While endeavouring to document humour-generating [=HG] devices, we set out on a trek across various theories on language to see which of them – if any – could be made available for tapping in this respect. The idiosyncratic stance Coșeriu took on linguistic norms [=LN], in particular the view he advanced, that they are even apt to cause each other to be breached, greatly assisted us in blazing a trail on the comic effects that could be generated in the process. A synopsis of research on effects orchestrated by infringement of LN and ambiguity combined is presented in the second section of the contribution at hand, after reviewing a selection of theoretical rudiments of both HG devices in Section 1. The third and last section takes linguicomedy a step further, into the shifting sands of translatability, with a major focus on the translator as languacultural communicator. In the concluding remarks to the final subsection thereof we take the liberty to put forward a scale for rating translatability of LN-flouting humour (which just happens to differ – and with good reason, too – from Coșeriu‘s hierarchy of LN-breaching types), as well as the legitimate claim, in our view, of humour translation to a genre per se.
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With the ideal in mind of an extremely delicate balance between selfeffacing and self-asserting tendencies which both masters and their disciplesmust wisely maintain in the at times inevitably interchangeable assumption ofthese two most exacting roles, the author of the present study attempts to get tothe bottom of one of the most controversial master-disciple relationships, thatof S. Freud with C. G. Jung. Far from tacitly agreeing to take turns steering theboat, theirs is a constant interplay of exasperating rebuttals from wounded egosand daunting displays of superior knowledge.
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Inspired by the semantically equivalent series E talk one’s head/armoff – G sich ein Loch in den Bauch [= belly] reden – S hablar por los codos [=elbows] – R a i se duce gura [=mouth] la urechi [=ears; peripheralconstituent] – I fare una testa [= head] di qualcuno cosi, the approach at handis intended to complement the prevailingly language-based one and take theanalysis to the more complex, languacultural level, with the aim of bringingidiosyncratic patterns of forma mentis in individual languacultures to bear onsemantic selection of core constituents in interlingually synonymous idioms,and, while allowing for such factors as sheer frequency, contextual pragmaticclues, salient cultural practices or perceived gaps, also attempt to explore andaccount for similarities and contrasts both intra-languaculturally (i.e. withinlanguage families) and inter-languaculturally (i.e. across language families).The major focus of the present contribution – which merely broaches the topicat issue in this first research phase – is on ear and its interlingual synonyms asfeatured by idioms of English, German, Italian, Romanian and Spanishextraction.
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