The in vitro effects of iridovirus isolated from catfish on head kidney lymphocyte activity were examined in carp, rainbow trout and sheatfish. Mitogenic proliferative assay was used to demonstrate an immunosuppressive effect of iridovirus on the proliferative response of head kidney lymphocytes stimulated by ConA and LPS. The production of IL-2-like protein by head kidney lymphocytes stimulated by ConA or iridovirus-like agent was also examined in three species of fish. The preliminary in vitro study demonstrated an inhibitory effect of the iridovirus on the proliferative response of head kidney lymphocytes and on the IL-2-like protein production in carp, rainbow trout and sheatfish, but the highest suppressive effect was observed on sheatfish cells. The results suggested that the early-induced iridovirus pathogenicity is the inhibition of the proliferative response and cytokines production by lymphocytes.
Inducing protection against bacterial diseases in fish culture through the application of specific vaccines is one of the most important prevention methods. However, some immunization techniques actually used under hatchery conditions are not as effective as they should be. Therefore, current research is focusing on how to improve the potency and efficacy of the antigens and how to optimally activate the immune response. In our preliminary study, we determined the influence of the anaesthetic Propiscin (IFI, Poland) on the effectiveness of a vaccine applied by intraperitoneal injection or immersion to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The fish were vaccinated via injection or immersion with an anti-Yersinia ruckeri vaccine (Sanofi, France) under Propiscin-induced anaesthesia or without it. On day 21 after vaccination, all the fish groups were challenged with live Y. ruckeri bacteria (0.2 ml of bacteria at 1 x 10⁶ ml⁻¹ ). Control groups (only anaesthetized and injected PBS or immersed) were infected but not immunized by vaccine. The blood and pronephros were separated before vaccination (10 fish), 21 days after vaccination (10 fish) and 21 days after the challenge (10 fish). ELISPOT assays for the quantification of total immunoglobulin secreting cell (ISC) and specific antibody secreting cell levels (ASC) were used. The total Ig levels in the serum were also measured by spectrophotometric assay and the titers of anti-Y. ruckeri antibody were measured by the micro-agglutination method. Mortalities were collected and tabulated and the presence of pathogen was confirmed by isolation from fish kidneys. The results of this study showed that Propiscin applied at vaccination time increased the nonspecific and specific immune response and protective effectiveness of vaccine after the challenge with pathogenic bacteria. The highest level of total ISC and specific ASC in fish vaccinated by immersion and injections under anaesthesia were observed. The highest total Ig levels and titers of specific antibody in fish vaccinated under anaesthesia were also observed. Cumulative mortality rates were lowest in the fish vaccinated by injection (5%) and immersion (10%) under anaesthesia as compared with fish vaccinated by injection (20%) and immersion (35%) without anaesthesia. Cumulative mortality in the control, non-vaccinated group of fish was 80%.
Stosowanie swoistych szczepionek jest najbardziej efektywną metodą ochrony zdrowia ryb. Jednakże przy użyciu aktualnych technik immunizacyjnych uzyskiwane efekty szczepień nie są w pełni zadowalające. Prowadzone są badania nad zwiększeniem efektywności szczepień przez stosowanie środków antystresowych, eliminujących negatywny wpływ stresu polietiologicznego na organizm ryb. Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie wpływu znieczulenia ogólnego preparatem Propiscin (IRS) na efektywność szczepionki przeciwko Yersinia ruckeri podawanej w iniekcji lub immersji pstrągom tęczowym (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Wyniki porównywano z uzyskanymi bez zastosowania znieczulenia ogólnego. W celu sprawdzenia efektywności szczepienia 21 dnia po wakcynacji ryby poddano zakażeniu żywymi bakteriami Y. ruckeri. Bezpośrednio przed i 21 dni po zakażeniu od części ryb pobierano krew i nerkę głowową. Określano ogólną ilość komórek produkujących przeciwciała (ISC), poziom komórek produkujących swoiste przeciwciała (ASC), poziom immunoglobulin (Ig) w surowicy oraz miano swoistych przeciwciał anti-Y. ruckeri. Po zakażeniu eksperymentalnym kontrolowano stan kondycyjny oraz rejestrowano liczbę śnięć. Uzyskane wyniki przedstawiono na odpowiednich wykresach (rys. 1, 2,3,4,5). Wyniki badań jednoznacznie wykazały, że u ryb poddanych szczepieniu zarówno w iniekcji jak i w immersji w pełnym znieczuleniu ogólnym stwierdzono statystycznie istotnie wyższą odpowiedź immunologiczną określaną poziomem ISC, ASC, Ig oraz mianem swoistych przeciwciał. Również obserwowano znacznie niższy procent śmiertelności po zakażeniu eksperymentalnym u ryb poddanych immunizacji w znieczuleniu ogólnym.
