The analysed handbook is a Polish translation of Piotr Krescencjusz’s latin books de Ruralia commoda that were very popular in medieval Europe. The books were printed for the first time in 1471, 150 years after the author’s death. Translated into many languages, the books were printed subsequently in Polish in 1549 and 1571. The subject of the work is 65 names for 29 herbs, all coming from the 2nd part of IV book entitled Wtora czesc o rzeczach ogrodnych/ które nie tak ku pokarmowi jako dla lekarstwa albo tez dla lubosci bywaja chowane. The collected names were compared with the Latin version, the first Polish edition and other historical herbals, for example manuscripts compiled by J. Rostafiński, books about herbs by M. Siennik, S. Falimirz, K. Kluk, B.S. Jundzicz. The analysis of the material focuses both on the correlation between the translation of original Latin edition and Polish historical names and on the originality of herbal names surviving up to modern times.
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The outline addresses the set of songs included in one of the editions of the Toruń cantional by Petrus Artomius (1601). The small extract of the text provided the opportunity to grasp the range and nature of the changes taking places in the Old Polish language when the Polish culture was affected by the Reformation. For this reason, the author attempted to indicate the origin of the works and to trace the edition modifications introduced in the text with particular emphasis on linguistic alterations. In the cantional there appear texts rooted in the Polish Catholic tradition of religious songs (e.g. XVII, XX, XXI, XXVI, XXVII), translations of Protestant carols of Martin Luther known from earlier songbooks (e.g. XXX, XXXII, XXXVI); however, they are often new, modified versions of the songs. In comparison with the first edition of the cantional, the discussed edition was somewhat reorganized, which may be observed in the editor’s attempt to modernize the language of the songs. On the basis of the presented description of philological- stylistic nature one may conclude that the language of the old Protestant community of Toruń did not differ significantly from the Old Polish language of the time. On the one hand, the texts included in the cantional refer to medieval songs stylistically and linguistically. On the other hand, they illustrate the popularity and universality of Polish songs used in religious practices of Protestants, not only Lutherans.
The paper comprises a description of the religious language used in the Renaissance. It addresses the topic of the literature of Reformation and Counter-Reformation (Catholic Revival) periods and its significance as a uniting force for a given community of believers. Moreover, the paper describes the linguistic solutions and means of persuasion used to achieve that purpose. The study material are three sixteenth-century texts: two that originated in two Christian denominations – Catholic and Protestant ones (sermons published by Piotr Skarga and Petrus Artomius on the occasion of the Assumption Feast of Mary the Virgin in 1595) and one that derives from Islam (Surah 7 of the Quran “The Heights” translated by the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 16th century). The analysis covers the structure of these historical texts, the exponents of dialogue and the linguistic means of persuasion which include, among others, evaluative and directive language as well as stylistic devices. Research has shown that the three religious polemical texts can be classified as persuasive literature of the Reformation. They comprise linguistic exponents with impressive and expressive functions. In the linguistic layer, the texts contain universal features of the religious code, such as openness and polysemy, which are expressed by analogy, comparison, metonymy, metaphor, and making non-assertive utterances. The paper discusses lexis excerpted from the texts and denoting values as well as volitive and imperative and persuasive and emotive vocabulary with noticeable dichotomic references to what is good and what is bad. These elements arrange the sacred space of the religious texts and constitute the axis of integration for a given community of believers. The result of religious discourse of the Reformation is the presence of the exponents of the rhetorical style in Polish texts, which is manifested by the use of quotations from authoritative religious works, i.e. mainly from the Bible and the Quran.
Artykuł wpisuje się w nurt opisu języka religijnego doby renesansu. Zwrócono w nim uwagę na tematykę literatury reformacyjnej i kontrreformacyjnej (katolickiej), jej wymiar wspólnotowy, mający na celu scalanie wspólnoty wierzących oraz opisano służące temu celowi zabiegi językowe i środki perswazyjne. Bazą materiałową są trzy XVI-wieczne teksty, reprezentujące dwa odłamy chrześcijaństwa – katolicki i protestancki (kazania na dzień Wniebowzięcia NMP Piotra Skargi i Piotra Artomiusza z 1595 r.) i islam (sura Koranu pt. Wzniesione krawędzie w tłumaczeniu Tatarów WKL, XVI wiek). Analizie poddano strukturę zabytków, wykładniki dialogiczności oraz językowe środki perswazji, na które składa się słownictwo wartościujące, dyrektywne i środki stylistyczne. Badania dowiodły, że omówione tu polemiczne teksty religijne wpisują się w nurt piśmiennictwa reformacyjnego o charakterze perswazyjnym. Znajdujemy w nich wykładniki językowe o funkcjach impresywno-ekspresywnych. W warstwie językowej teksty te realizują uniwersalne cechy kodu religijnego, takie jak otwartość i polisemia, które wyrażają się przez analogię, porównanie, metonimię, metaforę, mówienie poza asercją. Omówiono wyekscerpowaną leksykę nazywającą wartości, słownictwo wolitywne i nakłaniające oraz perswazyjne i emotywne, z zauważalnym odniesieniem dychotomicznym do tego, co dobre i złe. Wskazane tu elementy organizują przestrzeń sakralną tekstu religijnego i są osią, wokół której integruje się grupa wyznaniowa. Pokłosiem reformacyjnego dyskursu religijnego jest obecność w polskojęzycznych tekstach wykładników stylu retorycznego, co wyraża się wprowadzaniem cytatów z dzieł autorytetów religijnych, tj. głównie Biblii i Koranu.
The article addresses the question of the Internet activity of anonymous amateur translators and fans’ translations of subtitles for series using the example of Korean dramas. The authors focus on analysing the genre of commentary in the audiovisual narrative – TV series. The authors put forward the thesis that the synthetic model of communication in the Internet stimulates communication activity, which affects the transformation of language patterns. Series commentary has been considered to be a new type of genre pattern functioning in the media. What is novel is the kind of cultural text within which a given commentary appears. It may be compared to a commentary which is an explanation, a supplement to the text it refers to. It may also be compared to a more recent pattern – the Internet commentary.
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