The objective of the research was to identify and select homogeneous segments of consumers in terms of their competence on the market of the financial services, as well as to evaluate the influence of the consumers’ economic competence on the relations with banks. The sociodemographic features as well as the place that the consumer occupies within the social structures provide a poor explanation of the evaluation of the banks. Opinions about banks are poorly correlated with the socio-economic status of the consumer. There is a weak relationship between the economic status of the consumer and his/her economic competence. There is a strong correlation between the economic competence of a consumer and the overall evaluation of the banks. Four homogeneous groups of consumers were selected in terms of economic competence: Self-excluded (17%), Uninterested (48%), Second-raters (30%), and Leaders (6%). The segmentation was conducted using latent class analysis (LCA). The latent class analysis enabled one to identify the subtypes of the interconnected features which are unobserved in the traditional model. The source of the empirical data is comprised of the field research results conducted by the CAPI method on a nationwide representative sample of the residents of Poland, N=3000.
Głównym celem opracowania jest ocena zmienności cen wybranych sortymentów drewna w nadleśnictwie Płock. Przeanalizowano ceny ośmiu rodzajów drewna zgodnie z zasadami dekompozycji szeregów czasowych przy użyciu metody CENSUS II X-11. Za pomocą analizy widmowej Fouriera dokonano także oceny długości trwania cykli kształtowania się cen. Dane pochodziły z nadleśnictwa Płock i obejmowały lata 2004—2014 w układzie miesięcznym. Na podstawie badania stwierdzono, że ceny drewna w nadleśnictwie Płock cechują się wyraźną zmiennością o charakterze systematycznym, co oznacza, że można wyodrębnić trend i cykliczność. Wyniki przeprowadzonych obliczeń ukazały również istotną skalę sezonowych i przypadkowych wahań cen drewna. Analiza cen drewna wykazała trend rosnący dla wszystkich sortymentów, natomiast dynamika wahań sezonowych różniła się w zależności od sortymentu. Stwierdzono znaczne natężenie wahań przypadkowych, które odznaczały się wysoką amplitudą odchyleń.
The main aim of the research is to evaluate the variability of prices of selected wood assortments in the Płock Forest District. Prices of eight wood types were analysed according to the rules of time series decomposition using the CENSUS II X-11 method. The cycles length was also evaluated by means of Fourier spectral analysis. Data were obtained from the Płock Forest District and covered the years 2004—2014 on a monthly basis. On the basis of the conducted study, it was found that wood prices in the Płock Forest District are characterised by a clear share systematic variability which means that a trend and cyclicality can be distinguished. The results of this research have also shown considerable scale of seasonal and accidental fluctuations in wood prices. The analysis of wood prices showed a growing trend for all assortments, while the dynamics of seasonal fluctuations differed depending on the assortment. Significant intensity of random fluctuations was found, which were characterised by high amplitude of deviations.
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During the technological processing of staple fibers into yarn drafting, waves are formed which increase the irregularity of yarn linear density and consequently affect the yarn quality. Even a correctly performed technological process does not allow one to completely eliminate yarn faults (thin and thick places, neps) and yarn irregularity. All the yarn imperfections distinctly become apparent in flat textiles made of such a yarn. The quality of the yarn produced should be assessed already in spinning mill, using the results obtained to conclude on the quality of woven or knitted fabrics. Modern metrological laboratories in spinning mills possess Uster Tester 5 (UT5) apparatuses that not only assess the yarn quality with respect to the irregularity of linear density, faults (thin and thick places, neps), or hairiness, but also using the test results obtained make it possible to create a digital image of the predicted appearance of a flat fabric made of the yarn tested. This article presents a computer-aided method of the analysis of the woven and knitted fabric images obtained from UT5 that allows one to assess the significance of particular yarn parameters in the predicted appearance of flat fabrics.
Celem badania jest identyfikacja i projekcja tendencji rozwoju rynku płatności bezgotówkowych w Polsce w zakresie wykorzystywania kart płatniczych. Badanie przeprowadzono na podstawie danych Europejskiego Banku Centralnego (EBC) dla krajów UE za lata 2000—2014. Zastosowano metodę analogii przestrzenno-czasowych. W Polsce obserwuje się wyższą niż średnia UE dynamikę wykorzystania kart płatniczych w płatnościach przy terminalach POS (w punktach handlowych). Jednakże pod względem takich mierników, jak liczba kart płatniczych per capita oraz liczba terminali POS i bankomatów na 1 mln mieszkańców zaobserwowano ponad 10-letni dystans dzielący Polskę od średniej UE. Rynek w Polsce wykazał podobieństwo do 20 krajów UE i utrzymanie tendencji rozwojowych przynajmniej do roku 2020.
The aim of this article is to identify and project trends in the development of the non-cash payment market in Poland in terms of the payment cards use. The study was carried out on the basis of data from the European Central Bank (ECB) for EU countries for the years 2000—2014. The space-time analogy method was used. In Poland, the dynamics of payments by card at POS terminals (in commercial outlets) is higher than the EU average. However, in terms of such measures as the number of payment cards per capita as well as the number of POS terminals and ATMs per 1 million inhabitants, the gap between Poland and the EU average is over 10 years. In Poland, market was similar to 20 EU countries and will maintain development trends at least until 2020.
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