From the beginning, literature occupied an important place in “Vilnius Daily” (so-called scholar magazine’s pages). The editors of the journal (including Jan and Jędrzej Śniadecki, Euzebiusz Słowacki, Filip Nereusz Golański, Leon Borowski, Ernest Groddeck, Kazimierz Kontrym) who were recruited from the circle of the University of Vilnius are alumni in “the age of lights”. Being heirs to the enlightenment ideals of aesthetics, they appreciated the literary output of their immediate predecessors. These preferences are clearly visible in the literary content of “Vilnius Daily”’, obviously adhering to classical and sentimental tastes. Without a doubt Stanisław Trembecki enjoyed the highest popularity among the Stanislawow creators in those pages. We also encounter there the works of Elżbieta Drużbacka, Ignacy Krasicki, Franciszek Karpiński and Ludwik Kropiński. The Vilnius magazine, appreciating their creative achievements, showed thereby the continuation of eighteen-century literary tradition.
W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na Twierdzę Kłodzko, zbudowaną na skalistym szczycie (369 m n.p.m.), wznoszącym się nad miastem, będącym interesującym przykładem ciągłości rozwoju zespołu umocnień, dokonującemu się na przestrzeni niemalże 1000 lat. W sezonie letnim 2014 metodą sondażu diagnostycznego (ankieta) przeprowadzono badania nad ruchem turystycznym i jego uwarunkowaniami. Wyniki ankiety miały posłużyć określeniu, jaką rolę ten obiekt pełni w promocji miasta Kłodzko i regionu, a także przyczynić się do oceny stopnia wykorzystania jako źródła dochodów.
The study highlighted the Kłodzko Fortress built on a rocky peak (369 meters) above the city which is an interesting example of the continuity of the development of defenses making the team over the almost one thousand years. In the summer 2014 method of diagnostic survey (survey) carried out research on tourist traffic and its determinants. The survey results were used to determine what role this object plays in promoting the city Kłodzko and the region, as well as contribute to the assessment of the degree of utilization as a source of income.
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Twórczość literacka Antoniego Goreckiego sprowadza się w zasadniczej mierze do tzw. literatury okolicznościowej. Poeta wielokrotnie, przy użyciu pióra, komentował aktualne wydarzenia polityczne i społeczne. Ze szczególnym upodobaniem pisywał bajki polityczne, które przysporzyły mu największej popularności. Gatunek ten, poprzez częste wykorzystywanie tzw. języka ezopowego, stwarzał możliwość przemycania niewygodnych dla caratu treści. Nie zawsze jednak udawało się poecie uniknąć konfliktu z cenzurą, w wyniku czego znalazł się nawet w więzieniu. Co znamienne, twórczość Goreckiego była cenzurowana nawet po jego śmierci, na co przykłady odnajdujemy w lipskich wydaniach zbiorowych Pism z roku 1877 i 1886.
Literary work of Antoni Gorecki essentially resembles so-called occasional literature. The poet repeatedly made comments about the current political and social events by the use of a pen. He wrote political fables which were his real predilection and brought him the most popularity. This genre, by the frequent use of the so-called Aesopian language, created the opportunity to smuggle content inconvenient for the tsarism. Not always, however, did the poet manage to avoid a conflict with the censorship. As a result, he was even imprisoned. Significantly, Gorecki’s work was censored even after his death, as the examples can be found in the Writings of Leipzig collected editions of 1877 and 1886.
The paper concerns the model of aspects of ethical competencies of human capital development in information systems in a transition economy, on the Polish labor market. The purpose of the research is to verify the association of Human Potentiality (HP) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) among 263 IT users in relation to their professional position, in Poland. The authors used two new questionnaires in Polish studies: the Human Potentiality Inventory in achieving career goals (HPI) and an adapted Employee Behavior Questionnaire (EBQ). The authors estimated the levels of HP and the manifestation of OCB of IT users in relation to their professional position. Applying and popularizing the ideas of HP and OCB may have an effect on the development of staff’s ethical attitudes on the labor market, which increases commitment, efficiency and leads to economic growth. The research results complement the gap in the scientific literature that concerns the psychosocial characteristics of IT users such as Human Potentiality and sensitivity intelligence in terms of achieving career goals and ethical attitudes. The results show differences between bosses and subordinates and dependencies between the components of HP and OCB. The analysis is based on a random interpersonal network and sequence sampling with the passive optimal experiment design conducted among IT users for the first time in such a context in the Lower Silesia voivodship in Poland.
This article outlines the creation of tools to measure spiritual sensitivity – Spiritual Sensitivity Inventory (SSI), starting from the assumptions underlying the source of its creation, through a phase of theoretical analysis of the construct used for development of an experimental method, a quantitative validation of the inventory, ending with a validation of quality, i.e. narrative interviews conducted in order to confirm the theoretical accuracy of the SSI. The authors clarify the construct of spiritual sensitivity, describe a deductive strategy for questionnaire creation, indicate the potential theoretical and methodological problems encountered by psychologists studying spirituality, present a spectrum of validation procedures and their ultimate effect – an accurate and reliable psychometric tool – the Spiritual Sensitivity Inventory. A developed spiritual sensitivity is beneficial not only in relationships between people but also in the educational, professional and social domain. In this light, an accurate and reliable diagnostic tool can be used in a business environment and organization.
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