Porównano dawne i współczesne urządzenia kryptograficzne. Podano tezę, że mimo ciągłego rozwoju technik informacyjnych kryptografia ciągle stosuje te same stare, wypróbowane zasady i musi być nadzorowana przez właściwe instytucje rządowe.
The former and modern cryptographic equipment were compared in the paper. Althought the continuous information technology development, we suggest, that cryptography still utilise the same old but checked rules and it ought to be controled by the property government agences.
Data communication security assurance in the Central Node of Poland's Schengen Information System and Visa Information System Component (in polish: Centralny Węzeł Polskiego Komponentu Systemu Informacyjnego Schengen i Systemu Informacji Wizowej - CW PK SIS i VIS) is crucial for building adequate trust of the operation of mechanisms of the Schengen agreement in Poland. Presented in this chapter are the security requirements, agreed by member states of the Schengen agreement, which fulfillment is subject to independent review during periodical SIS/SIRENE evaluations. The essence of law, organizational and technical role means have also been indicated for assuring a high level of SIS and VIS data communication security, which is higher than the standard level required by regulations on the protecting of personal data. Directions for further development of the implementation of the SIS and VIS in Poland have been presented in the conclusion.
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