Purpose: The aim of the paper is to show in detail the quantitative dimension of industrial property protection in the form of indexes of the innovative development of the Polish economy in the first two decades of the 21st century. Design/methodology/approach: A review of the literature on the subject as well as other sources in the form of legal acts and statistical data from the Central Statistical Office. Findings: The conducted research allowed for an analysis of changes in the number of notified solutions in the field of industrial property and their interpretation, leading to, regrettably, not very optimistic conclusions as to the limited effectiveness of Poland’s innovation policy. Research limitations/implications: The adopted research method of literature review has many limitations and is not a perfect way to obtain data. Practical implications: The conducted research and analysis make it possible to assess not only the level of innovative activity in terms of the number of applications for the protection of industrial property rights, but also changes in the number of approved solutions. On this basis, the conclusion can be drawn that there has been hardly any improvement in the level of innovativeness of the Polish economy, primarily with regard to the achievement of measurable effects. In possible further research, it seems important to attempt a comparative analysis, based on available data on the amount of expenditures on innovative activities. Originality/value: The value of the paper consists in systematising huge data sets (time series) amassed over a period of more than two decades and using them to perform diachronic analyses.
The subject matter in article was propels connected with influence of changes of prices energy on quality of life of society. Authors try to establish to Polish realities the adequacy of definition of energetistic poverty as well as to qualify, as the growing costs of electric energy influence on standard of citizens’ life. The European climatical policy extorts on all the member’s countries the change of character of energetistic sector. It follows departure from conventional energetics towards unconventional; gas fuel was replaced carbon, as traditional fuel. The renewable sources of energy find more more and more general use, but their economic efficiency and energetistic it is low. This attracts for me the growth of prices of energy and the costs of maintenance, the level of life of large part population worsens. More and more home farms stand up before problem of height of payments for energy and her carriers. The only subject which can these problems you is solve and his agency. The part of state be propeled in formation energetistic policy also and social policy, in support about national legislation as well as unions.
W artykule poruszono tematykę związaną z wpływem zmian cen energii na jakość życia społeczeństwa. Autorzy próbują ustalić adekwatność definicji ubóstwa energetycznego do polskich realiów oraz określić, jak rosnące koszty energii elektrycznej wpływają na standard życia obywateli. Europejska polityka klimatyczna wymusza na wszystkich krajach członkowskich zmianę charakteru sektora energetycznego. Następuje odejście od energetyki konwencjonalnej ku niekonwencjonalnej; węgiel, jako paliwo tradycyjne, zastępuje się paliwem gazowym. Coraz powszechniejsze zastosowanie znajdują odnawialne źródła energii, ale ich efektywność ekonomiczna i energetyczna jest niska. Pociąga to za sobą wzrost cen energii i kosztów utrzymania, a także pogarsza poziom życia dużej części ludności. Coraz więcej gospodarstw domowych staje przed problemem wysokości opłat za energię i jej nośniki. Jedynym podmiotem, który może te problemy rozwiązać, jest państwo i jego agendy. Poruszana jest również rola państwa w kształtowaniu polityki energetycznej i polityki społecznej na podstawie ustawodawstwa krajowego oraz unijnego.
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