Rozwój Internetu i mediów społecznościowych wpłynął na zmianę środowiska komunikacyjnego, w którym interesariusze: klienci, inwestorzy, partnerzy biznesowi, pracownicy mogą umieszczać i rozpowszechniać swoje opinie na temat przedsiębiorstwa i jego produktów. Specyfika funkcjonowania tych mediów powoduje, że stają się one zupełnie nowym, trudnym do przewidzenia i kontroli typem zagrożenia dla reputacji jednostek i instytucji. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja źródeł i typów ryzyka wynikających z funkcjonowania mediów społecznościowych w odniesieniu do reputacji przedsiębiorstwa oraz wskazanie implikacji dla zarządzania ryzykiem reputacyjnym online. Zastosowano metody krytycznej analizy literatury, głównie zagranicznej, a także wnioskowania na podstawie wyników badań międzynarodowych ośrodków naukowo-badawczych.
Development of the Internet and social media influenced the change of communication environment in which stakeholders: customers, investors, business partners, employees can post and distribute their opinions on the company and its products. The specificity of the functioning of the media means that they become completely new, difficult to predict and control the type of threat to the reputation of individuals and institutions. The aim of the article is to identify the sources and types of risk resulting from the operation of social media in relation to the corporate reputation and an indication of the implications for reputational risk management online. The following research methods were used: critical analysis of literature, mainly foreign, and judging the results of international research centers and scientific research.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to show the negative impact of greenwashing on the company's reputation and to propose ways of using CSR and green marketing tools to reduce green reputation risk. Design/methodology/approach: The article attempts to answer the question: How to use CSR and green marketing tools so that they are not perceived as greenwashing and do not generate green reputation risk? The following methods were used: literature review, deductive inference based on the analysis of the following concepts: CSR and sustainable development, stakeholder theory, corporate reputation management, stakeholder engagement and social innovation. Findings: The most frequently postulated method of limiting greenwashing is the legal regulation of CSR, but due to its weaknesses, it is proposed to develop cooperation with stakeholders in order to jointly create green strategies and social innovations. Practical implications: The methods and directions of activities limiting the negative effects of greenwashing in the context of reducing green reputation risk and improving the reputation management process were indicated. Originality/value: The article contributes to the development of reputation management theory by drawing attention to another source of reputational risk, the so-called green risk, such as greenwashing, with an indication of how to reduce or avoid it.
Purpose: This article is devoted to identifying major problems and obstacles to the digital transformation of SMEs in Poland in the context of the Covid crisis and to indicating directions and methods to improve the digitisation level in the SME sector. Design/methodology/approach: This article seeks to answer the question of what the SME digitisation level in Poland is, what the main obstacles hampering the digital transformation process are and how they can be removed. The following research methods were used: reference works review, analysis of secondary sources (reports from OECD, the World Bank, the European Commission, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), Statistics Poland) and deductive reasoning. Findings: The digitisation level of SMEs in Poland is relatively low and the main obstacles to accelerating the digital transformation include the financial and competence limitations which can be removed only with institutional support. Practical implications: This article mentions methods and directions of measures initiated by the government and other institutions to reduce obstacles to SME digital transformation in Poland. Originality/value: The article has informative values as it contributes to the development of knowledge on the impact of the Covid-related crisis on the speed of the digital transformation in the SME sector in Poland and in other countries worldwide.
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