This article is devoted to the reflections on the specific nature of old age derived from the author’s inspirations with the categories found in the works by Zygmunt Bauman, Tadeusz Sławek and Krzysztof Maliszewski. Those are reflections on the phenomenon of ageing which is anchored in the post-modern culture. The author suggests that old age should be perceived not only as a social and demographic phenomenon occurring on the socio-cultural, economic, political or historical ground, but also as personal experience, an individual project, time in life experienced as a period without coercion but with the right to live one’s own way, in one’s own rhythm and on one’s own.
Artykuł poświęcony został rozważaniom nad trzema kategoriami i zjawiskami zarazem. Autorka wyjaśnia i opisuje poszczególne kategorie: narrację, tożsamość, historię życia, podejmując próbę ukazania ich wzajemnych relacji i uwarunkowań, osadzając je w specyfice ponowoczesności.
The article reflects on three categories of phenomena. The author explains and describes several categories: narrative, identity, life history, and attempts to emphasise their mutual relations and conditions, embedding them in the specifics of post-modernism.
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