Migration crisis showed the division of EU Member States and thus a lack of solidarity in tackling the problem of immigration. The analysis in this article focuses on presenting the approach of EU Member States to the idea of solidarity in the face of the migration crisis. Joint decisions taken at EU level on the issue of relocation of persons in need of international protection and implementation of those decisions are discussed. According to the author of the article realization of the principle of solidarity of the EU in the face of migration crisis is not observed.
The aim of this article is to search for an answer to the question whether the Roma can be considered as a nation? It is not an easy task, as they have never seen them in national terms. After leaving India become cosmopolitans. They have their own culture, language, origin and traditions. Moreover, are equipped anthem and national flag. ere are, howe-ver, the country in which it could waved. In this article, reference is made to the definition of the nation, and analyzed the distinguishing features of the Roma as a community or their history, origin, language, endoetnonim, institutions, national symbols, and issues concerning their own state. This is an extremely important issue not only for the growing intelligence of the Roma, but for the whole of their community. Being a nation reinforces the bond and identity and makes it easier to fight for the rights of the Roma scattered throughout the world
Celem artykułu jest analiza stosunku państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej do kryzysu imigracyjnego w UE. Zaprezentowano w nim wspólne działania państw V4, jak i decyzje podejmowane na poziomie narodowym. W artykule postawiono tezę, że negatywny stosunek do obowiązkowej relokacji imigrantów uaktywnił państwa należące do Grupy Wyszehradzkiej i zbliżył je do siebie. Pokazano rozłam w UE i tym samym brak solidarności państw członkowskich w rozwiązywaniu problemu imigracji.
The purpose of this article is to analyse the attitude of the Visegrad Group countries towards the immigration crisis in the EU. The article shows the joint action of the V4 countries and their decisions taken at national level. The main thesis posed in this article states that the negative attitudes towards compulsory relocation of immigrants have activated the Visegrad Group countries and have integrated them with common aims. The article shows a split in among the member states of the EU and thus a lack of solidarity in solving the immigration’s problem.
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This article is an attempt to present the regime of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria as an alternative to the entire state. It explores the ideology of Abdullah Öcalan, which is the foundation of this regime. It also analyses the systemic assumptions characteristic of the democratic autonomy in Rojava, and then in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. The thesis of the article is that the proposal for a new regime is a huge challenge for the people of these parts of Syria, President Bashar al-Assad and the international environment, in particular Turkey. The success of this project is difficult to assess as it depends on too many variables of an internal and international nature.
Dostęp do pełnego tekstu na zewnętrznej witrynie WWW
The article presents the political position of the President in Syria and analyzes powers of the head of state from the 1930 Constitution to including this issue in the 2012 Constitution. The study covers issues regarding the method of choosing the head of state and the competences in the area of executive, legislative and judicial power which determine the position of the President within the state system. It is argued that the strong political position of the Syrian President is related to the violation of the principle of separation of powers, enormous influence of the army on political life and a lack of democratic experience. The strong position of the President was manifested in the 1973 Constitution, when Hafiz al-Assad was the President. This continues to this day despite the adoption of the new Constitution in 2012.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza sytuacji imigrantów zarobkowych na zachodniopomorskim rynku pracy. Dane dotyczące imigracji zarobkowej do województwa zachodniopomorskiego zostały odniesione do uwarunkowań regionalnego rynku pracy. Autorzy w artykule odwołują się ponadto do danych pochodzących z wywiadów z imigrantami i ekspertami. Na ich podstawie dokonano analizy sytuacji rodzinnej, ekonomicznej i społecznej imigracji zarobkowych. Zgromadzone dane wskazują, że zdecydowaną większość imigrantów zarobkowych w województwie zachodniopomorskim stanowili Ukraińcy. Ich przyjazd do Szczecina i regionu zachodniopomorskiego, podyktowany był, w pierwszej kolejności relatywnie wysokimi zarobkami, a następnie bliskością językową i kulturową. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że w tej chwili mamy do czynienia w województwie zachodniopomorskim ze zjawiskami typowymi dla imigracji „pierwszej fali”. Dla tego etapu pracy zarobkowej cudzoziemców charakterystyczna jest częstsza zmiana miejsca zatrudnienia, wydłużanie godzinowego czasu pracy i mniejsza liczba kontaktów pomiędzy imigrantami.
The aim of the article is to analyze the situation of economic immigrants on the West Pomeranian labor market. The data on immigration to Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship is related to the characteristics of the regional labor market. The authors refer to data from interviews with migrants and experts. On this basis, the analysis of the families and economic and social situation of economic immigration was made. The collected data indicate that the vast majority of economic migrants in the West Pomeranian Voivodship were Ukrainians. Their arrival in the West Pomeranian region was related with relatively high wages, and with the linguistic and cultural proximity of Poland (pull factors). The research shows that at the moment we are dealing with phenomena which are typical of first wave immigration in the West Pomeranian Voivodship. This stage is characterized by a more frequent change of place of employment, longer working hours and, among other, a smaller number of contacts between immigrants.
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