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Według Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO) co roku na świecie urazów doznaje około 75 milionów ludzi, a 23% ofiar obrażeń ginie lub doznaje trwałego uszczerbku na zdrowiu. Tak duża liczba urazów to skutek między innymi przekształceń systemów ekonomicznych, ciągłego rozwoju motoryzacji, mechanizacji w przemyśle i rolnictwie, zmiany modelu życia, pogoni za pracą, braku odpoczynku, dążenia do jak najszybszego przemieszczania się z miejsca na miejsce, nieprzestrzegania zasad bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego oraz niskiej jakości infrastruktury drogowej i złego stanu technicznego pojazdów.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) every year about 75 million people suffer injury, and 23% of the victims get killed or sustains permament damage to health in the whole world. Such a large number of injuries results from, inter alia, the transformation of economic systems, the continuous development of motorization, mechanization in industry and agriculture, changes in the pattern of life, the pursuit of work, lack of rest, failure to observe road safety, poor road infrastructure and poor technical condition of vehicles.
Wypadki drogowe stanowią poważny problem współczesnego świata. Są jedną z głównych przyczyn wszystkich urazów, które to stanowią trzecią przyczynę zgonów na świecie. Każdego roku na drogach świata ginie około miliona osób (dorosłych i dzieci), a kilkanaście milionów zostaje rannych. Umieralność z powodu obrażeń poniesionych w wyniku wypadków drogowych stanowi 2,2% wszystkich zgonów na świecie. W artykule przedstawiono epidemiologię wypadków drogowych w Polsce w latach 1990-2009 ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na główne problemy bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w Polsce związane z niebezpiecznymi zachowaniami jego uczestników (nieprzestrzeganie przepisów ruchu drogowego). W latach 1990-2009 na polskich drogach wydarzyło się ponad milion 61 tysięcy wypadków, w których zginęło prawie 126 tys. osób, a ponad 1 mln 336 tys. zostało rannych. Pomimo różnorakich działań, które są podejmowane w celu poprawy bezpieczeństwa na polskich drogach liczba rannych i zabitych na skutek wypadków drogowych jest w dalszym ciągu bardzo duża, a straty ponoszone przez społeczeństwo wysokie. Aby poprawić stan bezpieczeństwa na drogach naszego kraju konieczne jest kontynuowanie wielokierunkowych działań mających na celu systematyczne podnoszenie poziomu bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego.
Road accidents are a serious problem of the modern world. They are one of the main causes of injuries and the third most frequent cause of death. Every year, about one million people, adults and children, die on the roads and several millions get injured. The mortality rate due to injuries from road accidents is 2.2% of all deaths in the world. This research presents the epidemiology of road accidents in 1990-2009 with particular emphasis on the key issues of road safety in Poland, related to the dangerous behaviour of road users (disregard of traffic rules). There were over 1,061,000 accidents with 126,000 fatalities and over 1,336,000 casualties on Polish roads between 1990 and 2009. Despite the various measures taken to improve safety on Polish roads, the number of dead and wounded in car accidents is still large, and losses borne by the society are high. To improve safety on Polish roads, it is necessary to continue multi-action plans to systematically improve road safety.
Wypadki drogowe stanowią jeden z najważniejszych problemów polityki zdrowotnej i społecznej współczesnego świata Obecnie na świecie śmiertelny wypadek drogowy zdarza się średnio co 50 sekund, a co dwie sekundy powoduje on obrażenia u ludzi. Według WHO każdego roku na drogach świata ginie prawie 1,3 mln osób, a od 20 do 50 mln osób doznaje ciężkich obrażeń ciała i wymaga długotrwałego, kosztownego leczenia. Wielu następstwom wypadków drogowych można skutecznie zapobiegać, co wymaga jednak ciągłej pracy nad nowymi metodami i technika m i efektywnej profilaktyki. W ostatnich latach, z powodu ciągłego wzrostu liczby ofiar śmiertelnych i rannych w wypadkach w ruchu drogowym, podjęto szereg inicjatyw dotyczących poprawy bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w skali kontynentalnej i globalnej. W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze światowe i europejskie programy dotyczące profilaktyki wypadków drogowych.
