Sprawozdanie z XII Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej Instytutu Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN „Kraków – Lwów: książki, czasopisma, biblioteki XIX i XX wieku” (Kraków, 13–14 XI 2014)
Report of the 12th International Conference‘Kraków – Lwów: Books, Magazines, Librariesin the 19th and 20th Century’ organized by the Instituteof Information and Library Science of the PedagogicalUniversity of Cracow
The article describes the origin and first nine years (1928–1936) of “Dzienniczek dla Dzieci i Młodzieży” (Children and Adolescents Journal), a supplement to the “Nowy Dziennik” (New Journal) published by Cracovian Zionists. The supplement was at first edited by Runa Reitmanowa, then by Marta Hirschprung. The Children and Adolescents Journal had its own vignette and numeration. It was created as a biweekly, but there were departures from this rhythm. The supplement was a valuable and extensive research material. It was there where the problems of the Zionist adolescents have been discussed. The supplement was a tool in the Zionist upbringing, it helped create the sense of national identity. The paper was published in Polish, put it propagated the cult of Hebrew. It allowed readers to create the published material. As Children and Adolescents Journal, it was published until November 1936. Starting February 1937, the editorial board of the New Journal started publishing the supplement for adolescents – “Świat Młodych” (World of Young) and bade farewell to the readers of the section edited by Marta Hirschprung. The analysis of the content of the New Journal shows that per the readers’ request there was a comeback of the section addressed to the youngest. The “Dzienniczek” (Little Diary) has been showing up irregularly from 1937 to 1939.
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