The aim of this study is to evaluate time distribution of gaseous pollutants’ concentration levels, sulphur dioxide (SO₂, μg · m⁻³), nitrogen dioxide (NO₂, μg · m⁻³) and to characterise biothermal conditions, based on subjective temperature index (STI, °C) in Legnica, Lower Silesian Voivodeship. Assessment of the seasonal and daily SO₂ and NO₂ concentration and STI values in the studied period was based on descriptive statistics. The analysis of NO₂ and SO₂ concentration frequency was performed in reference to the scale applied in the interpretation of the STI. The assessment of the analysed period’s biothermal conditions did not show an occurrence of thermal sensation “boiling hot”. The most adverse aerosanitary conditions caused by high concentration of SO₂ in the air are accompanied by a sensation of “freezing”. The highest fluctuation in the content of NO₂ and SO₂ in the air was characteristic for the winter with the occurrence of “freezing” and “very cold” sensation. The highest concentration of SO₂ amounting to 234 μg ∙ m⁻³ was recorded in the winter of 2005 and highest NO₂ concentration was recorded in the spring of 2009, amounting to 184 μg ∙ m⁻³. The NO₂ and SO₂ concentration shows a reverse circadian course in comparison to the course of apparent temperature.
Celem pracy była ocena rozkładu czasowego poziomu stężeń zanieczyszczeń gazowych dwutlenku siarki (SO₂, µg · m⁻³) i dwutlenku azotu (NO₂, µg · m⁻³) oraz charakterystyka warunków biotermicznych Legnicy, położonej w województwie dolnośląskim, na podstawie temperatury odczuwalnej (STI, °C). Ocenę sezonowego i dobowego przebiegu imisji SO₂, NO₂ oraz wartości STI, w badanym wieloleciu, dokonano w oparciu o statystyki opisowe miar. Analizę częstości poziomów stężeń w przyjętych przedziałach SO₂ i NO₂ wykonano w odniesieniu do skali stosowanej przy interpretacji wskaźnika STI. Ocena warunków biotermicznych badanego okresu (2005–2014) nie wykazała wystąpienia odczucia ciepła „upalnie”. Najbardziej niekorzystne warunki aerosanitarne spowodowane wysokimi stężeniami SO₂ w powietrzu towarzyszą odczuciu „mroźno”. Największą zmiennością zawartości SO₂ i NO₂ w powietrzu charakteryzowała się zima podczas występowania odczuć „mroźno” i „bardzo zimno”. Najwyższe stężenie SO₂, wynoszące 234 µg ∙ m⁻³, odnotowano zimą 2005 r., natomiast najwyższe stężenie NO₂ – wiosną 2009 roku i wynosiło 184 µg ∙ m⁻³. Imisja SO₂ i NO₂ wykazuje odwrotny dobowy przebieg w porównaniu do przebiegu temperatury odczuwalnej.
Urban areas are characterised by the impact of negative environmental factors, such as: stress connected with extreme bio-thermal conditions or the presence of high concentrations of air pollutants. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the hours of O3 concentrations and the levels of physiological strain (PhS) in Legnica, during the period from December 2013 to November 2014. The hourly concentrations of O3, NO2 and meteorological elements used in the study were obtained from the State Environmental Monitoring station in Legnica (Lower Silesia). The evaluation of the bio-thermal conditions was carried out by means of the physiological strain indicator (PhS). The basic statistics were subject to analysis, the frequency of hourly pollution concentrations and the thermal strain were evaluated, as was the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression between O3 and PhS. A detailed analysis was carried out for the summer months (June-August). The most adverse conditions in terms of pollution with tropospheric ozone and heat strain were noted in July. The strongest relations between O3 and PhS were observed in June. In winter months (December-February) no significant dependencies were noted between the tested variables. These tests will help to contribute to increasing the current knowledge on evaluating the thermal comfort of urbanised areas and the accompanying aero-sanitary conditions.