Tematyką nazw mieszkańców zajmowano się już na różnych płaszczyznach – badano je od strony językoznawczej, leksykalnej, historycznej, omawiano etnonimy w dziełach literackich i słownikach, jednak niewielu publikacji doczekało się opracowanie sposobów tworzenia habitatywów przez dzieci i młodzież – stąd podjęcie tego tematu. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie i omówienie materiału leksykalnego dotyczącego nazw mieszkańców krajów. Materiał zgromadzono na podstawie ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród uczniów klas piątych szkoły podstawowej w powiecie tureckim w województwie wielkopolskim. Zadaniem badanych było utworzenie 34 habitatywów. Przedstawiona analiza dotyczy sposobów tworzenia habitatywów z uwzględnieniem technik słowotwórczych.
The topic of the names of residents has already been dealt with on various levels - from the linguistic, lexical and historical perspective, ethnonyms were discussed in literary works and dictionaries, but few publications have developed ways of creating demonyms by children and adolescents - hence the topic was taken up. The aim of the article is to present and discuss the lexical material concerning the names of inhabitants of countries. The material was collected on the basis of a survey conducted among fifth-grade students of a primary school in the Turek district in the Wielkopolska voivodship. The task of the respondents was to create 34 demonyms. The presented analysis concerns the methods of creating demonyms, taking into account word-formation techniques.
W artykule przedstawiono rozmieszczenie i funkcje torfowisk w środowisku przyrodniczym. Omówiono zasady regulacji stosunków wodnych na użytkowanych torfowiskach, wskazując przy tym na procesy fizyczne i biochemiczne prowadzące do ich degradacji (m.in. procesy kurczenia torfu, emisji gazów cieplarnianych, osiadania powierzchni i zanikania torfowisk). Wskazano możliwości zrównoważonego użytkowania wcześniej odwodnionych torfowisk dla przywrócenia choć części pełnionych przez nie funkcji. W tym celu konieczne jest zwiększenie wilgotności gleby i utrzymywanie zwierciadła wody na głębokości nie niższej niż 30 cm pod powierzchnią terenu. To z kolei wiąże się z modernizacją i renowacją istniejących systemów melioracyjnych i przystosowaniem ich do blokowania odpływu wody i utrzymywania jej na właściwym poziomie. Ze względu na świadczone usługi ekosystemowe najkorzystniejszą opcją jest renaturyzacja torfowisk lub/oraz ich użytkowanie w warunkach wtórnego zabagnienia, jako intensywne lub ekstensywne rolnictwo bagienne (paludikultura).
The article presents the distribution and functions of peatlands in the environment. It discusses the principles of water management in used peatlands, indicating the physical and biochemical processes leading to their degradation (including peat mass shrinking, greenhouse gases emission, surface subsidence and disappearance of peatlands). The authors also indicate the possibility of sustainable use of the previously drained peatlands in order to restore at least part of their functions. This require increase of soil moisture content and maintaining water table at 30 cm below the surface at least. To achieve that, it is necessary to modernise and renovate the existing drainage systems and adapt it so that they block water outflow and maintain it at the required level. With regard to the ecosystem services, the most beneficial option is restoration of peatlands and/or their use in waterlogged conditions, such as intensive or extensive farming on peat soils (paludiculture).
Frequent exceedances of permissible PM10 concentrations occur mainly during the so-called heating season and are readily noticed not only by environmental protection specialists but also by residents; they are also wildly discussed in the mass media. If the state of elevated concentrations persists for at least several hours, it is generally referred to as smog. The du-ration of smog can range from several hours to several days, causing an increase in morbidity and in the number of deaths. The paper presents the air-sanitary situation in Krościenko nad Dunajcem using the air quality indicator as the concentration of particulate matter PM10. Krościenko is a Carpathian town located in the valley of the Dunajec river. Such a topo-climatic location is conducive to the occurrence of frequent temperature inversions, stagnant cold air and poor ventilation, which results in the concentration of local emissions mainly from domestic boilers. The research period covered the years 2018-2022 of continuous daily D24 PM10 measure-ments. Preliminary comparisons of annual concentrations with selected cities located in moun-tainous and foothill areas of southern Poland indicated the aerosanitary problem of Krościenko. In all analyzed years, the daily norms were exceeded from 46 days in 2022 to 91 days in 2018. This situation occurs as a result of the low-stack emission during the heating period and the poor topoclimatic conditions in Krościenko. However, there is a visible downward trend in con-centrations over the analyzed period, which may have resulted from the gradual reduction of the use of fossil fuels.
The paper presents the course of variability of the moisture content of the top layers in shallow (45 cm) and medium-deep (90 cm) peat-moorsh soil profiles in the years 2015-2019 against the background of the same meteorological conditions and a similar level of the groundwater table. The relative precipitation index (RPI) classifies the years 2015 and 2016 as dry, 2017 as wet, and 2018 and 2019 as average. For periods of atmospheric droughts, the average daily climatic water balance (CWB) ranged from -5.30 to -1.35 mm∙d-1. The water table did not fall below 90 cm b.g.l. during the entire study period, and the range of its fluctuations was 8 cm greater in the shallow than in the medium-deep profile. The range of moisture at different depths varied significantly and ranged from approx. 6% in periods of drought to about 80% in wet periods. Soil moisture throughout the measurement period was above the plant available water range (pF > 4.2). The occurrence of soil drought in the shallow peat-moorsh soil profile had a range of up to 40 cm, and in the medium-deep profile of up to 30 cm. The sequence of no-precipitation days and the maximum amount of daily evapotranspiration during them determine the possible timing of drought; however, it is the precipitation distribution in individual months, considered in the current CWB values, that ultimately determine the formation of soil water resources at the research site.
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