Stopień nasycenia panoramy elementami przyrodniczymi może stanowić jeden ze wskaźników miary jej atrakcyjności, a zarazem posłużyć jako narzędzie klasyfikacji krajobrazu, czy oceny zmian w nim zachodzących. Precyzyjna segmentacja obrazu, mająca na celu wyróżnienie obiektów naturalnych oraz kulturowych na panoramach widokowych, jest praktycznie niemożliwa, jeżeli materiał stanowią fotografie rejestrowane w zakresie widma widzialnego. W artykule podjęto próbę zastosowania wskaźników NDVI oraz EVI, stosowanych w teledetekcji, dla wykrywania w panoramie elementów tworzywa naturalnego.
The extent of panorama saturation with natural elements can constitute one of indicators of its attractiveness, and at the same time, can serve as a tool for landscape classification or its transformation monitoring. The precise image segmentation, focussed on natural and cultural objects distinction, is practically impossible, while the photographs registered in the visible range are used analyses. In the paper the attempt has been made to utilize NDVI and EVI indexes, used in remote sensing, for natural elements detection.
The aim of this paper is to present a method of landscape analysis with the application of computer techniques. In particular, it is useful in the case of decision making, concerning acceptability of the certain transformations of space, especially, when it has high visual qualities. The method is executed in several steps and the initial one consists in the creation of a digital terrain model, with regard to its cover. It serves for calculations of the visual impact extent. In the next stage, this area is investigated, taking into consideration its tourist and recreational activation. Panoramic photographs took in the fixed places are pre-processed, in order to distinguish cultural and natural substance. In the last phase, qualitative and quantitative analyses of views are conducted, indicators for which are, as follows: the average image brightness and its fractal dimension. Achieved numerical values can be helpful in the more objective expert decision making.
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