Relations between ethics and humanistic culture are based on four forms of dialogues. They comprise the entire network of concepts, categories, historical standards, the relationship between work (theory of ethics) and the reader. As a result, the studies carried out in this text indicate that culture is a source of ethics for its communicability and culture is also a bridge which links ethics with other areas of humanities. Ethics is an inherent part of human culture, which at the same time reproduces and co-creates.
The subject of this article is the axiological basis of relations between morality and politics. The author shows anthropological and metaphysical origins of the idea of common good in social life. What role does morality play in political activity and where are moral foundations of a democratic state to be found? How to ensure the presence of moral values in public life (education, participation, common good, open society). The most important questions include: Who is responsible for ideas of democracy? Can democracy survive without a footing in pre–democratic values?
The conception of an act and its evaluation constitute the most interesting and important moral subject which consists of a complex set of theoretical and practical issues. The article includes St. Thomas’ conception of the definition of the goodness of an act, Tatarkiewicz’s theory of rightness of an act as a source of its evaluation as well as Kotarbinski’s considerations which deal with the analysis of an act from an efficiency perspective. They have all contributed to the definitione of an act in its several variants and provided the possibility of classification of evaluation of an act on the ethical and praxeological plane.
The presented work attempts to show a link between business and global responsibility, and the Socratic idea of self-knowledge. Today’s ethics discusses the fundamental issues of man’s place in the world. The human existence is one of the causes of the contemporary crisis. This crisis between man and the world obliges us to raise a radical question of the ethical origins of individual and global responsibility for the quality of life and the future of human generations. This question requires going back to the historical and ethical considerations about the Socratic project of the good life. The starting point for Socratic ethics is an inter-personal and inner-personal dialogue; the subsequent result is man’s practical wisdom of how to build his life with others. Socrates argues that the key issue of responsibility is the awakening of self-awareness and the way to achieve this objective is through dialogue.
In his last book, Piotr Stanisław Mazur deals with the problems of classical metaphysics, trying to update, extend and authenticate it, especially in relation to philosophical anthropology, which would be built on its foundations. This interest in metaphysics as knowledge of the totality of reality examined in the aspect of an existing being has several reasons. The most important of these include the contemporary critique of classical metaphysics and the more and more frequently raised questions about how to understand the reality of existence. In his latest book, Mazur attempts to defend Thomistic metaphysics by pointing to its new, cognitive possibilities related to the foundations of anthropology. It formulates a number of questions about human existence, and more specifically what is the specificity of human existence and what characterizes it. ------------- Received: 18/11/2019. Reviewed: 11/12/2019. Accepted: 09/01/2020
W swojej ostatniej monografii Piotr Stanisław Mazur podejmuje problematykę metafizyki klasycznej, starając się ją zaktualizować, rozszerzyć, uwiarygodnić, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do antropologii filozoficznej, która miałaby być budowana na jej podstawach. To zainteresowanie metafizyką, jako wiedzą o całości rzeczywistości, badanej w aspekcie istniejącego bytu, ma kilka swoich przyczyn. Do najważniejszych z nich należy współczesna krytyka metafizyki klasycznej oraz coraz częściej podnoszone kwestie dotyczące tego, jak rozumieć realność istnienia. W swojej najnowszej monografii Mazur podejmuje próbę obrony tomistycznej metafizyki przez wskazanie na jej nowe, poznawcze możliwości związane z podstawami antropologii. Formułuje szereg pytań dotyczących istnienia człowieka, a konkretnie, na czym polega specyfika istnienia człowieka i co je charakteryzuje. ------------- Zgłoszono: 18/11/2019. Zrecenzowano: 11/12/2019. Zaakceptowano do publikacji: 09/01/2020
The article is aimed at analyzing one of the crucial questions in contemporary moral philosophy: What is the ethical basis of interpersonal relations? Answers to this question usually point to one of the two extremes: personal dignity and personal autonomy. Which of them is appropriate for Christian ethics? The author refers to philosophical papers by Tadeusz Ślipko in order to find an answer to this question. In the first part, the main assumptions of his ethics are put forward. In the second part, the significance and functions of dignity are analyzed. This approach allows the application of Ślipko’s concept of personal dignity to interpersonal relations (above all: love and justice). From a Christian point of view, personal dignity is an ethical basis of all “person to person” relations, together with other moral categories like the good of the person, natural goals norms and obligations.
Celem artykułu jest analiza etycznej podstawy relacji międzyosobowej, jako jednej z najważniejszych kwestii stawianych dzisiaj w filozofii. Istnieją dwa „ekstremalne” stanowiska w odniesieniu do tego zagadnienia: jedno wskazuje na godność osobową, a drugie na autonomię osobową. Które z nich jest właściwe dla etyki chrześcijańskiej? Szukając właściwej odpowiedzi na to pytanie, odwołano się do tekstów ks. Tadeusza Ślipki: w pierwszej części przedstawione zostały główne założenia jego etyki, w drugiej rozważania skupiły się wokół takich zagadnień, jak znaczenie, miejsce oraz funkcje godności osobowej. Rozważania te pozwoliły na określenie, jak z punktu widzenia etyki chrześcijańskiej godność wiąże się z relacjami interpersonalnymi (a przede wszystkim z miłością i sprawiedliwością). Stanowi ona postawę dla tych relacji, razem z innymi kategoriami moralnymi, takimi jak dobro osoby, naturalny cel, normy i obowiązki.
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