Road accidents are one of the most important problems of health and social policy of the modern world. The problem of road accidents appeared early in the development of the automotive industry and, together with its development took epidemic proportions. Currently, in the world, a fatal traffic accident occurs on average every 50 seconds, and every 2 seconds it causes injures to humans. According to WHO data, over 13 million people die each year on roads, and between 20 and 50 million suffer serious injuries and mostly require lengthy and costly treatment. Many consequences of road accidents can be effectively prevented. This requires continuous work on new methods and techniques for effective and sustainable prevention. In recent years, due to the continuous in increase in the number of deaths and injuries on the road, the heave been many initiatives to improve road safety in the continental and global scale. This paper presents the most important global and European programmes for preventing road accidents.
Children injuries are one of the biggest problems in modern medicine that require vigorous and preventive actions. All kinds of injuries resulting from road accidents are the most common cause of death in children, more common than cancer and birth defects. In the years 1995-2009, there were 113 211 accidents involving 959 children aged 0-14 years in Poland in which 3791 children died and 117 730 were injured. Most fatalities were recorded in children in the age range 7-14 years. The following study presents the main problems of road safety and the nature, causes and consequences of injures in children in Poland and worldwide. It discusses the risks associated with children involved in traffic as well as ways of reducing the number of accidents in children based on the WHO report.
Urazy i ich następstwa u dzieci są jednym z największych problemów współczesnej medycyny, które wymagają działań energicznych i zapobiegawczych. Obrażenia spowodowane wypadkami drogowymi są najczęstszą przyczyną zgonów wśród dzieci, częstszą niż choroby nowotworowe i wady wrodzone. W Polsce w latach 1995-2009 doszło do 113 211 wypadków drogowych z udziałem dzieci w wieku 0-14 lat. 3791 dzieci zmarło, a 117 730 zostało rannych. Większość ofiar śmiertelnych odnotowano wśród dzieci w wieku 7-14 lat. Praca przedstawia główne problemy związane z bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego, charakter, przyczyny i konsekwencje wypadków drogowych wśród dzieci w Polsce i na świecie. Omówione w niej zostały także zagrożenia związane z udziałem dzieci w ruchu drogowym, jak również sposoby na zmniejszenie liczby wypadków wśród dzieci na podstawie raportu WHO.
Content available Badania nad fotokatalitycznym rozkładem nikotyny
Proces fotokatalitycznej degradacji jest jedną z nowych metod stosowanych do usuwania zanieczyszczeń z wody i powietrza. Jednym ze specyficznych, toksycznych zanieczyszczeń jest nikotyna. Jej utlenianie może prowadzić do powstawania silnie kancerogennych nitrozoamin. Celem pracy były badania nad fotokatalityczną degradacją nikotyny oraz identyfikacja wśród produktów jej rozkładu 4-(metylonitrozamino)-1(3-pyridinyl)-1-butanonu oraz N-nitrozo-nornikotyny. Badania prowadzono w środowisku wodnym w obecności suspensji TiO2. Próbki zawierające nikotynę lub nikotynę z dodatkiem jonów NO2 – naświetlano promieniowaniem UVa (max = 366 nm). Wyniki eksperymentów oceniano na podstawie analiz wykonywanych metodą HPLC/MS/MS. Stwierdzono, że podczas naświetlania próbek zawierających fotokatalizator zachodził proces rozkładu nikotyny. Istotne jest, że w żadnym z rozpatrywanych przypadków rozkładowi nikotyny nie towarzyszyło powstawanie nitrozoaminy.
The photocatalytic degradation process of is one of the new and popular methods used to remove pollutants from water and air. This process is based mainly on oxidation of pollutants by highly reactive hydroxyl radicals generated on a photocatalyst surface under UV irradiation. Many highly toxic organic and resistant to biodegradation substances could undergo degradation and they may be transformed to less toxic compounds. Nicotine belongs to a group of compounds being specific toxic anthropogenic contaminants. Highly carcinogenic nitrosamines are one of the possible products of photocatalytic oxidation of nicotine. The aim of our work was to study the photocatralytic degradation of nicotine and the intentification of N'-nitrosonornicotine among the degradation products. The experiment was carried out in an aqueous medium, in the presence of TiO2 suspension (0.4 g/dm3). Samples containing nicotine (0.1 mmol/dm3) or nicotine and NO2 – ions were irradiated with UVa radiation (max = 366 nm). Results of experiments were assessed on the basis of the analysis performed by HPLC/MS/MS method. It was found that during irradiation of samples containing photocatalyst the decomposition of nicotine was observed. It is important that the formation of nitrosamines was not observed in any analyzed nicotine samples.
