The aim of the study was determination of selected parameters of immunological response among hop growers and farmers in conditions of intensive exposure to means of plant protection. Survey data was collected from 238 males aged 25-70 living in the area of Wilkow near Pulawy (Lublin Region). Control group were males from the area of Witoszyn (Lublin Region) - 53 people aged 25-70 occupied mainly with land cultivation. Based on an environmental survey conducted among hop growers and farmers, the respondents were divided into 3 age groups: 25-40, 41-55 and 56-70. Laboratory tests covered the determination of selected morphological parameters, phagocytic test, NBT test, and myeloperoxidasis (MPO) concentration in blood serum of hop growers and farmers.A significant decrease was noted in the number of platelets in the general population of hop growers and in individual age groups, compared to the control groups of farmers. Analysis of individual sub-populations of leukocytes showed a significantly higher number statistically of basophils and lymphocytes among hop growers, compared to farmers. A detailed analysis of the degree of phagocytic and bactericidal activity of neutrophils allowed us to presume that during the period of spraying there occured a mobilisation of the granulocytic system, manifested by the presence of over 90% of neutrophils of intensified phagocytic activity, and 20% of neutrophils of intensified bactericidal activity. The preparations prepared by the routine NBT test method were analysed with the use of LUCIA computer programme (version 4.51). The analysis of the level of MPO in blood serum in the populations examined showed the presence of statistically significant differences. In hop growers, the MPO level was significantly higher statistically (60.0 ng/ml), compared to the control group of farmers (43.4 ng/ml).