This article offers a polemical response to Patryk Szaj’s text, titled Tracking the (Traces of) Sense: Text and Reading in Modern Hermeneutics. In his article, Szaj demonstrates how the category of “closeness” he uses to define the ontology of reading practiced in modern hermeneutics is metaphysically charged. The specific conception of deconstruction we encounter in Szaj’s analysis frames it as an inversion of modern hermeneutics, which not only implies that “closeness” privileges the interior (at the expense of the exterior) and the signifiant (at the expense of the signifié). It also implies that the “trace” is an inversion of “meaning.” We might say that their result is merely the text.
Artykuł jest głosem polemicznym wobec tekstu Patryka Szaja zatytułowanego Śledzenie (śladów) sensu. Tekst i lektura w hermeneutyce ponowoczesnej, w którym autor pokazuje, że zaproponowana przez Szaja kategoria „bliskości”, określająca ontologię lektury uprawianej przez hermeneutykę ponowoczesną, jest metafizycznie obciążona. Obecne w interpretacji Szaja specyficzne rozumienie dekonstrukcji jako odwrotności hermeneutyki nowoczesnej powoduje, że „bliskość” nie tylko uprzywilejowuje wnętrze (kosztem zewnętrza), signifiant (kosztem signifié), ale też ze „śladu” czyni odwrotność „sensu”. Ich wypadkową, można rzec, jest dopiero tekst.
This article analyzes confessions of love from the perspective of communication – it shows the paradoxical character of such confessions and the disparity between this and other models of communication. By referring to the writings of Roland Barthes, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Jacques Derrida as well as papers dealing with cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics, the article presents the interpretative consequences of deictic shifts (shifts in textual perspectives).
The author of this article attempts to redefine the category of transgression. By preparing a preliminary typology of the existing uses of this concept, he puts forward the hypothesis that, on the one hand, transgression can be identified with (is synonymous with) going beyond the limit of something, and on the other hand, it can be equated with the constant conflict between its empirical and linguistic dimensions as well as its thematization and formalization. The author proposes to define transgression as the act of setting/removing a certain limit. This definition overcomes the above-mentioned difficulties because it not only has an ambiguous aspect (undecidability), i.e. both a positive (construction) and a negative (destruction) dimension, but it also pushes the issues related to transgression into the domain of negotiations, i.e. interactions with the reader (reception, tradition and criticism), from which it derives its inventive potential.
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