The following article analyzes the presentation of Empress Theodora – the wife of Emperor Justinian and the most popular woman in the history of Byzantium – in contemporary Latin sources. Victor of Tunnuna, Liberatus of Carthage, and the author of selected biographies in Liber Pontificalis focused in their works primarily on the issues of religious policy of the empire and described the person of the ruler throughout this prism. Considerations on the parallel monophysite source tradition allow for a hypothesis about the schematicism of creating the image of Theodora as the main enemy of Chalcedonian orthodoxy.
Poniższy artykuł stanowi analizę sposobów przedstawiania cesarzowej Teodory – żony cesarza Justyniana i najpopularniejszej kobiety w dziejach Bizancjum – we współczesnych jej źródłach łacińskich. Wiktor z Tunnuny, Liberatus z Kartaginy, a także autor wybranych biogramów w Liber Pontificalis koncentrowali się w swoich dziełach przede wszystkim na kwestiach polityki religijnej imperium i przez ten pryzmat opisywali osobę władczyni. Rozważania dotyczące równoległej miafizyckiej tradycji źródłowej pozwalają na wysunięcie hipotezy o schematyzmie kreowania wizerunku Teodory jako głównego wroga chalcedońskiej ortodoksji.
The article is concerned with the participation of Flavius Aspar, a military commander and patrician in the Eastern Roman Empire, in the Emperor Leo’s election. After a detailed investigation of various source traditions which give information on the election of 457, it proceeds to an analysis of factors leading to the Alan commander’s exceptional position in the power structure of the Empire. The main thesis of the article is that the holding of the highest-ranking military and civil offices by the two figures of the Ardabur family allowed Aspar to achieve the election of an ordinary tribune. This view is further confirmed by a discussion of Leo I’s appointment policy pursued in the years 458–465, which resulted in the monopolization of the state administration by the Ardabur family and their followers, as well as to certain legislative initiatives undertaken by Aspar.
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