W artykule przedstawiono aktualne możliwości realizacji systemu bezpilotowych aparatów latających w ujęciu potencjalnego realizatora tematu. Ocenę wykonalności programu rozpatrzono w aspektach możliwości projektowych, technologicznych oraz ekonomicznych. Zaprezentowana droga do realizacji tematu jest propozycją uwzględniającą specyfikę i możliwości Polskich Zakładów Lotniczych Sp. z o.o. w Mielcu.
This raport shows current capabilieties for execution of the unmanned aerial vehicles system in terms of a potential executor of the issue. The assesment of the program practicability has been considered in view of design, engineering and economic capabilities. The presented approach for accomplishment of that issue is a suggestion taking into account a specifity and capabilities of Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. in Mielec.
The cable flight control systems are commonly used for the control of small airplanes. In these systems, the cables are the only elements transmitting loads from the pilot to the control surfaces. During a flight the cables are moving through pulleys and are subjected to variable loads. A simple analysis of stress in the cable shows that the stress generated by the cyclical bending on the pulleys causes the fatigue of the wires. This phenomenon was noticed on a military aircraft of the M28 family during periodic maintenance inspection in 2007. The endurance tests of KSAN cables of the diameter equal to 3.5 mm and 1.8 mm were performed at the PZL MIELEC. The tests showed the limited fatigue life of the cables due to a progressive increase in the number of broken wires.
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