The load on passengers and transported goods in railway systems is mainly determined by the quality of the rolling performance of the wheel sets, which results from the interaction of wheels and rails in the medium frequency range. Also the cost-efficiency, the maintenance expenditure and the safety of railway operation depend strongly on the quality of the rolling status of the wheel sets, so that its continuous supervision presents one of the basic requirements of a to date railway operation. For the determination of the rolling quality of wheel sets an evaluation is undertaken by the KL- Transform of acceleration signals, measured at the axle bearing boxes.
Obciążenie wynikające z przewozu pasażerów i towarów w systemach kolejowych jest głównie zdeterminowane przez jakość toczenia się zestawu kołowego, która z kolei wynika z interakcji kół i szyn. Również efektywność kosztowa, wydatki na serwis i bezpieczeństwo pracy kolei, w dużym stopniu zależy od jakości stanu toczenia się zestawów kołowych, dlatego ciągły nadzór stanowi jedno z podstawowych wymagań nowoczesnej pracy kolei. W celu określenia jakości tocznej zestawów kołowych przedstawiono ocenę sygnałów przyspieszenia KL-transform mierzonych w skrzyniach lożyskowych osi.
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Extended abstract. The environmental impact (vibration, noise) and the recurrent maintenance needs of pavement, sleepers and rails depend strongly on the surpassing traffic, causing interaction between vehicle and track and creating its specific "Footprint". Most important is the time behaviour of the travelling contact forces between the wheel sets and the rails as an origin of load and excitation of the track panel. Against commonly raised opinions not only the vertical forces, but also lateral and longitudinal contact forces determine its damaging and destruction. The rolling wheelset obtains not only one the unique "balanced" habitation of smooth rolling along the track bed, but every other position of the wheelset relatively to the varying parameters the track, caused e.g. by track irregularities, curving, switches, wind forces, bogie design, speed etc creates restraints in the wheelset- and the track panel structure, which will discharge more or less continuously by friction induced vibrations. It is those vibrations, which cause corrugation, ballast deterioration, wear and noise/squealing and other environmental impact. The wheel set rolls under the described conditions "unhealthy" and the mentioned conditions should be detected by monitoring. A "smart sensor" should be used, reared to detect unhealthy rolling of the wheelset, indicating such undesirable impact onto the track and to the environment. The described smart sensor should be installed at first on certain trains, running on pilot lines, for instance in the East/West traffic (e.g. Warsaw/Brussels). The temporary unhealthy rolling events should be reported together with their locations of the vehicle towards a monitoring centre (eg. by satellite communication), for a medium term improvement of the "footprint" and the rolling quality of the wheel sets. A co-operation with the IPPT, Cracow Technical University and Prof. Diomin, Kiev is intended. Such insights, gathered from the expected results, can later on be introduced into the design of "enviromental friendly" bogies as well as into the design of improved track beds. Also inputs and recommendations to the TSI are to be expected. They are important, because the transborder traffic, especially in the East/West corridor, will increase within the coming years. Also a more gentle railway transportation of goods will facilitate the decision of haulage contractors, to use again more railway- instead road transportation.
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The quasi-online surveillance of the state conditions (position, speed, temperature, running behaviour) is an actual demand of advanced logistics and telematics in railway vehicle operation. In recent years satellite communication has appeared as an adequate facility to comply with these requirements. In the mutual EUREKA-project Trancelog Safety (E! 2635) partners of the three countries Poland, Ukraine and Germany made joint efforts to develop such a solution using geostationary INMARSAT satellites. It was successfully demonstrated on a travel of the PESA designed, new sleeping car (PKP), riding from Warsaw to Sewastopol and back, that at the control center position and speed (by implemented GPS) and other sensor data were available and could be monitored on a digital map, displaying the railway lines and the actual course of the sleeping car.
Nadzór warunków statusu quasi online (pozycja, prędkość, temperatura, zachowanie w czasie jazdy) jest rzeczywistym wymogiem zaawansowanej logistyki i telematyki w pracy kolei. W ostatnich czasach komunikacja satelitarna okazała się odpowiednim urządzeniem do spełnienia tych wymogów. We wspólnym projekcie EUREKA Trancelog Safety (E! 2635) partnerzy trzech krajów - Polski, Ukrainy i Niemiec wspólnymi wysiłkami opracowali takie rozwiązanie za pomocą satelitów geostacjonarnych INMARSAT. Zostało ono z powodzeniem zademonstrowane na jeździe zaprojektowanego przez PESA nowego wagonu sypialnego (PKP), na trasie z Warszawy do Sewastopola i z powrotem. W tymczasowym centrum sterowania dostępne były do monitorowania na mapie cyfrowej pozycja i prędkość (za pomocą wdrożonego GPS), oraz inne dane z czujników, wyświetlając trasę na torach i rzeczywisty kurs wagonu sypialnego.
