Celem prezentowanych badań była ocena zagrożenia ze strony intensywnie zagospodarowanych przemysłowo i rolniczo obszarów Wrocławia dla wód podziemnych sąsiadujących z nimi terenów wodonośnych. Na skutek przeprowadzonych prac terenowych i laboratoryjnych zdiagnozowano potencjalne ryzyko związane z napływem wód o podwyższonych stężeniach jonów niklu i potasu. Dla metali tych wykonano model migracji masy w wodach podziemnych. Obejmował on okres 10 lat, zakładając charakter zanieczyszczenia incydentalny – niklem i ciągły – potasem, na obszarach poza terenami wodonośnymi. W wyniku prac modelowych wykazano, że w badanym okresie nie dojdzie do przemieszczenia się jonów niklu w kierunku terenów wodonośnych. Możliwa jest nawet redukcja stężeń tego metalu na skutek procesu sorpcji. W toku prac modelowych stwierdzono możliwość niewielkiego zwiększenia stężeń oraz migracji jonów potasu, szczególnie z sąsiadującego z terenami wodonośnymi cieku Zielona, nie stanowi ona jednak zagrożenia dla ujęć terenów wodonośnych Wrocławia.
The aim of this study was to risk assessment from the intensely developed industrial and agricultural areas of Wroclaw for groundwater of neighboring water-bearing area. As a result of field and laboratory work, a potential risk connected with the inflow of waters with increased concentrations of nickel and potassium ions was diagnosed. For these metals mass transport model in groundwater was performed. It covered a period of 10 years assuming the incidental nature of nickel contamination and continuous potassium pollution. As a result of modeling works, it was shown that in the studied period there will be no transport of nickel ions in the aquifer towards waterbearing area. It is even possible to reduce the concentrations of this metal due to the sorption process. During the modeling was identified also possible increase of concentration and migration of potassium ions, especially from the Zielona stream, however, it is not a threat to the water intakes of Wrocław.
Evaluation of the chemical aggressiveness of shallow ground - water for the area of Wrocław was performed in accordance with the Polish Standard (PN-EN 206+A1:2016-12). This standard requires determination of pH and concentration of ammonium, magnesium, sulphate and aggressive carbon dioxide in water. The research was carried out on 96 groundwater samples collected in the period March-May 2021 from Holocene, Pleistocene and Neogene deposits. The results show that 58% of shallow groundwater in Wrocław was aggressive towards concrete and steel. The slight (XA1), moderate (XA2) and high (XA3) aggressiveness was characteristic for 32%, 23% and 3% of the analysed waters, respectively. The significant classification factors were the concentrations of aggressive carbon dioxide, sulphate ions and, less significant, pH. The presence of magnesium and ammonium ions in groundwater did not have any classification significance because of low concentrations. The occurrence of aggressive groundwater is associated with the environment of river sediments, mainly of Holocene and Pleistocene age. Groundwater beneath till and clay formations, mainly of Pleistocene age, and of anthropogenic banks and dumps shows significantly lower aggressiveness. Aggressiveness of groundwater sampled from the aquifer covered by Neogene clay deposit is not demonstrated. The aggressiveness of Wrocław groundwater shows a mosaic space character resulting from the geological structure of the city's subsurface formations and is probably also related to the form of land development. The most aggressive ones were associated with green, agricultural and liquidated municipal waste dump areas.
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In this paper, studies on transformation of various types of waste municipal bio-mass into furfural by acidic hydrolysis were presented. The amount of obtained furfural was 0.12-2.47% wt., based on the dry weight of biowaste subjected of hydrolysis. The yields of furfural strongly depend on the type of biomass used in the processes. What is more, obtained water solutions of furfural, without any purification, were used in the catalytic reduction processes over 5%Pd/Al2O3 catalyst. Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol were the only products of reactions of furfural reduction carried out at the temperature of 90° C and under the pressure 20 atm of H2.
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