Przebadano sorpcję kwasów fulwowych na zeolicie naturalnym modyfikowanym manganem w obecności i bez obecności soli kationów dwuwartościowych. Biorąc pod uwagę ładunek powierzchniowy i budowę hydroksokompleksów stosowanych kationów oraz kwasów fulwowych i zeolitu wyjaśniono mechanizm usuwania kwasów fulwowych z wodnych roztworów. Wykorzystane w badaniach kwasy fulwowe otrzymywano przez ekstrakcję z kołobrzeskiej borowiny.
To study the sorption of fulvic acids (FA) from aq. solns. on a MnO2-modified zeolite (“Diapar”) in relation to salt (metal cation M2+) type, and to elucidate the mechanism of FA removal by sorption and filtration, salts (Cu sulfate, nitrate, or chloride, Ca nitrate, Fe chloride, etc.) were added (to a total of 0.5 meq M2+/l.) to 200 ml of a 20-mg TOC/l. FA soln. (FA concn. expressed as total org. carbon, mg TOC/l.). The soln. was rotated 200 rpm with 0–10 g zeolite/l. and centrifuged 10 min/4500 rpm. The FA contg. C 45.894, N 2.56, H 4.958, S 0.402, O 46.187, and ash 3.891%, were extd. from the Kołobrzeg (PL) mud deposits and ion-exchanged into the Na form. The zeolite contg. clinoptilolite 55, montmorillonite 13, ash 26, and quartz 6%, was treated with Mn2+ to ppt. MnO2 on the zeolite surface. Over pH 3–11, zeolite’s ζ-potential varied from –6 to –35 mV. In 20 hrs., 4 g zeolite/l. removed only 1 mg TOC/l.; with Mg2+ and/or Cu2+ added, only 2 mg TOC/l.. With 0.5 meq Fe3+/l. at pH 3–5, 0–1 g zeolite/l. removed 13–15 mg TOC/l. At pH 6–8 (Fe(OH)52-) and pH>8 (Fe(OH)63-), sorption was slight and nil, resp. The neg. charges present in excess and the resulting electrostatic repulsion disabled sorption, even if the complex-forming Fe cations were present.
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