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The quasi-stationary curving behaviour, which is a common concept in wheel/rail interaction theory, must not necessarily be stable. An example is given, which demonstrates, that in narrow curving a bending/torsion coupled vibration occurs at the wheelset. It comes out, that this vibration is a classical nonlinear self-excited unstable vibration with limit-cycle. In real railway systems this described effect creates corrugation at the inner rail of the curving.
The presentation considers the term "critical speed of wheel/rail-systems". The equations of motion are written down and its solutions are compared with the experimental findings. Great attention is given to stable limit cycles and to nonlinear and linearized behaviour. Finally a more complex vehicle like a steam locomotive is studied for investigation of its critical speed.
Rail corrugations (germ. "Schlupfwellen") are wear pattern, which emerge during the transits of railway vehicles at narrow railway curves (R?250 m) and they are a menace to railway operators, especially if their railroad network exists in mountains. Therefore 6BB started recently a research program "OBO" (Optimierter Bogenoberbau) for better understanding and avoidance of "Schlupfwellen", which is mainly experimentally oriented. As a representative test track was the extended famous narrow curve at the valley of Brixen close to Kitzbühl chosen, and two Measurement sites where there established, one embedded in the ballasted track bed and another one on a steel bridge, situated in this curve. Measuring the passing trains, a rearly astonishing fact was discovered: Whereas in the ballasted track all well known typical features occur (vibration, bending and torsion of the rail, ... ), which produce the wear created Schlupfwellen and the dedicated grumbling noise, the wheelsets run properly on the steel bridge track and pass "friendly" the associated curve segment! Dicussing the ascertained fact, it was realized that on many European steel bridges such phenomena happens! The paper ends assuming that a broad-band vibration of the rail heads upon the steel bridge reduces the friction coefficient in the wheel/rail contact area ("Flange oilers"). This can be the reason for the smooth travel at the bridge. This may also be the basis for a technical application to overcome the generation of Schlupfwellen?
Korugacja szyn kolejowych, szczególny rodzaj falistego zużycia, który z języka niemieckiego, czy angielskiego można tłumaczyć jako fale poślizgowe. Zużycie tego typu występuje na torach o małych promieniach (R<250 m), jest kłopotliwe w utrzymaniu szlaków górskich. Z tego względu Austriackie Linie OBB rozpoczęły zorientowany eksperymentalnie program badawczy "OBO" (optymalizowana budowa łuków) w celu lepszego zrozumienia i eliminowania "fal poślizgowych". Jako reprezentatywny odcinek testowy wybrano słynny ciasny łuk w dolinie Brixen w pobliżu Kitzbuehl, na którym założone zostały dwa punkty pomiarowe. Jeden usytuowany był na stalowym moście a drugi na torze podsypkowym. Wyniki pomiarów były zaskakujące. Na torze podsypkowym wystąpiły dobrze znane zjawiska (drgania gięto - skrętne szyn), które wywoływały fale poślizgowe i towarzyszący im hałas. Zaskakujące było, że zestawy kołowe toczyły się poprawnie na łuku usytuowanym na moście. Dyskusja tego zjawiska wykazała, że na innych europejskich mostach stalowych jest podobnie. Artykuł kończy się wnioskiem, że szerokopasmowe drgania główki szyny na mostach redukują siły tarcia na styku koło-szyna co jest przyczyną "gładkiego" przejazdu. Zjawisko to może być podstawą zastosowań technicznych do unikania generowania fal poślizgowych.
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Artykuł dotyczy przeglądu badań związanych z oceną stanu technicznego toru i pojazdu szynowego na podstawie pomiaru sił, przyspieszeń i temperatury na korpusach łożysk zastawów kołowych. Podano wstępną propozycja klasyfikacji stanu toru opartą na jakości oddziaływania pojazdu szynowego z torem.
Paper deals with overview of investigation concerning the evaluation of technical state of track and rail vehicles on basis measured forces, acceleration and temperature on bearings of wheel sets. The preliminary classification of the track states based on the quality of track/ rail vehicle interaction is proposed.
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In the mineral processing industry the use of large gearless cycloconverter drive systems for SAG-Mills has become more and more common in the recent years. Very high power ratings with excellent dynamic performance and high efficiency over a wide speed range allow advanced optimization of the process. The design of such large mill drive systems requires modern simulation tools to verify the system behavior. An optimized design must take into account the mechatronic interaction between all individual mechanical and electrical components. Calculation methods and related design targes must be defined in a very early stage of the project to allow simultaneous engineering.
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