The author presents a historical brief on 50 years of relations between Poland and China. He tried to make the bilance and review of the key issues in bilateral relations. Political relations are divided into two periods. The first period covers the years before 1989 when the Polish transformation started. Develop ment of relations in the 50s was very intensive, including exchange of the high level visits. The cultural revolution in the sixties began damaging the bilateral relations. The exchange of visits and coperation were resumed in the mid-70s. In the mid-80s the relations were upgraded after the visit of the Chairman of the State Council of the Polish People's Republic General Wojciech Jaruzelski to China. Zhao Zhiyang, the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China paid a visit to Poland. The bilateral trade between Poland and P. R. C. increased to 1 billion USD. A new period in bilateral relations began in 1989. In Poland the elec tion of June 4, 1989 was a significant symbol of political change. This date in China is another symbol: the symbol of bloodsheed in the Tiananmen square. In a strategical vision of China Poland is a peripherical country of the Euroatlantic hemisphere. The lack of economical benefits in eco nomic cooperation, hostile media and public opinion are the general fac tors responsible for setback in political relations and exchange of high level visits between Poland and China. În 1997 President Aleksander Kwaśniewski paid an official state visit to China. The two sides exchanged opinions on their relations in the field of politics, economy, culture, sci ence and technology as well as on international situation, The author presented the legal frames for bilateral relations in which economic exchange plays an increasingly growing role. In 1990 the sys tem of bilateral settlements was changed. Cousiquently, Trade turnover decreased to 200 mln USD a year. Today a huge imbalance is the biggest problem in bilateral trade relations. In 1998 the trade deficit decreased to 1 billion USD, The Polish side is now working on ways how to increase the export of Polish goods to China. The author hopes that the last meet ing of foreign ministers of China and Poland – Tang Jiaxuan and Bronisław Geremek will give a new impulse to develop bilateral relations on the turn of the new millennium.
The world has expected the reunification of Korea to be accomplished someday, but even experts on Korea were completely surprised to hear about the inter-Korean summit planned for June 2000. The summit was welcomed by the international community with hope that the last vesti ge of the Cold War would be liquidated in this region of the world. The authors intend to demonstrate that despite Koreans' common wish to accomplish the reunification as soon as possible, due to huge political, economic and social differences between the two Koreas the process will be very long. It: may require decades of rapprochement and cost much more than the reunification of much richer Germany.