The article is concerned with the key elements of the offer of cause related marketing. At the beginning of the study the main questions connected with the conception are presented, and next a detailed description of the key elements of the CRM is given, taking into consideration their effect on consumer behavior. Our deliberations have shown that programs of cause related marketing are more effective when they are concerned with hedonistic products that have low prices, and when the support given as part of it has small unit value. Also the significance of the social problem for consumers, the amount of support offered and the reputation of the firm influence effectiveness of the actions.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wpływu preferencji wartości polskich konsumentów na zjawisko zrównoważonej konsumpcji. Dążąc do realizacji tego celu, sformułowano serię hipotez badawczych, odwołując się zarówno do teorii wartości, jak i teorii konsumpcji. Do weryfikacji hipotez wykorzystano dane z reprezentatywnej próby liczącej 2120 respondentów uczestniczących jednocześnie w badaniu Diagnoza Społeczna oraz Międzynarodowym Sondażu Społecznym. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że osoby wskazujące na przyjaciół, pogodę ducha oraz wolność jako najważniejsze w życiu wartości częściej dokonują wyborów rynkowych ze względu na cele zrównoważonego rozwoju niż pozostali konsumenci.
The article aims to show the influence of value preferences of Polish consumers on sustainable consumption. In order to achieve this goal, a set of research hypotheses was formulated, referring to both the theory of values and the theory of consumption. Data from a representative sample of 2120 respondents participating in the Social Diagnosis survey and the International Social Survey were used to verify the hypotheses formulated in such a way. The results show that those who indicate friends, cheerfulness and freedom as the most important values in their lives are more likely to select products for sustainable development goals than other consumers.
The paper analyses innovative changes in the enterprises from the new countries of the European Union. The analysis was conducted in cross section, according to the size of enterprises (small, medium, big) and the sector in which they function (industry, services). The following variables were used in the analysis of innovative changes: percentage of enterprises manifesting innovative activity, their share of incomes from the sale of new and modernised products in the total income from sale, and effects of innovative activity.
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