In this article, the author set out to analyze the war narratives of the Bosniak second generation – the generation that de facto did not experience the war, and base their stories on the experiences of their loved ones. The author shows how family narratives about the war affect the contemporary lives of those born after the war, and most importantly, how they affect contemporary ethnic relations in Bosnia.
W niniejszym artykule autorka chciałaby ukazać, że Oblężenie Sarajewa jest jednym z takich fragmentów przeszłości, który urósł do rangi narodowego mitu. Nie będzie nadużyciem stwierdzenie, że dziś to miasto, przez fakt, że nieustannie nosi ślady wojny, stało się swoistym sanktuarium dla etnosu bośniackiego.
In this article, I would like to show that the “Siege of Sarajevo” is one such fragment of the past that has grown into a national myth. It will not be an abuse to say that today this city, by the fact that it constantly bears the marks of war, has become a kind of sanctuary for the Bosnian ethnos.
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Kryzys, z którym od kilku lat mamy do czynienia na globalnym rynku finan-sowym, wymaga podjęcia coraz to bardziej radykalnych działań, które służyć mają przywróceniu długoterminowej i wieloaspektowej stabilności w sektorze bankowym. Skala obecnego kryzysu w obszarze działalności banków i jego skutki osiągnęły takie rozmiary, że działania stabilizacyjne powinny być reali-zowane zarówno na poziomie globalnym, kontynentalnym, jak i krajowym. W publikacji zaprezentowano przegląd najważniejszych działań stabilizacyjnych, jakie zostały podjęte w sektorze bankowym na terenie Unii Europejskiej w od-powiedzi na wyzwania i zagrożenia wynikające ze skutków obecnego kryzysu. Omówione zostały zagadnienia związane z tworzeniem i organizacją unii ban-kowej, nadzoru makroostrożnosciowego oraz kontrolowanej upadłości banków. Szczególna rola w tworzeniu nowej architektury z zakresu utrzymania stabilności finansowej w Europie przypada instytucjom sieci bezpieczeństwa finansowego w krajach członkowskich UE, jak i władzom unijnym.
The paper concentrates on changes in the public finance sector in recent years: a topic of great importance from the viewpoint of maintaining stability of finan‑ cial system and from both national and EU perspective. The effects of the current financial crisis have stressed the need for action to reduce the growing deficit and public debt. Debt crisis shows that it is necessary to conduct an effective fiscal con‑ solidation to put and maintain economies of many countries on a path of sustain‑ able growth. The paper begins with a brief presentation of theory. In the following part, the paper discusses structural and cyclical causes of the rising debt. Changes in the legal environment, including key issues, were also discussed. Fiscal rules, fiscal councils and the fiscal pact were therefore analyzed in detail. The authors furthermore pay attention to certain limitations and weaknesses of fiscal policy, stressing the necessity to look at the economy from a broader perspective and to use other tools and instruments of state policy. The study includes recent data on GDP, the budget deficit, public debt and expenditure and revenue in the EU.
The aim of the study was to analyze the stability of the financial system to answer the question if this stability has characteristics of the public good. If the answer is positive it determines the specific role of the state in the field of financial system stability. The paper presents also a theoretical aspects of the possibility to qualify the financial system to the category of public goods. The authors conclude that if the stability of the financial system is not in the strict sense the public good (or at least the common good) it should consider the scope and degree of responsibility of the state and its institutions for action aimed at stabilizing financial stability. The arguments presented in the paper demonstrate, however, in favor of the recognition of the stability as a public good. It is therefore a mandate for public sector interventions and interference in such a way as to minimize the risk of destabilization.
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