The article analyses the impact of axiological assumptions presented in a non-code legal act on the interpretation of the features of criminal provisions of the Act of 19 July 2005 on Contering Drug Addiction. Based on the provisions of the Act and historical interpretation, the author examines the most important criminal Articles – 62a, 70a and 72 – of the Act to find the legal norms. The norms presented in the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction are compared with their practical application by prosecutors – who are key executors of the criminal provisions of the Act. The author indicates dysfunctional interpretations of the provisions of the Act as applied by prosecutors that can be contradictory to the expectations of legislators. The article points the causes of that situation as well as lex ferenda and lex lata solutions.
Linguists can reconstruct a conceptualization of senses in Adam Mickiewicz’s writings on the basis of the writer’s language dictionary. Lexicon characterizing each sense were arranged in semantic categories connected with one another, which construct a frame semantic. The writer was susceptible to each of senses but most often he referred to sight and hearing. Mickiewicz used a complete variety of words specific to his epoch. Adam Mickiewicz didn’t form new words in the studied range of vocabulary.
Na podstawie słownika języka Adama Mickiewicza językoznawcy mogą dokonać rekonstrukcji konceptualizacji zmysłów w twórczości pisarza. Zebrane słownictwo właściwe dla każdego ze zmysłów ułożono w połączone ze sobą kategorie semantyczne, które tworzą ramę interpretacyjną. Pisarz był wrażliwy na każdy ze zmysłów, lecz najczęściej odwoływał się do wzroku i słuchu. Korzystał w pełni z bogactwa słownictwa właściwego dla swoich czasów. W badanym zakresie leksyki nie tworzył nowych słów.
People reproduce the experiences of their cognition in words that one combines into meaning complexes. A collection of semantic categories that describe a specific range of human activity is called a semantic framework. With this method, it is possible to describe the experience of human perception. The purpose of this article is to identify categories that describe knowing the sense of touch. There are four main semantic categories. These are ‚experiencer’, ‚perception’, ‚stimulus’ and ‚perception of touch’. The category ‚perception’ and ‚stimulus’ have a well-developed structure in the form of several subcategories.
Ludzie odwzorowują doświadczenia swojego poznania w słowach, które łączą w kompleksy znaczeniowe. Zbiór kategorii semantycznych, opisujący określony zakres ludzkiej aktywności, nosi nazwę ramy semantycznej. Za pomocą tej metody jest możliwe opisanie również doświadczenia ludzkiej percepcji. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie kategorii, które opisują poznanie zmysłu dotyku. Wyróżnia się tu cztery główne kategorie semantyczne. Są to ‘podmiot percepcji’, ‘percepcja’, ‘bodziec’ oraz ‘postrzeżenie dotyku’. Kategoria ‘percepcja’ i ‘bodziec’ mają rozbudowaną strukturę w postaci kilku podkategorii.
The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the senses by Jerzy Pilch included in the interpretation framework of each of them. Thanks to the research, one can see how the hierarchy of the author’s perceptions is presented and which ranges dominate in them. The material comes from Jerzy Pilch’s two early novels Spis cudzołożnic [List of adulteers] (1993) and Inne rozkosze [Other pleasures] (1995) and the last two Zuza albo czas oddalenia [Zuza or the time of distance] (2015) and Portret młodej wenecjanki [Portrait of a young Venetian woman] (2017). On this basis, we can see a crosssectional image emerging from all material. It is also possible to capture the differences between the older and newer parts of the artist’s output.
Artykuł jest poświęcony konceptualizacji zmysłów przez Jerzego Pilcha ujętych w ramy interpretacyjne każdego z nich. Dzięki badaniu można dostrzec, jak przedstawia się hierarchia postrzeżeń autora oraz które zakresy w nich dominują. Materiał pochodzi z dwóch wczesnych powieści Jerzego Pilcha Spisu cudzołożnic (1993), Innych rozkoszy (1995) oraz ostatnich Zuza albo czas oddalenia (2015) i Portret młodej wenecjanki (2017). Na tej podstawie uzyskuje się obraz przekrojowy wyłaniający się z całości przeprowadzonej próby oraz możliwe jest wychwycenie różnic pomiędzy starszą i nowszą częścią dorobku artysty.
Names of sounds are a base for forming new words. Among the derivatives created from names of sounds there are names of sources of sound, names of carriers of features connected with sounds, names of places and metaphorical expressions. These derivatives have three types of word-formation motivation: associative motivation attributing inessential, but perceptible features (typical for names of animals), proper motivation depicting sound as an essential semantic element of a referent (frequent in names of objects and appliances) and metaphorical motivation presenting a resemblance to persons or objects with regard to connection with sounds (characteristic for names of people and names of speech). Some typical roots denoting sounds have been used for the formation of new sounds, such as like klep- (tap-) depicting sounds of hits during handiwork, szczek- (bark-) which describes dog sounds, pisk- (squeal-) which names treble and long sounds and also głuch- (deaf-) applying to a lack of sound.
