two ways: in an iterative process to compare with measured spectra or to form a chemometric calibration models. In the latter case, the problem of changing conditions can be solved in several ways. The simplest method is to build separate calibration models for all conditions that can occur during the measurement. However, in order to use this method, it is necessary to measure the existing conditions and choose an appropriate local model. Another method is to correct the measured spectra and to adapt them to the standard conditions. The third option is to build global models. The spectra of all the conditions that may occur during the measurement are then used for building a calibration model. Then, the effect of temperature on the determination of gas content for local calibration models is investigated. Finally, a global calibration model insensitive to temperature changes in 10-40°C range is built.
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W artykule poruszono problematykę wpływu na wynik pomiaru niejednorodności środowiska. Problem taki istnieje między innymi w pomiarach spektroskopii absorpcyjnej wykonywanych w obiektach, w których parametry zmieniają sie wzdłuż ścieżki pomiarowej. Przykładem takich obiektów są kotły energetyczne, w których występuje silna zmiana temperatury w przekroju poprzecznym.
Article presents problems of influence of medium heterogeneity on measurement accuracy. This problems may by observed at absorption spectroscopy in objects whose parameters are changing along measure path. Example of such objects are power boilers in which there is a large temperature variation in cross-section.
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Static and dynamic characteristics of modern AD systems of low signals processing are defined by the parameters of ADC and analog devices. Improvement of accuracy and speed of AD systems is possible due to the usage of self-correcting ADC of bitwise balancing ,based on computation n systems with weight redundancy. The ratio between the digit weights in these computation systems is 1 < α < 2. If α = 1.618 "golden ratio" соde is formed. It is shown that increasing of the accuracy and speed of ADC several times is possible due to calibration of static and autocompensation of dynamic balancing errors. Structural block diagrams of the converters for symmetric and asymmetric computation systems are given. The structure of multichannel AD system and method of self-correction of the parameters of input analog devices are developed. Method of calibration and compensation linear distortions of amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of measuring channels is shown. The parameters of the developed multichannel AD system for seismic measurements are presented.
Cechy statyczne i dynamiczne nowoczesnych systemów AC do przetwarzania małych sygnałów są definiowane przez parametry przetworników AC i peryferiów analogowych. Poprawa dokładności i szybkości systemów AC jest możliwa dzięki wykorzystaniu samokorygującego przetwornika AC z bilansowaniem bitowym, na podstawie obliczeń n systemów z redundancją wagi. Współczynnik pomiędzy wagami cyfr w tych systemach obliczeniowych wynosi 1 < α < 2. Jeśli α = 1,618 sformułowany zostaje kod "złoty podział". Wykazano, że możliwe jest kilkukrotne zwiększenie dokładności i szybkości przetworników AC dzięki kalibracji statycznej i automatycznej kompensacji błędów dynamicznych. Zaprezentowano schematy blokowe konwerterów dla symetrycznych i asymetrycznych systemach obliczeniowych. Zostały opracowane struktury wielokanałowego systemu AC i sposobu samodzielnego korygowania parametrów analogowych urządzeń wejściowych. Pokazano metody kalibracji i kompensacji zniekształceń liniowych charakterystyk amplitudowo-częstotliwościowych fazowo-częstotliwościowej w kanałach pomiarowych. Zaprezentowano parametry opracowanego wielokanałowego systemu AC do pomiarów sejsmicznych.
A significant threat to critical infrastructure of computer systems has a destructive impact caused by infrasound waves. It is shown that the known infrasound generations are based on using the following devices: a Helmholtz Resonator, Generation by using a Pulsating Sphere such as Monopolies, Rotor-type Radiator, Resonating Cylinder, VLF Speaker, Method of Paired Ultrasound Radiator, and airscrew. Research of these devices was made in this paper by revealing their characteristics, main advantages and disadvantages. A directional pattern of infrasound radiation and a graph of dependence of infrasound radiation from the consumed power was constructed. Also, during the analysis of these devices, there was proven a set of basic parameters, the values of which make it possible to characterize their structural and operational characteristics. Then approximate values of the proposed parameters of each those considered devices, were calculated. A new method was developed for evaluating the effectiveness of infrasound generation devices based on the definition of the integral efficiency index, which is calculated using the designed parameters. An example of practical application of the derived method, was shown. The use of the method makes it possible, taking into account the conditions and requirements of the infrasound generation devices construction, to choose from them the most efficient one.
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One of methods of active power loss decrease in the electric microgrids of electrical power system that is based on the mutually agreed use of polytypic sources of the distributed generation is presented in this article. This paper presents and solves the problem of mode optimization of the microgrid according to the criteria of active power loss decrease of in the branches of equivalent network in the microgrid by the way of electric power regulation, generated by the hydropowerplant and choice of available hydropowerplant with the help of which control of the mode should be done in conformity with the current parameters of the nodal loads and generation of the distributed sources of the electric power.
W artykule zaproponowano jedną z metod zmniejszenia strat mocy czynnej w sieciach microgrid systemu elektroenergetycznego, opartego na uzgodnionym wykorzystaniu zróżnicowanych źródeł rozproszonych. W pracy przedstawiono i rozwiązano problem optymalizacji microgrid zgodnie z kryterium strat mocy czynnej w gałęziach równoważnej sieci microgrid, metodą elektrycznej regulacji mocy, Źródłem generowanej mocy kompensayjnej jest szczytowa elektrownia wodna, natomiast algorytm dokonuje wyboru trybu sterowania, celem wykonania go zgodnie z obowiązującymi parametrami obciążeń w węzłach i generacji rozproszonej źródeł energii elektrycznej.
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In this paper the possibility of monitoring oxygenation of the tumor tissue through the registration LED technology in photodynamic therapy. The method is applied in the wavelength range, where the spectral difference between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin is rather high. This method will also help assess the effectiveness of PDT, the level of vascular damage and the degree of the tumor oxygenation.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwość monitorowania stopnia natlenienia tkanki nowotworowej poprzez wykorzystanie źródeł światła LED (light-emitting diodes) w terapii fotodynamicznej (PTD). Metoda może być wykorzystana w takim zakresie długości fal, w którym różnica spektralna pomiędzy hemoglobiną dotlenioną i niedotlenioną jest wysoka. Zaproponowana metoda może być również wykorzystana w ocenie skuteczność terapii PTD, ocenie poziom uszkodzenia naczyń oraz stopienia natlenienia nowotworu.
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