Introduction: Dissonance between the high ‘technical’ competences of medical professionals, including paramedics or emergency medical technicians (EMT), and the relatively low level of patient satisfaction with care received, is a phenomenon observed in many countries. Many studies show that it occurs in the case of an inadequate interpersonal communication between medical professionals and patients. The primary goal of the presented research was evaluation of the level (study of the state) of communication competences of paramedics, and determination of the factors on which this level depends. An additional goal was analysis of the needs and educational possibilities within the existing models of education in the area of interpersonal communication provided by higher medical education institutions. Methods: The following three methods were used: 1) documentation analysis (standards, plans and educational programmes); 2) diagnostic survey concerning professional communication competences of paramedics; 3) self-reported communication skills in emergency medical services – adjective check list. The last two instruments were subject to standardization from the aspect of reliability and validity. The study group covered a total of 105 respondents in the following subgroups: 1) professional paramedics who, as a rule, were not trained in interpersonal communication (31 respondents); paramedic students covered by a standard educational programme (54 respondents); 3) paramedic students who, in addition to a standard educational programme, attended extra courses in professional interpersonal communications (20 respondents). Results: The results of studies indicate poor efficacy of shaping communication competences of paramedics based on education in the area of general psychology and general interpersonal communication. Communication competences acquired by paramedics during undergraduate education are subject to regression during occupational activity. Discussion: Methods of evaluating communication competences are useful in constructing group and individual programmes focused on specific communication competences, rather than on general communication skills.
Population biobanks offer new opportunities for public health, are rudimentary for the development of its new branch called Public Health Genomics, and are important for translational research. This article presents organizational models of population biobanks in selected European countries. Review of bibliography and websites of European population biobanks (UK, Spain, Estonia). Some countries establish national genomic biobanks (DNA banks) in order to conduct research on new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the genetic and lifestyle diseases and on pharmacogenetic research. Individual countries have developed different organizational models of these institutions and specific legal regulations regarding various ways of obtaining genetic data from the inhabitants, donors’ rights, organizational and legal aspects. Population biobanks in European countries were funded in different manners. In light of these solutions, the authors discuss prospects of establishing a Polish national genomic biobank for research purpose. They propose the creation of such an institution based on the existing network of blood-donation centres and clinical biobanks in Poland.
Background. The low level of patient satisfaction recorded in many studies and, at the same time, the level of frustration and burnout, disclosed by medics in the perception of the patient as a ‘problem’, incline to look for the causes of inadequate relationship between physician and patient. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of acceptance of the patient by the medical personnel. The research problem was the acceptance level which was within the range of the communication skills of the nurses and doctors. Another aim was to discover the factors determining this level of acceptance. Material and Methods. Two methods were used in the research process: 1) a diagnostic survey regarding the medical, professional communication skills; 2) testing of professional self-esteem from the medical aspect. The study population consisted of a total of 1,244 respondents divided into the following groups: registered nurses and doctors (729), students of nursing and medical faculties (515). Results. The results of the research showed that in most cases the acceptance of the patient by the medical staff was ‘conditional’, which translated into the level of frustration or lack of satisfaction with their profession, and ultimately into the level of burnout. The level of patient acceptance by medical staff (unconditional acceptance), depended primarily on age, followed by their profession. However, the relationship between this acceptance and gender and work experience was statistically insignificant. Conclusions. As the method to improve this situation, the expansion of education in the field of interpersonal communication is proposed, adding issues related with both the conditional and unconditional acceptance of the patient, as well as issues regarding how to deal with the patient from the aspect of disease and the psycho-socio-spiritual area.
