Zaproponowano zmodyfikowaną metodykę oznaczeń dimetyloglioksymianu niklu. Oszacowano oznaczalność graniczną jonów niklu (5ng w paśmie chromatograficznym) oraz skuteczność ich ekstrakcji i oczyszczania (w zależności od rodzaju matrycy, odzysk kształtuje się na poziomie 90÷97 %, odchylenie zaś standardowe nie przekracza ± 0.043). W stosunkowo szerokim zakresie stężeń Ni²⁺ (do 150 ng) uzyskano liniową charakterystykę zmian sygnałów densynometrycznych w funkcji stężenia analitu. Zaproponowane rozwiązania analityczne wykorzystano do badań poziomu niklu w surowicy (w próbkach osobników uczulonych na nikiel) i żywotności.
A modified methodology of determination of nickel dimethylglyoximate was proposed. The detection limit of nickel ions (5ng in the chromatographic band) and the effectiveness of their extraction and purification (the recovery equals to 90÷97 % and the standard deviation does not exceed ± 0.043) were estimated. In a comparatively wide range Ni²⁺ concentration, a linear characteristic of the densitometric signal dependence on the analyte concentration was obtained. The proposed solution was applied to determine to nickel concentration in serum (samples from individuals allergic to nickel) and food.
The effectiveness of nanofiltration with the use of ceramic membranes in the process of concentration and separation of fumaric acid or succinic acid from glycerol and citric acid from erythritol was evaluated. It was found that the retention of sodium salts of the acids investigated increased strongly with increasing the pH of the feed solution (depending on the degree of dissociation), while the retention degrees of di- and tricarboxylic acids, erythritol or glycerol were lower than 2%, irrespective of the initial concentration of the solution to be filtered. The results obtained showed that nanofiltration can be considered as one of the purification steps in the process of recovery of salts of organic acids from fermentation broth.
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