W artykule przedstawiono zmiany w rolnictwie i na obszarach wiejskich powstałe po roku 1989 w wyniku prywatyzacji i restrukturyzacji rolnictwa państwowego. Głównie dotyczą one poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, wpływu na przemiany struktury agrarnej, społecznych konsekwencji oraz efektów gospodarowania nowych form organizacyjno-prawnych gospodarstw powstałych z Zasobu Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa.
The article presents changes in agriculture and in rural areas, which took place in the period of 1989-2001, as a result of restructuring and privatization of state-farming. The changes concern predominantly: - the level of socio-economic development of rural areas in 2001 shown on the basis of the Human Development Index which includes 30 characteristics. Voivodships with high proportion of former state-farm land were characterized by lowest values of the index, - the impact on agricultural structure. The supply of former state farm land contrib-uted to the improvement of the structure of private farms in northern and western Poland, in particular as result of renting land, as well as to the establishment of 5248 new land estates, - economic effects of privatized farms, which indicate the need for continuing restructuring and privatization, - social effects of transformation, i.e. unemployment, poverty and other negative phenomena which emerged as result of state-farm restructuring.
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