The Catholic Church has been observing the cultural changes in society of the twenty and twenty-first centuries and attempting to reformulate its relationship towards non-Christian religions. Discussion over the question as to whether Christians and Muslims believe and acknowledge the same God has also impacted the Czech theological scene. The paper is presented as a contribution to the discussion. The main source is a letter of Pope Gregory VII to a certain Muslim ruler where he formulated the sentence qui unum Deum, licet diverso modo, credimus et confitemur. The quotation is interpreted in the context of contemporary discussions. The paradigm for interpreting the issue and answering the question is found in theological argumentation based on methodological respect for the mysteries of God's life.
This paper focuses on the published books of the 117th Alexandrian Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Shenouda III (1923-2012). He is widely recognized as one of the most significant figures of the Egyptian Christian tradition of the 20th century. The mission of the Coptic Orthodox Church to preach the gospel in the Egyptian society is carried out in the context of the majority religion of Islam. This means that the proclamation of the gospel by words is considered a cause of conflict. The paper presents Shenouda´s theological reflection on Islam by analyzing two of his monothematic books Quran and Christianity and The Myth of Barnabas Gospel. The last part of the paper deals with Shenouda´s pastoral concept of preaching the gospel within predominantly Muslim society where religion of Islam is an important part of its constitution.
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Theology and religious studies have been draw to the context of the natural sciences since the beginning of the twentieth century at the latest. The natural sciences in general and neuroscience in particular, seek to answer the question of the origin and nature of the religious phenomenon apart from the theology and religious studies. Andrew Newberg defined the field of neurotheology and due to his definition presented neurotheology as a partner for theology and religion. The article deals with the method of neurotheology and with its relation to theology and religious studies.
Bioethical issues have been officially discussed in the Coptic Orthodox Church since 1987. Bioethical questions as well as answers presented by the church authorities disclose the strong influence of traditional Muslim culture of Egypt. The fundamental Christian bioethics is missing; however, we can find at least studies focused on special bioethical issues. Before the first official statement of the Coptic Orthodox Church to bioethical issues was published the bioethical studies of the Coptic monk and theologian Matthew the Poor were published in late sixties. In his bioethical studies we can recognise wider theological concept, nevertheless, the fundamental bioethics is still missing. Still, his bioethical reasoning is also under strong influence of modern Egyptian culture based on the religion of Islam. The paper focuses on the description of the affiliation between the tenets of Muslim culture and the Christian theological discussion.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is recognised as a theocratic political system with a touch of democratic elements. Since the last decade of the 20th century it is the only Islamic republic with sophisticated system for sex-change operations and procedures related to this issues. This unique situation was developed on the ruling of Ayatollah Khomeini concerning the Fereydoon Molkara’s case. He was born as a man and later identified himself as a woman. Current legal regulation in Iran not just allows sex-change procedure, it is recommended and even expected by the religious authorities that anyone who identifies himself with the other sex than he was born with would undertake the sex-change procedure. The paper deals with the historical and theological context of the issue.
Islamska Republika Iranu jest uznawana za teokratyczny system polityczny z elementami demokracji. Od ostatniej dekady XX wieku jest to jedyna islamska republika z wyrafinowanym systemem operacji związanych ze zmianą płci oraz procedurami dotyczącymi tej kwestii. Ta wyjątkowa sytuacja rozwinęła się za rządów Ayatollaha Chomeiniego w związku ze sprawą Foreydoona Molkara. Urodził się on jako mężczyzna, a później utożsamiał się jako kobieta. Aktualne przepisy prawne w Iranie nie tylko zezwalają na procedurę zmiany płci, jest ona zalecana, a nawet oczekiwana przez władze religijne, które mówią, że każdy, kto identyfikuje się z inną płcią niż ta, z którą się urodził, podejmie procedurę zmiany płci. Artykuł dotyczy historycznego i teologicznego kontekstu tego problemu.
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The Coptic Orthodox Church is considered as the greatest prechalcedonian Christian community in the Middle East. The 20th century was the time of her renaissance and a Sunday schools movement is one of the main reasons of this process. This article deals with the beginning, education methods and impact of the movement on the Coptic Orthodox Church.
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