Wprowadzenie. Niski poziom satysfakcji pacjenta odnotowany w wielu badaniach naukowych, jak również frustracja oraz wypalenie zawodowe wśród personelu medycznego skłania do poszukiwania przyczyn tych problemów w nieprawidłowej relacji pomiędzy pacjentem a lekarzem. Cel. Celem badań była ocena poziomu akceptacji pacjenta przez personel medyczny. Badaniem objęto poziom akceptacji, który mieścił się w zakresie umiejętności komunikacyjnych pielęgniarek i lekarzy. Celem wtórnym było odkrycie czynników determinujących ten poziom akceptacji. Materiał i metoda. W procesie badań naukowych zostały wykorzystane dwie metody: 1) badanie diagnostyczne dotyczące medycznych, zawodowych umiejętności komunikacyjnych; 2) badanie samooceny zawodowej z punktu widzenia medycznego. Badana populacja składała się z 1244 respondentów podzielonych na grupy: pielęgniarki i lekarze (729), studenci pielęgniarstwa oraz nauk o zdrowiu (515). Wyniki. Wyniki badań wykazały, że w większości przypadków akceptacja pacjenta przez personel medyczny jest „warunkowa”, co przełożyło się na poziom frustracji i brak satysfakcji z wykonywanego zawodu, a ostatecznie na poziom wypalenia zawodowego. Natomiast bezwarunkowa akceptacja pacjenta przez personel medyczny zależała przede wszystkim od wieku, a następnie zawodu pacjenta. Związek między akceptacją a płcią i doświadczeniem zawodowym był statystycznie nieistotny. Wnioski. W celu poprawy relacji interpersonalnych na linii pacjent – personel medyczny w zakresie edukacji z komunikacji interpersonalnej proponuje się dodanie do edukacji zawodowej zagadnień związanych zarówno z warunkową jak i bezwarunkowa akceptacją chorego, jak również zmianę dotyczącą sposobu postępowania z pacjentem począwszy od aspektu chorobowego aż do obszaru psycho-społeczno-duchowego.
The results of transplantations of organs and tissues in our country are comparable to these obtained in the best centres in the world. Only the number of the performed operations is significantly smaller than the actual needs. The aim of the study was having knowledge and stance about transplantations and judging knowledge about valid in Poland law rules about drawing and transplanting organs, tissues and cells in research community. On the basis of carried out researches it was certified, that the knowledge about transplantation organs is high. For most people the ascertainment of death brain is the same like death body. The necessary is to make training for future doctors where they can learn to make decisions about transplantations organs from death people and where they can learn to explain any problems of ethic-law nature of transplantation."
Health care workers (HCW) worldwide are especially exposed to injury by sharp instruments in the course of their duty. The most often executed procedures with injury risk are: intramuscular or subcutaneous injection (22%), taking blood samples, or during intravenous cannulation (20%), and repeatedly replacing the cap on an already used needle (30%). Even a minor sharp injury with only a small loss of blood carries the risk of transfer of over 20 pathogens: Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), HIV/AIDS virus, malaria, syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, herpes virus and diphtheria. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than two million health care workers experience the stressful event of a percutaneous injury with a contaminated sharp object each year (25-90% of them, however, remain unreported). These exposures result in about 16,000 infections with HCV, 66,000 with HBV and about 1,000 (200-5000) with HIV, which lead to about 1,100 deaths or significant disability. Exposures to sharp injuries and their consequences are highly preventable through simple interventions, such as HBV vaccination, education and providing containers for sharp instruments. Specific guidelines, similar to the American Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations that have lowered by up to 88% of needle stabbing incidents, should be introduced by the European Union (EU) and other countries. The results of a review of reports leads to the following conclusions: 1) elaboration and implementation of new State regulations, especially in EU countries and in countries where such regulations do not exist; 2) the training of health care personnel should always be undertaken for new employees, and periodically for those already employed; 3) periodical control by appointed inspectors of knowledge of procedures for the prevention of injuries by sharp instruments among health care workers; 4) introducing and training in the use of equipment, which can prevent the sharp injuries; 5) an advanced monitoring system of sharp injuries sustained by worker should also be introduced. Successful implementation of these prevention measures will result in progress for public health and HCW’s health and safety.
Recently in many countries, including Poland, the problem of overweight and obesity has been increasing. Many people, despite the knowledge about the harmful effects of obesity, accept it to a considerable degree, ignoring its health consequences. The aim of the paper was to examine the incidence of overweight and obesity in the selected population as well as to evaluate the awareness of being obese and undertaking activities against it. The study included 242 residents of Staszów region. The research method was a survey questionnaire. Apart from that, all the respondents had their body mass index (BMI) calculated. In the investigated population exceeding proper body mass was common. A considerable group of the subjects did not know simple methods of evaluating the state of nutrition and had problems to estimate their own body mass. The subjects frequently were not aware of their overweight or obesity and took no actions in order to reduce their body mass.
