In this commentary I argue that the Author of the provocation showed moral courage, however he did not escape the sin of over-generalization in evaluating reactions of the academic community to the provocation. The observed lack of unambiguous support to the Author’s effort may be explained in a number of ways. First, psychotherapy tends to be perceived as not scientific, due to its tradition, the way it is practiced, and the prevalent optimistic bias as to its effects. Second, forces of a free market create demand for the pseudoscientific practices that promise improvement of life quality. Third, the deep irrationality as revealed in a general acceptance of beliefs that contradict scientific knowledge may lead to higher tolerance of pseudoscientific concepts.
W artykule przedstawiony został przegląd badań na temat roli emocji moralnych w pomaganiu grupom o niższym statusie społecznym. Wskazano na odmienne mechanizmy udzielania pomocy w oparciu o empatię, a w wyniku współczucia czy doświadczania konkretnych emocji moralnych. Przywołano badania Nancy Eisneberg i współpracowników nad empatią, Bernarda Weinera – nad emocjami jako ogniwem łączącym atrybucje i działanie, funkcjonalne podejście do emocji moralnych Rogera Giner-Sorolli, a także wyniki badań dotyczących winy egzystencjalnej i oburzenia moralnego jako emocji związanych z postrzeganą niesprawiedliwością. Emocje moralne w różnych nurtach badań okazały się mediatorami związku między procesami poznawczymi (atrybucjami, przekonaniami politycznymi) a tendencjami behawioralnymi. Za sprawą obecności emocji moralnych w mediach społecznościowych wyłoniła się nowa perspektywa ich badania.
This article aims to explore the relationship between digital innovations and sustainable development before and during the pandemic, taking into consideration the level of development of countries. The authors employed both qualitative and quantitative methods, including a critical review of the literature and the analysis of a database of 31 European countries, using various indicators such as the global sustainability index, global innovation index, human capital and research, infrastructure, business sophistication, knowledge and technology outputs, country innovation performance, and creative output. The investigated European countries have been categorized into three clusters based on the level of sustainable development, and their characteristics before and during the pandemic have been examined. The study also explored the relationship between global sustainability and digital innovation. The results suggest that global action is needed to address structural factors perpetuating inequality and underdevelopment in less-developed countries. Hence, this research offers insights into the potential of digital innovations in promoting sustainable development during crises. Policymakers, development practitioners, and scholars interested in sustainable development can benefit from this research to design more effective policies and interventions for different country clusters to understand the impact of the pandemic on sustainable development and develop more effective responses.
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