The strains collected in Athens and the city of Egina, the Island of Egina were identified as P. primaurelia. This is the first information about finding of P. primaurelia in Greece.
Two strains from Russia, one collected in Stary Peterhof, St. Petersburg and the second one in Irkutsk near Lake Baikal, both bearing two types of endosymbiont - Caedibacter sp. in the cytoplasm and Holospora caryophila in the macronucleus, were identified as Paramecium biaurelia. The strain originating from Hanoi, Vietnam was determined as Paramecium primaurelia, this strain has no endosymbionts.
Fragments of LSU rDNA and COI mtDNA genes were sequenced in Paramecium tetraurelia strains originating from different continents, i.e. from Australia (Sydney), Europe (Spain, Poland), Asia (Israel, India, Japan) and North America (Indiana) in order to investigate intra-specific polymorphism in this species. Phylogenetic trees (based on analyses using the NJ, MP and BI methods) revealed that P. tetraurelia strains from Australia, Europe, North America and Asia (Israel, Japan) belong to one group divided into two main clusters, while a strain from India is separate and belongs to a different group. The Indian strain groups together with strains representing different species of the P. aurelia complex: P. septaurelia, P. octaurelia, and P. dodecaurelia. Polymorphism within P. tetraurelia was confirmed, however, it seems that the applied markers did not explain the ways of divergence of strains within species (Indian strain and others), and also did not show correlations between geographic origin of strains and their genetic diversity. Some species of the P. aurelia complex seem closely related.
The paramecium strain, originating from Japan, Yamaguchi, belongs to Paramecium jenningsi (type of micronuclei, appearance of autogamy, presence of two macronuclear anlagen, dimensions of cells, and the RAPD fingerprints). The finding of Paramecium jenningsi in Japan enlarges the range of the species believed to be limited to a warm or even tropical climate.
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