The object of faith in the sense of Kant is the postulates of practical reason that is, the immortality of the soul and the existence of God. Together, they constitute the conditions for the possibility of the highest good. Objects of faith are natural, which means that they are constructed by human reason and not revealed by God. On the subject of the immortality of the soul and the existence of God, Kant speaks only from the perspective of pure practical reason. A comparison of the conception of faith of pure practical reason with the conception of Christian faith makes the differences between these two perspectives of faith visible. These differences indicate the specificity of each of them. It is particularly important that rational faith acknowledges the existence of postulates of practical reason, and the supernatural faith concerns the content revealed by God. Faith according to Kant is a natural activity, whereas revealed faith is a supernatural act. Furthermore, rational faith is limited only to the order of practical reason, whereas Christian faith is the activity of reason and will at the same time.
Among the medieval teachers and orators a special place is taken by St. Thomas Aquinas. His preaching and teaching involves bascally the knowledge of wisdom – that is the knowledge of ultimate causes of reality. Looking for the causes of the world, according to Aquinas, evolves itself into indicating the ultimate aim of everything, especially that of man. The aim of all beings, which is alsounderstood as the first cause, is identified with God. Religious faith is one of the ways of knowing God. Thanks to this faith it becomes possible to know the essence of God, correspondently to the human way of existence and knowing in temporal life. Accordingly, the teaching task consists in proclaiming the truth about God as the ultimate end of man, as well as in preparing and empowering him, on the path of faith, to receive contents of God's revelation.
Wśród średniowiecznych nauczycieli i oratorów szczególne miejsce zajmuje św. Tomasz z Akwinu. U podstaw jego przepowiadania i nauczania legła wiedza mądrościowa – tj. wiedza o ostatecznych przyczynach rzeczywistości. Poszukiwanie przyczyn świata, zdaniem Akwinaty, przeradza się we wskazywanie na ostateczny cel wszystkiego, zwłaszcza zaś cel istnienia człowieka. Cel wszystkich bytów, rozumiany także jako pierwsza przyczyna, identyfikowany jest z Bogiem. Wiara religijna stanowi jedną z dróg poznania Boga. Dzięki niej możliwe staje się poznanie istoty ("essentia") Boga, odpowiednio do ludzkiego, temporalnego sposobu istnienia i poznawania. Zgodnie z tą myślą, zadanie nauczania polega na głoszeniu prawdy o Bogu jako ostatecznym celu człowieka, jak również na przygotowaniu człowieka i uzdolnieniu go, na drodze wiary, do przyjęcia treści Bożego Objawienia.
The subjective faith, in Kant’s approach, is a way of recognizing truth. This method is justified by subjective reasons, with the simultaneous lack of objective ones. What is recognized in the way of faith as truths are the postulates of practical reason regarding the existence of God and the immortality of man. The subjectivity of faith is expressed in the fact that it is a disposition, state, principle of mind (habitus) in recognizing truth in what is to be assumed as a necessary condition of the highest good which is the object of the will. Since faith belongs to the moral order, it is sometimes called a moral faith. Its task is to determine the will on the basis of moral law. As a way of recognizing the postulates of practical reason as true, faith takes a form of judgments stating the existence of these postulates. For this reason, the subjective faith is an act of the intellect, because it is the intellect that is entitled to state truths. Kant calls the subjective faith a pure practical rational faith. This faith is the principle of the intellect whereby it states that one should accept the conditions of the highest good in view of the practical imperative to realize this good. The structure of the subjective faith, according to Kant, corresponds to its object. However, in order to recognize its object, the faith does not require any additional conditions in the form of, for example, grace, but it is entirely actualized by virtue of human natural abilities. Therefore, Kant’s rational faith is totally a natural faith.
The aim of the study was to summarize the activity of the journal of the diocese of Ełk during the period 1999-2018 and to outline the development plan related to the reform (2018). The initiation of the project in the form of a scientific journal has created opportunities for the development and publishing of research results carried out by scientists mainly belonging to the diocese of Ełk. Many of them used this opportunity. Sharing the results of our own scientific research was at the same time the propagation of the journal and the environment creating it. The considerable scientific output published in the “Studia Ełckie” in a permanent way inscribed in shaping the scientific awareness of the north-eastern Poland. The presentation of the origins and development of the journal turned out to be difficult as long as there are no detailed written sources. It must be admitted that the history of this periodical, although not too long, is quite rich in various transformations. We should appreciate the effort of not only hundreds of authors and reviewers who co-created the magazine, but also those who, through their commitment and dedication, took care of its shape and development.
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