The article is devoted to old and new Polish patriotic songs. It contains an analysis of the content of the collected works. The old songs were uplifting in nature and were very important for national culture. They were used to shape identity and build community, and at the same time to communicate important events. They express love for the homeland, proclaim its beauty and the need to fight for the maintenance or recovery of freedom. The new songs were created after 1983 and are already part of popular culture. They are highly individualized and express the emotional personal commitment of the creator. In addition, they move away from religious themes. Modern patriotic songs consist of four currents: traditional, new attitudes, social and historical. Traditional and historical currents are the closest in value to old patriotic songs. The current of new attitudes becomes a place of searching for an individual reference to patriotism. The social trend registers reality and is sometimes used to take a critical look at what is currently happening in Poland.
A Blog is a hypertext genre with a large span of pattern in structural, pragmatic, cognitive and stylistic terms. This is due to its short history and large changes in Internet communication. The author of the blog must publish articles regularly for a long time to make money thanks to the blog. It introduces many modifications to the quality standard in order to match its activities. The most pronounced changes relate to the structure of the genre and include the addition of advertisements, sponsored articles, activation links and separate cards on the website (e.g. training, workshops, camps and shop). There is a strong influence of advertisers or principals who indirectly participate in the process of creating the text and assume the role of the message controller. Author's message is more likely than other blogs to be persuasive to promote their own activities and products. Presenting positive feedback on the products offered is one of the assumptions of the cognitive aspect of blogging. The second assumption is to build such an image of the author, which influences gaining confidence and acquiring as many visitors as possible to the blog. The style of blogging is very varied thematically and individually, and its main purpose is to realize pragmatic and cognitive assumptions.
Blog to gatunek hipertekstowy o dużej rozpiętości wzorca pod względem strukturalnym, pragmatycznym, poznawczym i stylistycznym. Wynika to z jego krótkiej historii i dużych zmian w komunikacji internetowej. Autor bloga musi publikować artykuły regularnie przez długi czas, aby zarabiać dzięki niemu. Wprowadza wiele modyfikacji do wzorca gatunkowego, aby dopasować je do prowadzonych przez siebie działań. Najwyraźniejsze zmiany dotyczą struktury gatunku i polegają na dodawaniu reklam, artykułów sponsorowanych, linków aktywacyjnych oraz osobnych kart na stronie internetowej (np. szkolenia, warsztaty, obozy czy sklep). Zauważa się duży wpływ reklamodawców lub zleceniodawców, którzy pośrednio biorą udział w procesie tworzenia tekstu i przyjmują rolę kontrolera przekazu. Przekaz autorski częściej niż na innych blogach przyjmuje charakter perswazyjny, by promować własną działalność i lokowane produkty. Przedstawianie pozytywnych opinii na temat oferowanych produktów jest jednym z założeń aspektu poznawczego blogów. Drugie założenie to budowanie takiego wizerunku autora, który wpływa na zdobycie zaufania i pozyskanie jak największej liczby osób odwiedzających blog. Styl blogów jest bardzo zróżnicowany tematycznie i indywidualnie, a jego głównym celem jest zrealizowanie założeń pragmatycznych i poznawczych.
The article is devoted to the names of the sounds whose purpose was to describe the hearing of the war in press and literary texts. There are generic names (sound, detonation explosives, the sound of strokes, the sounds of people, and the definition of silence in the texts. The research material allows to distinguish three types of wars: a) the modern with the sounds of aircraft and other equipment and explosions of bombs; b) the old war with the sounds of the weapons, the screams of people and the sounds of animals, and c) the war in the future — cosmic and yet not fully documented. The literary text describes more different situations, including more vocabulary and adjective terms. Press releases, albeit more numerous, have a lower number of different sound names and more modest adjectives.
Статья посвящена сравнению названий звуков, которые производят люди и животные. Такие слова принадлежат к большему набору лексики, определяющей мир слуховых восприятий. Исторические, грамматические и семантические закономерности для них одинаковы. Различия заметны в семантических деталях и прагматике этих названий, что касается, в частности, гораздо большей частоты использования названий человеческих звуков. Лингвистическая относительность в большей степени охватывает названия звуков животных. Широкое использование названий звуков животных по отношению к людям сопровождается регулярными негативными оценками и выражением презрения к человеку, указанному в качестве исполнителя звукового акта.
The article provides is a comparison of the names of human and animal sounds, which belong to a larger collection of vocabulary that defines the world of auditory perceptions. The historical, grammatic and semantic regularities are identical to them. Differences are noticed in detailed meanings and in the pragmatic of these names, which includes among other things, a much higher incidence of the names of human sounds. Linguistic relativism is more closely covered by the names of animal sounds. The widespread use of animal names for sounds in relation to humans is accompanied by regular negative value and the expression of contempt against the person designated as sound performer.
This publication aims to present the problem of disclosed sexual violence at higher education institutions in Poland in the light of available anti-discrimination regulations introduced at the University of Warsaw and standards provided by national and EU law. The paper further presents de lege lata institutions used in Poland as SLAPPs with a critical assessment of them and legal instruments possible to use in defence against retaliation. The study proceeds to present de lege ferenda solutions. Within the framework of the developed proposals for legal changes, an analysis is made of actions taken at the international level, particularly within the European Union, which constitute proposed legal regulations aimed at preventing legal retaliatory actions in the future. The analysis of the regulations contained in EU documents was aimed at investigating whether the guidelines enacted take into account effective protection of persons who, by disclosing their experience of sexual violence, expose themselves to retaliatory actions from the perpetrators.
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