We evaluated exchange integrals which describe the spin dependent coupling between effective mass electrons and localized spins in the IV-VI semi-magnetic semiconductors taking into account contributions from the direct Coulomb exchange as well as from the hybridization between band states and magnetic shells. The obtained constants compare favorably with the experimental values for both the Mn- and the Eu-based compounds. We also discuss some peculiarities of IV-VI semimagnetic semiconductors, which may render the virtual-crystal approximation invalid.
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A survey will be given on recent advances in the investigation of semiconductor epilayers, heterostructures and superlattices using reciprocal space mapping techniques based on triple-axis diffractometry. It is shown that X-ray reciprocal space mapping yields quantitative information on strain, strain relaxation, as well as composition in such structures. These data are obtained from analyses of the isointensity contours of scattered X-ray intensity around reciprocal lattice points. Further analysis of the diffuse scattering yields also information on defect distribution in the epilayers.
X-ray scattering methods suitable for the investigation of the morphology and chemical composition of self-organized quantum dots and quantum wires are reviewed. Their application is demonstrated in experimental examples showing that a combination of small angle X-ray scattering with high-resolution X-ray diffraction can reveal both the shape and the chemical composition of the self-organized objects.
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Wire patterns (80-1000 nm) of molecular beam epitaxy grown Cd_{0.2}Zn_{0.8}Se/ZnSe quantum well were fabricated by a CH_{4}/H_{2} reactive ion etching technique. Photoluminescence emission shows with decreasing lateral size a broadening of line shape and a spectral red shift. Calculations for the change of the band gap due to strain relaxation show that this shift of the photoluminescence emission for narrow Cd_{0.2}Zn_{0.8}Se/ZnSe structures (lattice mismatch of 1.34%) can be explained by a partial elastic strain relaxation of the biaxially compressively strained Cd_{0.2}Zn_{0.8}Se quantum well after the patterning process.
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A negative magnetoresistance is observed in Si/SiGe modulation doped heterostructures which is attributed to the single particle quantum interference (weak localization) effect. From analysis of the experimental data the electron phase coherence time τ_{ϕ} is extracted to follow a (aT + bT^{2} )^{-1} dependence. The evaluated prefactor α = 0.25 is below the theoretical limit of 0.5, but agrees with observations in Si and GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures.
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We present results of magnetotransport studies on quantum wires of submicron PbTe epilayers, fabricated by means of electron beam lithography and dry etching. When the wire width is reduced down to 1 μm, the transition from diffusive to ballistic regime is observed. Effects associated with collimation and boundary scattering are found in the Hall, longitudinal, and van der Pauw magnetoresistance for wires and junctions in the shape of a cross.
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Precise magnetoresistance measurements on microstructures of photolithographically patterned PbSe epilayers have been performed in the magnetic field range up to 17 Τ. Unusually large, reproducible magnetoconductance fluctuations have been observed. The fluctuation amplitude decreases exponentially with the magnetic field. A correlation magnetic field of the fluctuations corresponds to the Aharonov-Bohm effect which involves electron trajectories much smaller than the electron mean free path. This points strongly to the ballistic, not diffusive, origin of the observed phenomenon.
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Millikelvin studies of in-plane magnetoconductance in short period Si/Ge:Sb superlattices have been carried out in order to examine the effect of anisotropy on quantum localization. The field-induced metal-to-insulator transition has been observed, indicating the existence of extended states. This suggests that despite anisotropy as large as D_{∥}/D_{⊥} ≈ 10^{3} the system behaves as 3D in respect of localization by disorder.
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Double crystal and triple axis X-ray diffractometry was used to characterize the structural properties of Si/Si_{1-x}Ge_{x} multiquantum well samples grown pseudomorphically on Si(001) substrates, as well as of short-period Si_{9}Ge_{6} superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy on rather thick step-graded Si_{1-x}Ge_{x} (0 < x < 0.4, 650 nm thick) buffers followed by 550 nm Si_{0.6} Ge_{0.4} layers. Reciprocal space maps around the (004) and (224) reciprocal lattice points yield direct information on the strain status of the layers in the heterostructure systems and in particular on the amount of strain relaxation.
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Magnetoresistance measurements of photolithographically patterned PbSe and Pb-{1-y}Mn_{x}Se microstructures were performed. Reproducible magnetoconductance fluctuations with the amplitude increasing with decreasing temperature were observed. Unexpectedly, these fluctuations contain a component periodic in the magnetic field, and their magnitude is greater than that expected from the current theory of the universal conductance fluctuations. Possible explanations are discussed.
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We studied magnetoconductance of two different mesoscopic systems: microregions containing two-dimensional electron gas adjacent to a grain-boundary plane in bicrystals of Hg_{0.79}Cd_{0.19}Mn_{0.02}Te and photolithographically patterned microstructures of Pb_{1-x}Mn_{x}Se. In both systems universal conductance fluctuations and generation of the second-harmonic voltage were observed at T ≤ 1 K. Moreover, in the former system the second harmonic signal exhibited distinct rise when the sample was cooled below the spin-glass freezing temperature (100 mK).
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We show that conducting edge channels are formed in free standing wires of PbSe/BaF_{2} and PbTe/BaF_{2} as temperature is lowered. The effect results from spatially inhomogeneous strain caused by a difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of the epilayer and the substrate. The presence of the edge channels can explain anomalous mesoscopic effects observed previously in these wires.
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