Susza jest najdroższym zagrożeniem naturalnym na świecie. Wystąpieniu suszy nie można zapobiec, ale dzięki zrozumieniu mechanizmów jej powstawania oraz określeniu warunków sprzyjających jej rozprzestrzenianiu się można wpływać na zmniejszanie lub ograniczanie jej skutków. Obserwowana zmiana klimatu i świadomość konsekwencji, w tym wzrostu częstotliwości występowania zjawisk ekstremalnych, stwarza potrzebę wdrażania działań adaptacyjnych. Działania te pozwolą na dostosowanie się do zachodzących zmian w środowisku naturalnym oraz ograniczenie konsekwencji związanych z występowaniem suszy.
Drought is the most expensive natural hazard in the world. Drought cannot be prevented but, understanding the mechanisms of its occurrence and determining the conditions contributing to its propagation, we can limit or mitigate its effects. The observed climate change and awareness of the consequences, including an increase in the frequency of extreme phenomena, creates the need to implement adaptation measures. They will allow for an adaptation to changes occurring in the natural environment and reduction of drought consequences.
The method based on original metric called Hydromorphological Index for Rivers (HIR) was developed in 2017 for the purpose of the monitoring of the hydromorphological status of flowing waters in Poland. It fulfils the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). It allows the assessment of both lowland rivers as well as mid-altitude and highland streams. The proposed system can be used to assess the natural and heavily modified rivers as well as artificial channels. The basis of the proposed system is a field survey, which is supplemented by the analysis of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data and remote sensing materials. The analysis of the GIS data and remote sensing materials already enable to estimate preliminary classification of the hydromorphological status of the non-surveyed water bodies. On the basis of the field survey, the principal HIR value can be estimated for the considered river site and comparing with the reference conditions, the hydromorphological quality status in the five-class system can be calculated. The properly selected, representative survey sites (one or more depending on the heterogeneity of the environment), enable the classification and evaluation of entire surface water bodies in the framework of the national environmental monitoring. The GIS component of the HIR proved to be useful in verifying the determination of heavily modified water bodies and in assessing the needs of river restoration. It was also applied in the development of the National river restoration program for predicting the impact of the proposed restoration measure on the state of hydromorphology.
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