The paper presents a comparative experiment with local search-based metaheuristics on the multiple objective knapsack problem. The methods used in this experiment are: Memetic-Pareto Archive Evolution Strategy (M-PAES), multiple objective genetic local search (MOGLS), Serafmi's multiple objective simulated annealing (SMOSA), multiple objective simulated annealing proposed by Ulungu et al. (MOSA) and Pareto simulated annealing (PSA). The experiment follows the design of the previous comparative studies in which M-PAES proved to be the best performer among several evolutionary algorithms. The results of the experiment reported in this paper indicate the best performance of MOGLS and PSA on the multiple objective knapsack problem.
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The paper describes an interactive multiobjective memetic algorithm. During the run of the method the DM is periodically asked to compare a pair of generated solutions. The comparisons are used to focus the search in the promising region of the nondorninated set. The algorithm is evaluated on the multiobjective traveling salesperson problem with four, five and six objectives. It is also compared to an interactive evolutionary metaheuristic proposed by Phelps and Koksalan. The results of the computational experiment indicate that the interactive algorithm can efficiently find high quality solutions even in the case of multidimensional objective space.
A new group of materials, consisting of plastic reinforced with natural fibres, offers a broad and very interesting field of application because of their highly promising properties. So-called bio-fibres such as jute, hemp, sisal, kenaf or cotton that once were in obscurity are enjoying a trully renaissance in the high-tech applications last 15 years. Their excellent specific mechanical properties (lightweight) as compared to glass fibres composites (GFC) are the main reason for their popularity: also their relatively low price and the fact that this raw material source is not based on petrochemicals, that makes the fibre production environment friendly (Ecobalance - CO; balance). The field of natural fibres research has experienced an explosion of interest, particularly with regard to its comparable properties to glass fibres within composites materials.
Coraz większą popularnością cieszy się na świecie nowa grupa materiałów wytwarzanych z polimerów syntetycznych z dodatkiem włókien naturalnych takich jak: juta, konopia, sizal, len. kenaf. Ich wspaniałe właściwości (lekka waga) w porównaniu z włóknem szklanym są głównym czynnikiem zwiększającym ich popularność. Również stosunkowo niska cena i fakt ze surowiec nie jest oparty na ropie powoduje tak duże zainteresowanie.
Due to the increasing environmental awareness nowadays biocomposites are becoming as important and prevalent materials as they were centuries ago. The development of high-performance engineering products made from natural resources is increasing worldwide. Natural fibre composites have become more and more efficient as new compositions and their processing methods are being intensively researched, developed and consequently applied. This paper, above all, is intended to provide a brief outline of the development and modification trends which aim to make biocomposites more user-friendly and eco-friendly by means of novel processing methods. These methods produce biopolymers with an improved melt behaviour and use naturally occurring raw materials.
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Badano stabilizację gruntów spoistych za pomocą substancji chemicznych. Określono wpływ wybranego środka hydrofobizującego na wytrzymałość na ściskanie i mrozoodporność gruntów spoistych.
A cohesive soils were stabilized by addn. of diamidoamine lactate (hydrophobizing agent). Compression strength and freeze resistance of the soils increased after the addn.
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The paper describes a fitness-distance analysis of a car sequencing problem. It defines 5 similarity measures for solutions of the problem, describes computational experiments and provides values of determination coefficients between fitness and similarity, which are an indicator of fitness-distance correlation (or 'big valley'). The analysis reveals certain correlations of fitness and two types of similarity for 4 of 5 types of available instances. This results might motivate such designs of metaheuristics for these types of instances which would exploit the structure in fitness landscapes.
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Biofiber and biopolymer based composites are enjoying a renaissance for a variety of reasons and they have developed significantly over the past few years especially due to their renewable nature. The increased fuel efficiency in automotive and a growing awareness in environmental preservation are leading to further developments. Biobased fibers exhibit decent price stability, being less dependent on the price of oil than other materials and their use should be highly encouraged from an economical point of view. Biocomposites are becoming attractive alternatives to glass fibre reinforced polymer composites in automotive industries due to significant weight and cost savings. Many automotive components (interior and exterior) are now made from biofibre reinforced composites materials which are mainly based on polypropylene with reinforcing biofibres jute, flax, hemp, kenaf and wood. However, further research is still required to overcome obstacles such as moisture absorption and increased long-term stability for use as exterior components. This paper has been arranged in a way to illustrate the development of biocomposites use in automotive sector with further opportunities.