Wstęp. Migracja z terenów charakteryzujących się najwyższym poziomem bezrobocia, do takich zalicza się województwo lubelskie, dotknęła także młodych pracowników ochrony zdrowia w tym ratowników medycznych. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była analiza deklaracji dotyczących strategii życiowych studentów kierunku ratownictwo medyczne Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Materiał i metoda. Badaniu z użyciem anonimowej ankiety poddano 129 studentów kierunku ratownictwo medyczne. Wyniki badań. Dla prawie 65% ankietowanych studentów priorytetem życiowym jest szczęśliwe życie rodzinne. Po ukończeniu studiów pierwszego stopnia jedna trzecia badanych zamierza kontynuować naukę na studiach drugiego stopnia. Ponad 66% studentów odpowiedziało, że na rynku pracy lokalnym i krajowym znajdą pracę, ale będą jej długo szukać, natomiast ponad 61% odpowiedziało, że na rynku międzynarodowym znajdą pracę bez trudu. Ponad jedna trzecia studentów jest zainteresowana wyjazdem za granicę. Najpopularniejszym krajem emigracji wybieranym przez studentów okazała się Wielka Brytania (41,57%). Wnioski. 1. Priorytetem życiowym dla większości ankietowanych studentów kierunku ratownictwo medyczne jest założenie rodziny. 2. Większość badanych studentów, po ukończeniu studiów pierwszego stopnia, zamierza kontynuować naukę na studiach drugiego stopnia. 3. W opinii respondentów znalezienie pracy w wyuczonym zawodzie na rynku pracy lokalnym i krajowym zajmie im dużo czasu, natomiast za granicą znajdą ją bez trudu. 4. Władze regionalne i władze uczelni muszą uruchomić programy podnoszące atrakcyjność województwa lubelskiego, których celem będzie zatrzymanie corocznej fali wyjazdu najzdolniejszych młodych ludzi poza Lubelszczyznę.
Introduction. Migration from areas characterized by high levels of unemployment, such as the Lublin Region, also affect young health professionals, including paramedics. Objective. The objective of the study was analysis of declarations concerning the life strategies of students of the specialty of emergency medicine at the Medical University in Lublin. Material and method. The study was conducted using an anonymous questionnaire, and covered 129 paramedic students. Results. Nearly 65% of students reported that a happy family life was their life priority. After completion of first-degree studies, one third of respondents intended to continue their education by taking second-degree studies. More than 66% of students answered that they will find employment in the local and national labour markets; however, they will seek employment for a long time, while 61% of respondents mentioned that they will find employment on the international labour market without difficulties. More than one-third of the students were interested in seeking a job abroad. The most popular direction regarding emigration, chosen by the respondents, was the United Kingdom (41.57%). Conclusions. 1) The majority of the emergency medicine students considered starting a family as their life priority. 2) The majority of students intended to continue education at second-degree studies. 3) According to the respondents, finding a job in their profession on the national local labour market will take them a long time; while abroad it will be possible without any difficulties. 4) Regional and university authorities should launch programmes for improving the attractiveness of the Lublin Region, aimed at stopping the annual wave of talented young people leaving Lublin.
Introduction: In the autumn of 2009 the authors participated in a humanitarian operation in Western Ukraine by undertaking an epidemiological investigation of an influenza-like-illness (ILI) in the L’viv Oblast region. Mobile biological survey teams took samples from civilian patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, rapid transportation of the samples, and their molecular analysis in Poland to provide accurate results. Objective: The aim of the study was the molecular and epidemiological analysis of the biological samples collected. Material and Methods: Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR), multiplex PCR techniques, traditional Sanger Sequencing and classical viral culture methods were used. Results: Among the 124 influenza-like illness cases, ~50% (58) were positive for influenza A virus in WHO-CDC molecular assay, including subtyping. The specimens were further analyzed to confirm results and determine the genetic sequence. Phylogenetically, the nucleotide similarity of both the Ukraine specimens and reference A/California/7/2009 (pH1N1) was 99.2–99.3%. Oseltamivir resistance was not registered. HA1 region characterization showed an overall protein identity of 98.5–99.4%. Conclusions: An unexpected high contribution of influenza A was confirmed among ILI patients, as well as a very limited number of other detected viruses, indicate that the 2009 epidemic in western Ukraine was strongly related to novel influenza A/H1N1. The importance of swift sharing of information and reference laboratories networking in surveillance, as well as serving governments and international agencies in pursuing adequate actions, should be stressed.
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