W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w celu określenia wpływu środowiska ograniczonej przestrzeni wokół głowy pod kaskiem integralnym, na funkcje fizjologicznie i poznawcze motocyklisty. Określono, iż używanie kasku prowadziło do obniżenia dopuszczalnej normy stężenia tlenu (20%), chwilowego przekroczenia dopuszczalnej normy stężenia ditlenku węgla (3%), co łącznie z panującymi warunkami środowiska cieplnego może wpływać na obniżenie poziomu uwagi motocyklisty.
This paper presents the results of a study the influence of the limited-space environment around the head, appeared during wearing integral helmet, on human physiological and cognitive functions. It was defined that utilizing the helmet conducted to decrease admissible value of oxygen (20%), temporary increase of admissible value of carbon dioxide (3%), that including ambient thermal conditions may influence on decreasing level of motorcyclist attention.
This article proposes a method for a comprehensive assessment of the effect of integral motorcycle helmets on physiological and cognitive responses of motorcyclists. To verify the reliability of commonly used tests, we conducted experiments with 5 motorcyclists. We recorded changes in physiological parameters (heart rate, local skin temperature, core temperature, air temperature, relative humidity in the space between the helmet and the surface of the head, and the concentration of O2 and CO2 under the helmet) and in psychological parameters (motorcyclists’ reflexes, fatigue, perceptiveness and mood). We also studied changes in the motorcyclists' subjective sensation of thermal comfort. The results made it possible to identify reliable parameters for assessing the effect of integral helmets on performance, i.e., physiological factors (head skin temperature, internal temperature and concentration of O2 and CO2 under the helmet) and on psychomotor factors (reaction time, attention and vigilance, work performance, concentration and a subjective feeling of mood and fatigue).
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