Kompozyty o osnowie polimerowej wzmocnione włóknem pochodzenia naturalnego ("biokompozyty") są coraz częściej stosowane również jako materiały konstrukcyjne. Ich główne zalety to odnawialność surowca oraz właściwości materiałowe zbliżone lub polepszone w stosunku do kompozytów konwencjonalnych, otrzymywanych na bazie polimerów syntetycznych wzmocnionych włóknem szklanym. Wyrobami z zastosowaniem surowców odnawialnych zainteresowane są różne gałęzie przemysłu, np. artykuły i sprzęt AGD, przemysł meblowy i samochodowy. Ze względu na znacznie mniejszy ciężar właściwy i wysokie parametry wytrzymałościowe kompozyty te są często stosowane na elementy i części wyposażenia wnętrza pojazdów. Dodatkową zaletą tych materiałów i wyrobów jest znacznie niższy koszt w przeliczeniu na jednostkę wagi oraz fakt, że cena włókien naturalnych jest w dużej mierze niezależna od wahań cen ropy naftowej. Części z biokompozytów są obecnie nieodłącznym elementem wyposażenia każdego nowego pojazdu. Dotychczas najczęściej stosowane są kompozyty na bazie PP wzmocnione włóknami lnu, juty, konopi, bananowca lub napełnione mączką drzewną. Obecne prace rozwojowe dotyczą poprawy wybranych charakterystyk materiałowych, jak chłonność wilgoci lub właściwości długotrwałe kompozytu (np. pełzanie). Nowym trendem jest również zastosowanie polimerów na bazie surowców odnawialnych ("biopolimery").
We consider the problem of using real-time floating car data to construct vehicle travel time prediction models meant to be used as input to routing algorithms for finding the fastest (time-shortest) path in the traffic network. More specifically we target the on-line car navigation systems. The travel time estimates for such a system need to be computed efficiently and provided for all short segments (links) of the roads network. We compare several fast real-time methods such as last observation, moving average and exponential smoothing, each combined with a historical traffic pattern model. Through a series of large-scale experiments on real-world data we show that the described approach yields promising results and conclude that specific prediction function form may be less important than a proper control of bias-variance trade-off (achieved by historical and real-time models combination). In addition, we consider two different settings for testing the prediction quality of the models. The first setting concerns measuring the prediction error on short road segments, while the second on longer paths through the traffic network. We show the quality and model parameters vary depending on the assessment method.
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In the review the principles of technology of microcellular polymers preparations were presented. The process consists of three steps: the bubbles nucleation, growth and stabilization. The examples physical foaming agents most often used such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen were given. Attention is paid to the fact that choice of foaming agent influences the structures of the foams obtained. An important group of chemical foaming agents, being organic or inorganic solid substances decomposing during the foaming process with carbon dioxide or nitrogen release, was also described. Three basic technologies used for microcellular materials preparation, i.e. MuCell (Fig. 1 and 2), Optifoam (Fig. 3) and ErgoCell (Fig. 4) were discussed in detail. The examples of applications of the materials prepared by the technologies mentioned above were given (Fig. 5-9).
W literaturowym przeglądzie omówiono podstawy technologii wytwarzania polimerów mikroporowatych. Proces ten składa się z trzech etapów polegających na zarodkowaniu powstawania pęcherzyków, ich wzrostu i stabilizacji. Podano przykłady najczęściej używanych fizycznych środków spieniających, takich jak ditlenek węgla i azot, zwracając uwagę na to, że wybór środka spieniającego ma wpływ na strukturę otrzymanych tworzyw mikroporowatych. Opisano także ważną grupę chemicznych środków spieniających, które są organicznymi lub nieorganicznymi substancjami stałymi rozkładającymi się podczas procesu mikroporowacenia z uwalnianiem ditlenku węgla i/lub azotu. Szczegółowo omówiono trzy podstawowe technologie stosowane do wytwarzania materiałów mikroporowatych, tj. MuCell (rys. 1 i 2), Optifoam (rys. 3) i ErgoCell (rys. 4). Przedstawiono przykłady użycia materiałów otrzymanych z zastosowaniem powyższych technologii (rys. 5-9).
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