Głównym celem badania prezentowanego w artykule jest weryfikacja występowania efektu domina przy zawieraniu umów handlowych przez kraje Unii Europejskiej z krajami spoza Unii. Rozważania teoretyczne pozwalają na wyciągnięcie wniosków odnośnie motywów podpisywania nowych umów RTA. Według teorii domina (Baldwin 1995), rząd reportera, który będzie decydował się na podpisanie umowy RTA z krajem partnerskim, robi to ze względu na umowy handlowe wcześniej zawarte przez kraj partnerski z innymi krajami, a główną przyczyną jest efekt przesunięcia, który mógłby dotknąć reportera. W analizie wykorzystany jest model logitowy dla danych panelowych, zaś efekt przesunięcia mierzony jest liczbą umów podpisanych przez kraj partnerski, stopniem współpracy (typem zawartej umowy) oraz wielkością preferencyjnego handlu. Występowanie efektu domina znajduje potwierdzenie w opisywanych w literaturze badaniach w odniesieniu między innymi do rozszerzenia Unii Europejskiej, jednak otrzymane przez autorów wyniki nie potwierdzają występowania efektu domina przy decyzji o zawieraniu nowych umów RTA przez kraje UE.
The main objective of the study described in the article is to verify the domino effect when concluding regional trade agreements (RTAs) by the countries of the European Union with partners from outside EU. Conclusions, based on theoretical considerations, might be drawn about the motives of signing new RTAs. According to the domino theory (Baldwin 1995), the main reason for a reporter country to sign to a RTA is the trade diversion effect. It has been hypothesized that governments decide on signing a RTA with a partner country that had previously signed the trade agreements with other countries. In our empirical study we use a logit model for panel data, and the diversion effect is measured by the number of contracts signed by the partner country, the degree of cooperation (a type of agreement) and the volume of preferential trade. The existence of domino effect is confirmed by previous studies described in literature by other authors with respect to, among others, widening the European Union. However, the results obtained by us do not confirm the presence of the domino effect in the considered case of signing new RTAs with countries from outside EU.
At the end of 2013, the European Union and China announced the start of negotiations on a bilateral investment agreement. It will be the first agreement signed by the European Union as a partner, and not by its member states. However, almost all of the UE member states have already signed this type of agreements with China. This raises the question of the added value of new contracts entered into by the European Union. Will the new agreement be able to attract new investors? The aim of this study is to demonstrate how the agreements concluded by the EU countries have influenced the volume of stock of foreign direct investment. This paper proposes an analysis of BIT and FTA & EIA agreements and then presents the results of an empirical study based on FDI stocks of the European Union countries.
In this paper we analyze how the participation in an monetary union is influencing trade among the member states as well as with third countries. We are especially interested, whether we can expect trade intensification as a result of participation in a monetarny union. Separately we analyze what kind of gains (direct and indirect, permanent or short time) is connected with the participation in a monetary union and what conditions have to be fulfilled for achieving these gains. We also compare trade gains and costs of participation in a monetary union. This last topic we analyse from the point of view of the representatives of two main streams of economic thinking: the Keynesian and monetaristic one.
ln this paper, we analyse the materiał structure of Polands exports of goods to the European Union and to the United States. In a general presentation of Polish exports, we aggregate all other trade partners than the EU and the U.S. to the 'Rest of the World' (RoW). We use descriptive statistics to check whatgoods are subject to export from Poland. We analyse data on various levels of aggregation. We prove that Polish exports aggregated to the CN sections and HS2 product groups to both destinations seem to be of higher technological advancement than export disaggregated to the HS6 product classification. On the higher level of aggregation, the material structure of Polands exports to the EU and the U.S. look more similar than those analysed on the more disaggregated level. We look at the material structures of exports to both partners from the point of view of the producers as well. We study Poland's exports of goods to the EU and the U.S. based on the HS6 classification and analyse the leading producers of the most important goods in sales to both partners. We show that most of them are affiliates of the foreign companies.
One in four of all households in Poland does not have access to the Internet, while in the EU15, the same refers to only one in every six households. In this paper we analyze the Internet infrastructure from both supply (broadband coverage-speed) and demand (usage of Internet by individuals-SMEs) side, as well as the affordability aspect. In particular, we search for biggest gaps of Poland’s Internet infrastructure in comparison to other European Union Member States (EU15 and NMS12). Our empirical analysis is based on European Commission’s and ITU’s databases. Moreover, we provide some recommendations for the government and enterprises exposing the biggest gaps of Poland and emphasizing the beneficial impact of the Next Generation Access networks.
In the paper we analyze the Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States and the European Union indicating its specific character. It comes with the parties’ particular characteristics (i.a. one party to a contract, the EU, is a collective entity).Weexamine both parties to the agreement and their position in the international trade in goods and services. The point of reference is global economy and BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). We also examine the EU and the USA trade relations. The examination covers the years 1995–2012.Weprove that the unification allows both the EU and the USA to take advantage of their significant role in the world trade to increase their impact on the global economic order. EU-US free trade and the agreement conclusion shall allow to intensify trade in services, and FDI flow shall allow to increase the advantage over BRIC countries (primarily China) and to make their economies independent from the instability of the emerging markets.
Adopting new technologies into the practice of national government can significantly improve the quality of public services and the government’s general performance. In this paper we present the results of our research on Poland’s performance of e-government in comparison to EU15 and NMS12. The analysis is based on data provided by Eurostat’s Information Society’s comprehensive database. We find that Poland, on average, is lagging behind other European countries from both SMEs perspective and especially from citizens perspective in implementing effective technologies in public sector. In this paper we deliver some recommendations for the polish government.
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