rtykuł zawiera podstawowe informacje dotyczące robót geologicznych przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu badawczego „Gilowice”, zrealizowanego przez konsorcjum PGNiG S.A. oraz PIG – PIB w latach 2016–2018, będącego jednocześnie etapem I projektu Geo-Metan.
Between 2016 and 2018, the consortium of PGNiG S.A. and PIG–PIB (Polish Geological Institute –National Research Institute) performed reconstruction and intensification works at the intersectional well system of Gilowice-1/Gilowice-2H, drilled between 2011 and 2012 by Dart Energy (Poland) Sp. z o.o. Several modern technologies were used to obtain increased methane flow from coal seams. After lowering 4 1/2" casing strings into the Gilowice-2H well, hydraulic fracturing with a proppant was performed in the horizontal section (using plug and perf technology). Next, the production test commenced, consisting in its first stage in the collection of spent fracturing fluid (the so-called flowback ), and lowering the liquid surface in the well during the next stage so as to exceed the critical desorption pressure and obtain a constant flow of gas. Analysis of data obtained from the test confirmed the effectiveness of the technologies used: a 60-fold increase in gas extraction was obtained while using the same pressure depression. The results of the work carried out in the Gilowice-1 and Gilowice-2H well system were so promising that it was decided to drill further wells and designate them for hydraulic fracturing. In addition, the Gilowice-1 well was designated for management.
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