Kyōgen, a form of Japanese comic theater, was created and developed alongside Noh theater and in the beginnings it was mostly improvised on stage. Later, the actors started to write down whole texts of kyōgen pieces. In this article the language of kyōgen drama is discussed, especially some of the frequently used elements, like the phrases used by the main character to introduce himself in the beginning, phrases used as a reaction to the words of other actors or phrases and even full sentences repeatedly used in many dramas in certain situations. Although until the 19TH century Japanese theater was functioning without any contact with European theater, some resemblances can be noticed between kyōgen and Italian commedia dell’arte. These resemblances and differences are also discussed in the article.
Japońska farsa kyōgen kształtowała się w ścisłym związku z teatrem nō i początkowo była formą w dużym stopniu improwizowaną; później teksty sztuk zaczęto ustalać i spisywać w ich pełnym brzmieniu. Artykuł przedstawia język sztuk kyōgen, ich stałe elementy, takie jak przedstawienie się na początku, sposoby reagowania na słowa drugiego aktora, i powtarzające się w wielu tekstach stałe zdania lub frazy. Do XIX wieku teatr japoński rozwijał się bez kontaktu z teatrem europejskim, można jednak dostrzec pewne zbieżności pomiędzy farsą kyōgen a włoską commedia dell’arte, dlatego też formy te zostały skonfrontowane i wyliczone zostały podobieństwa i różnice.
The principal object of deliberations in this article focuses on: 1. the status of archaeological reflection pertaining to the materiality of the recent past; 2. the fates and roles of the material remains of World War I and their potential in shaping the temporal orientation; 3. the opportunities and dangers stemming from the interest in the material remains of the recent past. The aim is to demonstrate: a) the close interdependence between archaeology relevance and applicability; b) the dynamic character of the relation between archaeology, material remains and stakeholders; and c) the potential of archaeology to reinforce not only historical consciousness but also historical sensibility and the need for more attentive existence among things. As the significant challenges connected to the last aspects can be seen the dissemination with the help of archaeology the fact, that the number of soldiers of Polish descent that suffered across all WWI frontlines reached 1 400 000 of which approximately500 000 were killed! Theme for such thoughts’ targeting is the willingness to draw attention to the uniqueness and importance of archaeology of the recent past.
Dostęp do pełnego tekstu na zewnętrznej witrynie WWW