Cybernetics is a science devoted to control while law is one of the methods of social control. Cyberneticists’ interest in law as well as the interest in cybernetics exhibited by lawyers are both natural. The article describes the history of the development of human thought which finally led to the creation of cybernetics. The paper reaches as far back in time as Ancient Greece where the notions of power and governing were researched scientificallyand discussed publically. Conversely, the ancient countries of the Middle East treated the issues of power as magic and they were considered arcane knowledge. Furthermore, the article mentions the cybernetics concepts which Trentowski expressed in his treaty from 1843. Next, it contains a description of Wiener’s views on law. Wiener is considered to be the creator of cybernetics as a separate branch of science. Also the reasons behind fightingcybernetics in the USSR were discussed as well as why it was promoted there afterwards. Moreover, publications on the subject of law and cybernetics by three Polish legal theorists (Studnicki, Kisza and Malinowski) were presented. The most important achievements and the main assumptions of the Polish school of cybernetics were delineated. It was first created by Marian Mazur and then further developed by Józef Kossecki. Also the views of some of the Polish cyberneticists on the subject of law were portrayed. The use of cybernetics by Polish forensic scientists was mentioned, especially by Mirosław Owoc. There is also included a reference to the most recent publications on the subject matter of law and cybernetics. Suitable juxtapositions, comparisons and summaries were made. Even though the articleconcentrates on an antiquarian approach instead of a substantive one, it more than once emphasizes the advantages and disadvantages of each idea.
The article describes some of the problems of information warfare. War against disinformation is often used to suppress freedoms (freedom of speech in particular) and persecute citizens critical of establishment; instead of being remedy for threats it became threat itself. One of main problems in this field is the lack of clear and precise definitions. Addressing issues of disinformation without a clear definition of disinformation may lead to creating even more disinformation. Great Polish scientist – Professor Marian Mazur – created complete and formalized theory of information. In his “Qualitative theory of information” (published in 1970) he gave precise and clear definitions of informing, information, disinformation etc.
W artykule starano się opisać niektóre problemy walki informacyjnej. Jednym z głównych mankamentów jest brak klarownych, ścisłych definicji, przez co publikacje traktujące o dezinformowaniu same często są źródłem dezinformacji. Walka z dezinformacją służy często ograniczeniu wolności i zwalczaniu niepokornych obywateli; zamiast stanowić remedium na zagrożenie, sama staje się zagrożeniem. Celem artykułu nie jest próba zdefiniowania informacji, pseudoinformacji oraz dezinformacji, gdyż te pojęcia zostały już ściśle zdefiniowane przez wybitnego polskiego uczonego – profesora Mariana Mazura – w wydanej w 1970 roku książce „Jakościowa teoria informacji”. Artykuł stara się przybliżyć i objaśnić informacyjne koncepcje Mazura oraz pokazać ich przydatność na polu badań nad zagadnieniami wojny informacyjnej.
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