Rainbow trout (10-20 g body weight) from a local fish farm were examined after low levels of mortality at a temperature of 10°C were observed. Dystrophic changes were observed only in the gills. Based on its unusual clinical presentation, this condition was termed atypical bacterial gill disease (ABGD). Only Flavobacterium psychrophilum was isolated from the gills. On the day the first symptoms of the disease appeared and on the third, seventh, and tenth days afterwards blood from 20 afflicted fish (diseased) and 20 unafflicted fish was drawn to examine the nonspecific humoral defense mechanism. In the present immunological studies a strong immunosuppression effect was observed in fish with symptoms of atypical bacterial gill disease. The results showed that serum lysozyme activity and Ig levels were statistically (P < 0.05) lower in fish with disease symptoms in comparison with control, disease-frie fish. The activity of serum ceruloplasmine was very high in fish with disease symptoms in comparison with the control fish. The results indicated that the suppression occurred as atypical bacterial gill disease was developing. All immunological parameters were statistically significantly lower after three, seven, and ten days of disease symptoms in comparison with the disease-free, control fish. This preliminary study indicated that ABGD with Flavobacterium psychrophilum has a strong suppression effect on the nonspecific humoral defense mechanisms.
W ostatnich latach obserwuje się znaczny wzrost zachorowań narybku pstraga tęczowego na atypową bakteryjną chorobę skrzeli, która powoduje znaczące straty w hodowli. Zmiany dotyczą jedynie skrzeli z których izoluje się najczęściej Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Flavobacterium branchiophilum. W prezentowanych badaniach określano wpływ atypowej bakteryjnej choroby skrzeli wywołanej przez Flavobacterium psychrophilum na wybrane nieswoiste humoralne mechanizmy obronne u narybku pstrąga tęczowego. Uzyskane wyniki badań jednoznacznie wykazały, że w czasie rozwoju choroby stwierdzono statystycznie istotne (P < 0,05) obniżenie aktywności lizozymu oraz poziomu Ig w surowicy badanych ryb, w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną, u której nie stwierdzono zmian chorobowych oraz nie izolowano Flavobacterium psychrophilum. W tym okresie stwierdzono statystycznie istotny wzrost aktywności ceruloplazminy, przy braku zmian w poziomie białka całkowitego. Wstępne badania sugerują, że Flavobacterium psychrophilum może indukować supresję nieswoistych mechanizmów obronnych, co pozwala na przełamanie bariery odpornościowej i kliniczny rozwój choroby.
Rhabdoviruses constitute one of the most pathogenic viruses isolated from: rainbow trout and carp culture. Several viruses were also isolated from other species of fish. These viruses are mostly "associated with epizootics and heavy losses. Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV) and pike fry rhabdovirus (PFRV) have been the most extensively studied, due to their significant economic impact. Significant progress has been made towards controlling the major bacterial fish diseases using vaccines, but this approach has not yet been successful in preventing viral diseases in fish culture. However, for an effective therapeutic approach, specific drugs should be developed to selectively inhibit virus replication and/or stimulate antiviral protection. In this investigation we examined the in vitro influence of methisoprinol on the SVCV and virus isolated from catfish (Ictalurus melas) replication by measuring their RNA synthesis. The viruses were propagated in EPC cells and cell cultures containing methisoprinol were followed by infection with SVCV or catfish rhabdovirus suspension containing 107TCID50/ml. Methisoprinol (Polfa, Poland) at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 μg/ml of medium (Glasgow MEM) was used in this study. The results of this study show the strong inhibition of incorporation (cpm) of [3H]-uridine into SVCV and catfish rhabdovirus RNA in cell culture exposed to methisoprinol at various concentrations. The highest percent of inhibition of viral RNA at 72 h after infection with two rhabdoviruses were observed in doses of 400 and 500 μg/ml of methisoprinol in medium. The results of this in vitro study showed that methisoprinol inhibits the rhabdoviruses isolated from carp and catfish.
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