The article recalls the events surrounding the issuing of the emergency appeal launched by the municipal authorities of the town of Poznań in 1874 for handing over books, journals and pamphlets to the Council Library. The aim behind the appeal was to collect as much material related to the history of the region and the contemporary issues of the areas that belong to the then Grand Duchy of Poznań as possible. On the basis of the analysis of the contents of the library Catalogue from the year 1883, i.e. the date when the effort was completed, one can say that, to a certain degree, the appeal led to a successful completion resulting in a quantitative development o f the resources. However, the author also points at the qualitative shortcomings in the ensuing growth of the collections. The employed analysis proves that the basic task of the appeal was not fulfilled and the library created in the process did not preserve sufficiently complete resource of works.
The article includes a description and analysis of empirical research, which by comparative means looked to determine the potential of various solutions for academic libraries in configuring the interfaces of online catalogues in support of opportunistic acquisition of information pertaining to scholarly literature. The research consisted of experiments using 22 different search instructions and an analysis of the results of other encountered sources. The research was carried out from May to July 2007 in 33 Polish libraries based on 8 different computer systems. The research allowed for the establishing of links between applied solutions in OPAC, the form of search instruction and the chances of discovering publications which are not able to satisfy the needs of an intentional and deliberate search, but can satisfy or even inspire other information needs of library users.
The article investigates and discusses the changes in the management of resources at Poznań University Library that were implemented over the last two decades (between 1992–2014). Based on the analysis of the internal regulations and adjustments concerning the acquisition policy and surrounding issues, the authors present the evolutionary process of its development over the last twenty years that has led to its present shape. Against this particular background, the accompanying changes in the work organization, structure and the management of the Library are also discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono zmiany zachodzące w zarządzaniu zasobami Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu w latach 1992–2014. Na podstawie analizy wewnętrznych regulacji dotyczących polityki gromadzenia i związanych z nią zagadnień zaprezentowano jej ewolucję w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu. Omówiono także towarzyszące jej zmiany w organizacji pracy i strukturze oraz zarządzaniu Biblioteką.