Theoretical perspective for this study is created by sociology of leisure, or rather – the border area of sociology of culture, tourism and leisure. Paradigms: humanistic, the ecological, and systemic are also included. Own authors’ original concepts of leisure and lifestyle are presented. The scientific problem concerns the leisure activity of the middle class representatives. The aim is to describe and to compare this activity of a selected family to the national average: notes of one family from Central Europe concerning active recreation in the period 2010–2014. The research method has been a case study of activities for four periods of holiday. The Grounded Theory and analysis of a discourse was used. The case study is a qualitative method, not requiring statistical analysis. Results and conclusions are limited. The applied method does not allow to draw any generalizing conclusions.The family tended to be active, practicing various forms of physical or cultural recreation. They have been spending leisure time together for better internal integration. These people really enjoy ecological and healthy lifestyle.
Perspektywa teoretyczna dla tego opracowania jest tworzona przez socjologię czasu wolnego, a raczej pogranicza socjologii kultury, socjologii turystyki i czasu wolnego. Uwzględniono paradygmat humanistyczny, ekologiczny i systemowy. Przedstawiane są własne, autorskie, oryginalne koncepcje rozrywki i wypoczynku, czasu wolnego i stylu życia. Problem naukowy dotyczy aktywności czasu wolnego przedstawicieli klasy średniej. Celem jest, aby opisać i porównać tę aktywność na przykładzie wybranej rodziny z odniesieniem do średniej krajowej: według notatek z jednej rodziny z Europy Środkowej dotyczących aktywnego wypoczynku w okresie 2010–2014. Metodą badania była analiza przypadku działań w czterech okresy wypoczynku wakacyjnego. Zastosowano Grounded Theory oraz analizę dyskursu. Studium przypadku, jako metoda jakościowa, nie wymaga opracowania statystycznego, ale także nie upoważnia do wyciągania wniosków uogólniających. Badana rodzina wykazuje tendencję do aktywności, uprawiania różnych form rekreacji fizycznej i kulturowej. Oni starają się spędzać razem czas wolny zwłaszcza dla lepszej wewnętrznej integracji. Ci ludzie naprawdę realizują ekologiczny i zdrowy styl życia.
The theoretical framework for this research is the sociology of leisure and the sociology of health. Because sedentary behaviour (of employees) is a relevant new research area with important health risks, we decided to focus our attention on this subject. Moreover, sedentary behaviour in the workplace seems to be an important topic for the future. The general aim of the research is to provide a platform for exchange on effective approaches for promoting health-enhancing physical activity among workers, to learn from experiences in different European countries and to promote the most effective approaches across Europe. Two methods of qualitative research were used. The first was the method of expert judges. By way of direct interview, the statements of nine persons were collected, all of whom were recognised as competent judges. The second method was the analysis of the content of the literature (quality method). Using the computer program Atlas.ti, the respondents and their answers were examined. Most of the indications (89%) concerned responses indicating physical activity. In general, the experts are quite physically active and keep a healthy (in their opinion) diet. They have both knowledge and appropriate skills in physical education. They point to the growing interest of younger academics in health and fitness, which may be associated with trends in popular culture, such as a sporty lifestyle, the cult of the body, various healthy diets and supplements, etc., that are becoming the universal fashion. The aim of this work was to provide a platform for exchange on effective approaches to the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity among workers, to learn from experience in different European countries and to promote the most effective approaches across the region. Because the sedentary behaviour of employees is a relevant new research area with important health risks, we decided to focus our attention on this subject.
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