This text discusses the main themes of the postcolonial critique of Max Weber’s sociological theory. Beginning with a sociological interpretation of the concept of a classic figure, the author lists the reasons why Weber should be recognized as the theorist most responsible for sociology being considered in separably connected with Western imperialism and colonialism. The author first reconstructs the premises Weber used to support sociology’s claim to be a science of universal validity, then interprets his concept of the ideal type and discusses criticism of the concept, as exemplified by the works of the British sociologist Gurminder Bhambra. In analyzing postcolonial critiques of the ideal type as a methodological tool, two issues are emphasized: the normative hypostasing of the ideal type, and the disruption to Weber’s procedure of creating and critiquing the ideal type that has occurred as a result of representatives of non-Western cultures joining the dialogue and revealing the limitations of the type’s communicativeness and thus of its universal validity.
Norbert Elias never presented his views regarding collective memory in a systematic manner. However, his approach may be reconstructed on the basis of such works as The Civilizing Process, Time: An Essay and The Symbol Theory. The most important tenet of Elias is that human memory can only be explained by the symbol theory. Human ability to use socially created symbols in communication is applied in activities in which symbols are used (speaking, thinking, knowing and remembering), which makes memory a part of general process of symbolic communication. Memory research needs to account for the interactive and communicational origins of both individual and collective remembering. One of the crucial issues related to remembering is collective forgetting. According to Elias it operates by three main mechanisms: (1) elimination and creation of fantastic notions (fantasy being a substitute and subsidiary for experience), (2) modification of social canons of reference as a result of power struggle in social figurations, and (3) delegitimization of alternative imageries by means of marginalization or elimination of groups acting as their social vehicles. I discuss these mechanisms and the dynamics of memory they entail in the broader conceptual framework of the theory of civilizing processes referring to Central and Eastern European examples in order to demonstrate the productivity of Elias’s interdisciplinary and multidimensional analysis in social memory studies focusing this region.
Złożoność społeczna jest jednym z najważniejszych problemów, z jakimi mierzy się dziś socjologia. Tekst rozpoczyna się od krótkiego spojrzenia na źródła naszego dzisiejszego myślenia o złożoności, które prowadzi do diagnozy dwóch podejść do złożoności w socjologii, określonych jako jej redukcja i eskalacja. Następnie krótko zarysowana zostaje analogia między tymi podejściami a dwoma rodzajami wiedzy praktycznej wytwarzanej w odpowiedzi na problem złożoności, czyli utopiami jedności i różnicy. Tekst kończy się próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy zaangażowanie w myśleniu o złożoności nie stanowi przeszkody w jego właściwej diagnozie.
Social complexity is one of the main problems which sociology is facing nowadays. The article begins with a short overview of sources of contemporary ideas of complexity, which leads towards a diagnosis of two sociological approaches to complexity, which are called “reduction” and “escalation” of complexity. Next, a short analogy is drawn between the two approaches and two kinds of practical knowledge produced as an answer to the problem of complexity, which are utopias of unity and utopias of difference. The text concludes with an attempt to answer the question whether the engagement (involvement) in our thinking about complexity is not a handicap in our efforts adequately to diagnose the problem.
Norbert Elias conceptualized social inequality as a result of shift in relative social forces of individuals in figurations, in which framework he also viewed the inequality between men and women. In this paper I examine the main thesis of what could be named Elias’s gender sociology: firstly, men and women use different strategies in their striving for an increase in relative power depending on their social position, and secondly, one of the most effective strategies which may be successfully used by the weaker party in order to change the distribution of power between the sexes is redefining the arsenal of cultural weapons used in this struggle. The antagonism between men and women trying to draw as much power as possible to themselves in the zero-sum social game can become very fierce, especially if the use of physical violence is legitimized on a respective level of civilization. On the other hand, according to Elias’s basic theoretical assumptions all individuals in a figuration are interrelated and interdependent, which restrains direct violence as well as suppresses radical liberation tendencies. This makes it easier for women to engage in strategies of coping with oppression on institutional, symbolic and proxemic level, which are discussed in the final part of the paper.
Punktem wyjścia dla artykułu jest rozdarcie tradycji socjologicznej pomiędzy poszukiwaniem neutralnego spojrzenia na swój przedmiot a społecznym zaangażowaniem. Autorka pokazuje, że napięcie to od ponad wieku nadaje rytm rozwojowi myśli społecznej oraz instytucji badawczych i akademickich. Analizuje trzy wątki we wspólnej historii socjologii i kultury kapitalizmu: pacyfikację, przemoc i ryzyko. Podkreśla rolę neutralności dla pacyfikacji kultury Zachodu. Twierdzi, że w późnym kapitalizmie dominującą tendencją w myśleniu o naukach społecznych jest zaangażowanie, co sprawia, że socjologia częściej podsyca społeczne lęki, niż sprzyja – jak neutralne postawy badawcze – pacyfikacji.
The starting point is the chiasm in the sociological tradition between the quest for a neutral perspective and the social engagement. The author demonstrates that this chiasm has dictated the rhythm of the developments in social thought and research and academic institutions for more than a century. She analyzes three motifs in the common history of sociology and capitalistic culture: pacification, violence and risk. She also stresses the importance of detachment for the pacification in the Western culture. She claims that in late capitalism involvement has become a dominant tendency in thinking about social sciences, for which reason sociology is more of a fuel-provider for social fears than the factor favoring pacification, which is reserved for detached research attitude.
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