The number of Internet users in Poland is permanently increasing, the vast majority of Y generation use the Internet at least once a week, while the youngest generation (born after 2000) consider the Internet to be a part of their normal life. Shopping online should be something natural and ordinary for Internet users and the main barriers of the development of e-commerce such as security of transactions, time and cost of delivery are regarded as a standard and truism. The ROPO effect is a major problem for the rapid development of the e-commerce sector. However, the analyzed clothing industry, due to the individual characteristics of products, is a different e-commerce area than others. The obtained results indicate that about 33% of women and men use the Internet as a place to get information about clothing products. Research Online, Purchase Offline, that is, search for information, reviews, or online prices, while buying in the traditional way. The purpose of the publication is to identify the size of the ROPO effect the clothing industry. In order to meet this goal, we analyzed the results of more than 4.000 respondents who have recently purchased clothing products.
Czynnikiem rozwoju relacji między przedsiębiorstwami i klientami jest obecnie doskonalenie interaktywności Internetu. Crowdfunding, rozumiany jako demokratyczna cyfrowa metoda finansowania projektów biznesowych i społecznych, w swoim rozwoju korzysta z nowych technologii komunikacyjnych. Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie cech rozwoju crowdfundingu jako miejsca i okazji do uzewnętrznienia prospołecznych i prośrodowiskowych postaw konsumentów idei związanej ze wspomaganym obiektem oraz korzystających z ekonomicznych i społecznych wartości (użyteczności) wynikających z uczestnictwa w nowo powstałej społeczności internetowej.
Nowadays, the factor in the development of relations between enterprises and clients is the improvement of Internet interactivity. Crowdfunding understood as a democratic and digital method of financing business and social projects in its development uses new communication technologies and creates conditions to externalize pro-social and pro-environmental consumer attitudes of “ideas” related to the supported object and using economic and social values (usability) resulting from participation in the newly created online community. The aim of the article is to present the developmental features of crowdfunding.
Istnieją różne strategie tworzenia marek. Jedną ze strategii brandingowych, czyli strategii kreowania marki w umyśle konsumentów jest sojusz marek, czyli co-branding. Co-branding stanowi swoistą umowę marketingową, zawieraną w celu łączenia kilku marek. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie zagadnienia co-brandingu oraz określenie zależności pomiędzy lojalnością wobec marki a strategią co-brandingu na przykładzie szkół wyższych. Artykuł został oparty o analizę literatury przedmiotu oraz przedstawia wyniki badania własnego o charakterze pierwotnym.
Co-branding is an increasingly popular technique for transferring the positive associations of one company’s product or brand to another. Co-branding strategies may be effective in exploiting a product performance advantage or in introducing a new product with an unfamiliar brand name. Co-branding is part of marketing strategy and influence the brand values and organizational culture of the organization. Co-existing of two different brands as co-partners (co-brands) influences the marketing communication of the brand and image of this brands. Co-branding offers corporate brands access to the brand strategy of the co-brand partner, the alignment of brand values, the marketing communication association and brand reach and network of relationships. In this paper corporate co-branding is analysed within the context of universities brands. This research aims to provide clues for future research in co-branding issue.
The main aim of the article is to determine the marketing communication of the rebranding process on the example of higher education institutions in the context of their activities, and its meaning for the students. The cognitive task is to explore the mechanisms and results of brand image management (in terms of marketing) of the surveyed organisations, including: corporate identity, as well as their offerings, promotions, and other relevant factors (including marketing strategy elements such as CSR).
Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie komunikacji marketingowej w procesie rebrandingu na przykładzie placówek szkolnictwa wyższego w kontekście ich działalności oraz jego znaczenia dla studentów. Zadanie o charakterze kognitywnym jest zbadanie mechanizmów i wyników zarządzania wizerunkiem marki (w kategoriach marketingu) badanych organizacji, tożsamości korporacyjnej (corporate identity), jak również ich ofert, promocji i innych istotnych czynników (wliczając w to elementy strategii marketingowej, takie jak CSR).
Основная цель статьи – определить маркетинговую коммуникацию процесса ребрендинга на примере вузов в контексте их деятельности и значения для студентов. Когнитивная задача – изучить механизмы и результаты управ- ления имиджем бренда (в категории маркетинга) обследуемых организаций, продвижению и другие релевантные факторы (включая элементы маркетин- говой стратегии, такие как корпоративная социальная ответственность, CSR).
The aim of this article is to indicate the most important factors determining the location of newly built hotels in Poland in 2000–2009, belonging to different groups in the hotel categorization system. We use a two-stage empirical study. The main statistical method applied is stepwise logistic regression with the backward elimination of regressors. The results of the study indicate clearly that there are differences between the location factors for hotels according to their standard. The factors determining the location of budget hotels differ from those influencing the group of medium standard and luxury hotels. The results contribute to a better understanding of the motives of investors when selecting a location and may have implications for economic policies, since they can focus the attention of local and regional authorities on important determinants of attractiveness to local investment.
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